Young Faerie Nuff,

loved funny stuff,

down in the faerie glen.

Laughing out loud,

‘mong faerie crowd,

not knowing how or when.

Her giggles true,

not old, not new,

came loud, both now and then.

All those that heard,

her giggled word,

could not resist at all.

More giggles too,

with ne’er a ‘phew’,

‘till over they did fall.

This lovely stuff,

from Faerie Nuff,

was loved by one and all.

She loved her ploy,

and knew just how,

to chase the blues away.

This was her wile,

always a smile,

for each and every day.

With laughter real,

that all could feel,

from faeries’ lovely way.

Happy faeries, sweet,

whose tactics neat,

really for you and me.

This human world,

when faeries heard,

our laughter, happy be.

So thank Faerie Nuff,

for doing her stuff,

in the glen of faeries, wee.