Silence crept twixt evening's dark trees,

Here within this moss laden damp place,

Nought here seen, nor hiding their face,

No deep wood elves, none to appease,

No faerie glow, nor goblin's haunt,

Still calm only in darkening grace,

Why I sit here, myself to taunt?

Believing not, those old wives tales,

The challenge of a friend's strange dare,

To spend this night in woodland lair,

Perhaps perceive the nether veils.

Frightened, by what may confront me,

With panic into dreadful scare,

Departing thence, to laughter's plea.

This eve drew on, I sat to wait,

As darkness' depth wrapped slowly in,

I listened, for what, that might begin,

Such nervous thoughts, what of my fate?

Some distant owl, low rustle now,

Disturbing sounds to my chagrin,

A stirring near, but what and how?

No stars above canopy tall,

Day's glow gone, cold took of my frame,

Surely a fool playing this game,

Young child's stories did I recall.

Madness thoughts of fevered brow,

In panic's race, I'll hide my shame.

Pale mist with chill, but hot, but how?


How this, with trees' melodic tone,

Feint light shimmer in depths of wood?

This urge to move, but if I could.

Words dullish heard, as if in moan.

Low mist alight, spread swiftly here,

Somehow depart, to know I should,

But still now, in despair's cold fear.

Then gentle touch to my feared face,

Whose fingers these in velvet dark,

Upon my soul to leave their mark,

Am I in hell or God's good grace?

Lo, round my legs, a stirring too,

With it a sound, ne'er from a lark,

In terror's grip, all that I knew.

"Come my friend, calm, no need for strife."

Where these soft words, who uttered thus?

To great surprise, warm gentle buss.

"Your fear's now gone, come live this life."

Thence darkness gone, replaced with light.

Of image before; "Please come with us."

Such calm came from this wondrous sight.

Slender view of youthful fair maid,

Sweet aura was her golden hair,

Caressing gentle shoulders bare,

With great lengths of plaited braid.

She ushered, away from this place,

Hence to that dim distant glow there,

With a slight glance of her sweet face.

With her fair kind this place aglow,

In diaphanous garb so rare,

Modesty kept by their golden hair,

To that light, together did go.

Such long limbs and so fair of face,

Beauty as one, so gathered there,

To gently move, in fulsome grace.

Did we walk or float in the air,

Taking my hand, her gentle warm hand,

Another sweet buss of love unplanned,

Drifting there in beauteous sweet care,

Her eyes of deep darkness prevailed,

Visions seen of other life's land,

Through curtains feint, only slight veiled.

Slim fingers 'twined in lover's hold,

Looking now twice, my person bare,

I'd come this far and ne'er a care,

Here without clothes, was I this bold?

From waist down and with cloven horn,

Thick ginger mass of spiky old hair,

Not a bold inch ever was shorn

Not as a man but cloven half beast,

How could this be, 'twas magic true,

Captured by love, here I clung to,

As without halt, distance increased.

I shuddered at what I'd become,

Fear again, my body went through,

Truly I wished I could be home.

"Come my sweet thing, nothing to fear,"

"I am yours, forever, today."

"This, you must know, is our elvin way,"

"Come my sweet love, please be my dear."

"I hoped 'till now, years oh so long,"

"For one without, his darling faie,"

"And then, amour, you came along."

Into the light we finally came,

Here bright summer spread all around,

Faeries seated on the warm ground.

As one, calling, out my new name,

"You are our Pook, come dance and sing."

Within my soul, a new life found,

To lead them in one faerie ring.

I danced with song I did not know,

Elvin lover followed me true,

Such steps I made, those she did do,

With those faeries to follow so,

Up then to soar 'neath oak leaves vine,

A madness of bright lights crazed view,

From sweet nectar, from deep red wine.

I had not wings as faeries fair,

For giddy flight, but warm her hold,

Just enjoying whatever told,

Body so light, floating on air,

Down to the ground, besides the stream,

Telling legends and stories old,

That came to thought with ne'er a dream.

How could this be, care I did not,

In warm embrace, with elvin laid,

Such enjoyment ne'er had I made,

Why should I leave, what now I'd got?

Heaven's abode, what more to ask,

What could match and with this place trade,

What earth held, this heavenly task?

Into love's eyes, once more to stare,

Veil lifted, just one dark abyss.

No longer here, no gentle buss,

A fear took hold without love's care.

Something unknown reached for my heart,

The heady beat, now once did miss,

From this embrace, quickly to part.

"You've seen the truth, not faerie I,"

"There life lives fine, mine lingers still,"

"Come my lover, is this your will?"

"Stay in my arms and surely die,"

"You are the beast I most desire."

"Together, your last life we'll kill,"

"Come burn with me in love's hot fire."

I pulled back to look once again,

Such sweetness there in beautious face,

Such radiance, lighting this place,

Long plaited tress of golden mane,

Her arms so warm in soft caress,

With presence of loving grace,

But this darkness, there ne'er the less.

"I read your thoughts, you're human still,"

"If Pook truly, faltering none,"

"So from this place, you must be gone,"

"Or your first life, lose it you will."

"You've seen my soul, nothing is there,"

"For your own sake, we must be done,"

"Though my heart hurts, I must not dare."

"I'll protect you, back to where met,"

"No hurt will come in my true care,"

"My lover, I'll always be there,"

"Let us once more, be lovers yet."

Shortly to rise up from the ground,

To make our way over to where,

The dark old wood, once again found.

Slowly we walked, ne'er a soft word,

Hand within hand as lovers' play,

Her aura bright, lighting the way,

Silently 'till old trees moan heard.

At the place where our parting be,

Still cloven form, this way to stay?

My self, not once, came back to me.

"Fear not my love, all will change soon,"

"First you must rest, take stock of this,"

"As I also, your soul will miss."

"Lay down here by the light of the moon,"

"No! This is not, where first we met,"

"But worry not, nought is amiss,"

"This is my side, please do not fret."

One last sweet smile, those dark eyes deep,

Her silver light faded away,

Thoughts now only of that strange day,

Nought was left but memories to keep.

Laying down here as I'd been told,

Sadly missing my lovely faie.

Oh why was it, I'd been not bold?

With troubled mind, somehow I slept,

'Till light of day crept in my eyes,

Opening slightly, to my surprise,

There to my front, bright faeries leapt,

Rising to stand now, problem itself,

Faerie dance ceased with giggly sighs,

As by my side, one cheery elf.

Cloven hooves gone, dressed as I should,

Why still now such magic to see?

Yesterday gone, I'm back to me,

Yet round me still in this deep wood,

The nether world, faeries and elf,

Oh so silent, as calm could be,

While I tried hard, to be myself.

"We came to you, by love's request,"

"To keep you safe, in human's place,"

"Within the aura, wherein your grace."

The elf's gentle words of his truth best,

"You're now awake, off you must go,"

"We here now, our steps must retrace,"

"And of your love? You surely know!"

With these few words, alone I now stood,

A lengthy walk to whence I came,

Of my love now, only heart's flame.

Moving to leave out of this wood,

There on the ground, as my first pace,

A token to surely proclaim,

Shining up bright to my sad face.

Well fitting ring of gleaming gold,

Ancient design of braided weave,

Oh faie's love, your token did leave.

In my heart now, feelings so bold,

All sad doubts gone, from myself now,

In misery why should I grieve,

Bereft this life, come take the vow.

Turn on my heels, seek nether veil,

Where should I seek of love's braid gold,

Draping her form's beauty untold?

My task now, to seek out my grail.

The elf appeared, once more to me,

"Come with me Pook, into the fold,"

"Of human kind, no longer be."