This book is a compendium of poetry intended for all children with ages ranging from 8 to 80.

As its title suggests, it is concerned entirely with faeries, whether they be good, cheeky or of otherwise character and their relationships with ourselves; but always interesting.

There are simple, light, easy to read pieces in easy rhyme that young children will enjoy reading or preferably have read to them. There are one or two that are bit more complicated (without being at all boring), intended more for the older child who enjoys reading poetry and with the occasional adult theme (nothing that could not be read to a young child).

All the poems are written in a “classical” poetic style with rhyme and rhythm and will be enjoyed by all who think of poetry as it always was (there is no flowery, dramatic or artistic prose as now prevalent in the 21st Century).

Don’t just start at the beginning, although that is always a good place to start, reading each piece in turn one after the other; just leap on and read them in any order you choose (one of the great benefits of the electronic age) using the table of contents.

Find your favourite, read them out loud to your children (or to your parents) with feeling and lots of expression, and most of all, have fun doing so; if the reading does not seem like fun then something has gone astray’

Enough of this, Read on ….