Shit, what was this girl doing to me? Why couldn’t she just put on a brave face, do her work and forget—I couldn’t even think those words in my head, how did I expect her to act normal when I couldn’t get her out of my damn head, at least I hadn’t kissed her this time, I was skating on thin fucking ice, and I knew it.

Still, every time I was near her, I had this overbearing need to be close to her, no matter how wrong it was.

Once again, I had to watch her leave, when all I wanted to do was press her up against that door and get lost in her scent, just throw caution to the wind and consume her, drink her in inch by inch, but I couldn’t do that, maybe she was right, I should just let her leave, but I didn’t want to, I wanted to see her, I wanted to hear her delicate, sweet voice, I clearly wanted to fucking torment myself because I couldn’t stay away from her, I knew it was selfish, I could see how hurt and tormented she was over the situation but I didn’t care, if I couldn’t have her the way I wanted, I’d have her close by where I could fantasize about her.

Yes, I was a bastard, but I couldn’t help myself, this was the only way I could control myself when I was around her, but it was becoming increasingly more and more difficult, how could I expect her to start on a clean slate if I couldn’t do it myself, I only gave her the day off because I didn’t want her to leave, I needed to see her like I needed to breathe, if I couldn’t have her then I’d watch her from a distance, her scent drove me crazy and just been around her made this madness seem worth it, if I didn’t need this fucking job so much I’d have just thrown caution to the wind and fucking claimed her like I had wanted to, but I did need this job and I couldn’t fuck up my life because of one night, no I needed to get my emotions in check.

Sam, meet you at the Jewel? I thumbed a text, I couldn’t tell him but, boy did I need a fucking break.

Sorry man, might catch you there later, if your lucky.

Come on, I need you.

You’re a big boy now, what do you need me for?

I’ll beg—do want me to beg?

Fine, see you at 9 pm


Best I can do.


I flung my phone in my desk, it was only 11 am and I was already thinking about a drink, she was going to turn me into an alcoholic if I wasn’t careful I thought chuckling to myself.

I got lost in paper work for the next few hours, counting down the minutes until I could leave, I didn’t have a class today but there was so much paper work which is what I needed a PA for I guess, I thought rolling my eyes.

I couldn’t even tell anyone about the girl that tormented me because that could land me in hot water—rule number one—don’t sleep with the students, yeah that was always an easy one to follow because students annoyed me, but Lexie—Lexie was different.

It was almost time to close up my office for the night, the day had dragged longer than I’d anticipated, when she had left my office and I’d watched her walk away the emptiness in my office was evident, it amazed me that just having her near me brought me some bittersweet sense of happiness but it was short lived each time I’d have to watch her walk away, when she’d bent down I’d watched her perfectly round ass sticking out, I’d slid my tongue across my bottom lip, feeling the familiar throbbing from my cock that I wanted to drive deep inside of her delectable dripping pussy, my thoughts raced, I’d shifted in my seat as the erotic thoughts had ran across my body like a fucking lightning bolt, I seen her rise and put my head down, so she couldn’t see how much she effected me, when she was leaving it took everything I had not to press her up against that fucking door, I’d heard her gasp, shit, the shivers had coursed through my veins, it would have been so easy just to catch her mouth with mine, but I knew I couldn’t lose control—not again, getting stuck in my work had helped but time had seemed to stop, when all I wanted to do was drink away my worries—what it’s not like I did it regularly, but today had been particularly hard, I hated to see that sad look on her pretty face but I had no other choice.

The ringtone from my phone rang through the emptiness in my office, picking up my phone I looked at the name that flashed on the screen.

Oh, no, what did she want?

Shaye, of course. I thought rolling my eyes.

Shaye was one of the reasons why I was here, I really couldn’t be bothered with her dramatics, I didn’t want to answer but I knew if I didn’t she’d come down here—yes, she was that crazy.

“What’s up?”

“Hello, darling.”

“Shaye, don’t start, just tell me what you want.” 

“Now why would you assume that I want something.”

“Call it a hunch.”

“When are you coming back, I’m bored.”

“I will be back in the summer, I’ve already had this conversation with you.”

“Ugh, but that’s so long away.”

“I’m sure you’ll survive, if there’s nothing else—.”

“Why do you have to be like this.”

“I’m at work Shaye, I know that’s a strange concept to you but someone has to pay the bills.”

“Fine.”I hear her grit before she ends the call.

Well fuck you too.

A call from Shaye only spelled trouble, when was I going to catch a break, I thought while shaking my head. Of course I knew I couldn’t escape her even when I accepted the position here but breathing space away from her was a welcome addition, but every conversation left me feeling annoyed, I could feel the tension instantly throb in the side of my head.

Now I definitely needed a drink.

Shaye was a sweetheart when I met her, but aren’t they all, it was just an act, sometimes I often wondered if she was mentally ill, one minute she was happy and the next—well let’s just say she was unpredictable, it wasn’t a coincidence I’d travelled so far from home, I was glad to be away from her, but a call from Shaye gave me a headache, who knows what she had up her sleeve and I wasn’t paranoid, there was always a hidden agenda, like I said she acted sweet, but Shaye was the fucking devil.

She got away with most of her antics when we were younger, mostly because I just passed it off as a phase, but as the years went on she just grew more vindictive and there had to come a point where I had to stop making excuses for her, she lived like a upper class lady, but she’d never worked a day in her life, no, it was I that kept her in the comfortable luxury she was accustomed to, the debts she’d ran up on my credit card bill was the reason I was here and she calls me because she’s bored—I roll my eyes, as long as she stayed far away from where I was, I didn’t care how she occupied her time.

My life was complicated and it just kept getting more complicated by the second—yes, I definitely needed a drink.