There are faeries in my garden,

I know, for I have placed them there,

In bright and sparkling colours,

So the garden would not be bare.

Then yesterday, when I looked,

I saw a very special one,

Not one of those that I had placed,

But then, suddenly, she was gone.

At evening time, with day's last light,

The urge, once more, to look again.

Glowing bright, among the throng,

She turned and gently spoke my name.

I heard it clear without a sound,

Her smile was all that I could see,

And warmth within to fill my soul,

To touch at some eternity.

Her presence then should not surprise,

She let me know in words so clear,

A garden laid with love in mind,

Was the reason that she was here.

In time, she said, she may return,

And then, if need, to have confirmed,

That, even so slight, such garden made,

In joyful heart's from love, not learned.

That natural act of faeries placed,

To bring delight where none had been,

The reason that she surely came,

To tell of all that she had seen.

A little love, expressed in truth,

Had in the faerie realm been laid,

She thought it well, to let me know,

Of the difference I had made.

She left me in an eye's swift blink,

But her loveliness still remains,

Those faeries placed, so special now,

With every time I look again.