Deep within Bluebell Wood,

Stands this cottage so fine,

Where any local faerie,

Will tell you, “This is mine.”


For all faeries here in,

This enchanted old wood,

Have laid claim to this place,

For all living thing’s good.


Visitors must take note,

And respect faerie ways,

Or it’s likely they may,

Regret it all their days.


Take note if one appears,

For chosen you may be,

To join in their dancing,

Singing and revelry.


At a secret bright glade,

Where they stand in a ring,

Awaiting your presence,

To listen to you sing.


Don’t worry that you can’t,

For most surely you will,

When you’re with faeries,

You’ll be singing with skill.


They’ll have you dancing,

You’ll be floating on air,

As is faerie custom,

You will ne’er have a care


Their magic will gently,

Your true soul surely find,

Filling your whole being,

And dance within your mind.


Deep here in Bluebell Wood,

This cottage magic’s true,

Enjoy your stay, take care,

The faeries know of you.