A good little faerie was Faerie Stuff,

When it came to humans, she knew her stuff,

Her first cousin, you see, was Faerie Nuff.

Dear Faerie Stuff was taught by cousin true,

Had learnt all there was about me and you,

Especially when, we hadn’t a clue.

She felt our woes no matter where we were,

And clearly knew when, to be with us there,

When in her view, we needed faerie care.

Faerie Stuff, roaming so far and wide,

Desired to be with humans, at their side,

Whenever she sensed that one had cried.

Not for comfort for her, to them, to give,

But to offer help in life’s truth to live,

To those that had cried, to always forgive.

A good little faerie was our Faerie Stuff,

Her love for humans she thought ne’er enough,

Always giving more of the loving stuff.

So if things seem wrong, life’s turning blue,

But without a thought it all comes true,

It’s likely Faerie Stuff has been to you.