Strolling through old bluebell wood,

All russet leaves in view,

Sunbeams peeking here and there,

Just wondering what to do.

I heard a little giggle,

From somewhere there behind,

Turning round to see the source,

But nothing did I find.

Moving on it came again,

I turned round this time fast,

Two little lights danced away,

The culprits seen at last.

What had I seen this lovely day,

Two giggling dancing lights?

Knowing that they could only be,

Sweet fairies or bright sprites.

I’m so sure they read my thoughts,

They came before my eyes,

Faeries smiling sweetly now,

A wonderful surprise.

In glowing orbs they fluttered,

Such beauty never seen,

They looked at me and softly said,

“Come, let us meet our queen.”

The route they took, I followed,

From where I once had stood,

The path left well behind me,

Deeper into the wood.

In deep hollow, down I went,

The ground no longer there,

Floating strangely in a mist,

I had to stop and stare.

Before my eyes in glowing light,

A hundred there, or more,

Faeries dancing in a ring,

But floating off the floor.

I laid down midst leaves of gold,

To watch this rare delight,

All at once they turned to say,

“’Tis you of second sight.”

“We have waited for you to come,”

“For oh so many years,”

“To see this, our kingdom real,”

“And dry away our tears.”

“A human child with the sight,”

“Is few and far between,”

“So today we shall rejoice,”

“To show you what we mean.”

Then so warm, the love within,

Those faeries let me see,

Now I wished that all could be,

As privileged as me.

They flew and danced in circles,

With nectar sipped so light,

All at once amongst my host,

In glow so golden bright.

I was now of faerie size,

Dancing with each in turn,

With such joyous feelings true,

Delight it was to learn.

Weary not, as first light crept,

To herald in the day,

The dancing ceased and I was told,

“Time to be on your way.”

Each a gentle kiss did give,

In bidding fond farewell,

Then I found to my surprise,

No longer in this dell.

I was stood where I had been,

Strolling through the glade,

Sunshine beams through autumn leaves,

Was this some strange dream made?

This made no sense, night had gone,

And this now yesterday,

What had been, where had I gone,

Was this some faerie way?

I heard a little giggle,

From somewhere there behind,

There I saw those faeries bright,

With smiling faces kind.

“You must not concern yourself,”

“This happening was true,”

“It was so very special,”

“And all because of you.”

The golden glow faded now,

The faeries the same way,

I still stood in bluebell wood,

This sunny autumn day.

What I saw that lovely night,

Or yesterday or when,

In my deepest heart I know,

Will never be again.

Now and then when life seems hard,

Recalling faeries’ dell,

Then once more a giggle heard,

Which makes me feel so well.

The faeries have never left,

They’re with me very day,

I’m sure that they’re helping me,

In every single way.

If you should meet two faeries,

Behind you giggling sweet,

If you possess a second sight,

The others you may meet.

If they offer, go with them,

And never be afraid,

Love and joy to you they’ll give,

Of this you will be made.

If you see a loved one smile,

With hidden inner glee,

Think, it may be faerie love,

As this, inside of me.