The drinks flowed freely.

Yes, this was precisely what I needed; it wasn’t too shabby in the company with the hottest guy in the world either; every time he spoke, his deep silky voice traveled straight to my clit; it had been weeks since I’d been laid and boy would I love to have every inch of this delicious man.

But I couldn’t do that could I?

What was I saying? 

Of course, I could, but would he even want to? 

I couldn’t decide if he was genuinely interested or just being nice trying to help a damsel in distress who had the worst day ever.

I could test the water maybe; what did I have to lose?

He was a stranger; if he turned me down, it’s not like our paths would ever cross again, it might dint my ego, but I could live with that.

On the other hand, if it were reciprocated, I’d be in seventh heaven with Mr Dreamboat and I’d soon be thinking Tom who?

Pushing against his chest, I could feel the ripples of his toned chest beneath my hands, the heat pumped through me, instantly I knew I was playing with fire, but the intoxication from the alcohol that flowed through my veins guided my actions; I was no longer sensible Lexie, no, practical Lexie would never touch or think of touching someone like Hunter, maybe admire him from afar but never place my hands on him feeling him, wanting to move my hands lower, oh shit, move my hands lower, what was I thinking, I was thinking I wouldn’t see him again, and I was thinking I’ve had a shit day and this could turn it around and more than anything I thought I want this. 

I want him. 

I could feel the heat creeping up to my face once more; my cheeks were burning much like the rest of my body; I was burning with desire just for him. 

All for him.

Slowly raising my eyes to meet his, I was entranced; his gaze was dark, lustful, daring; did he want to do this as much as I did?



“I think—.”

Slowly I moved my hands up and down, encircling his chest, feeling the heat travel straight to my clit; I wasn’t sure if this was affecting him as much as it was me. 

Still, I knew I wanted him even more, and I desperately didn’t want him to stop me; I wanted to be reckless; I wanted to feel all of him, and the alcohol and his scent made my head whirl.

“You don’t want this, not really.”

I didn’t want this? 

Shit, did he not know how delicious he was? 

I’d want this on any day, I just wouldn’t have the confidence to approach him like this.

“I do”, I whispered.

“Lexie—.” He breathed out.

“I understand if I’m not—.”

“Not what?”

“You know.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Not your type.”

“That’s what you are worried about, that I don’t find you attractive?”

“Yes”, I whispered. He smiled.

“Lexie, you’re beautiful.”

I smiled, I didn’t want to give any inclination that his words touched me, but they did; it was a relief that the attraction was reciprocated, but what confused me was why he was hesitant; I was offering myself up on a plate, one night with a stranger he’d never have to see again, why wouldn’t he take me up on my offer.

“What’s the problem then.”

“I don’t want to take advantage of you, Lexie.”

My heart almost burst, I knew he was exhibiting gentlemanly qualities, but I wanted him to take advantage of me.

Slowly I moved my hands up and around his face, lacing my fingers around his neck; his skin felt soft and smooth; I heard his breath hitch.


Putting a finger to his lips, “shh”, I uttered; there were no words needed; he’d only come up with an excuse why he couldn’t do this even though we both knew he wanted this as much as I did.

The back of his hair tickled my fingers, and I let slip a slight smirk; that was the last thing he would see, me smirking, before I moved my face closer to his, taking in the edges of his face; oh god, he was fucking beautiful, slowly I brought my lips close to his, feeling his warm breath whisper love notes against my skin.

I shuddered each time I felt the light whip of his breath as he slowly breathed against my skin; my whole body shook with excitement. 

Gently I pressed my lips against his soft, supple lips, and finally, my eyelids fluttered shut; my mother used to tell me the best things could only be felt when the eyes were closed. 

As the soft, velvety silkiness of his lips melded with mine, I exploded like a firework had erupted deep inside of me, pushing me deeper into him; his lips made me forget everything.

Everything but him.

The way his lips expertly moved around mine, the way his tongue dipped in and out of my mouth, salivating, savoring, heavy breathing mixed with just the right touch of excitement, delicate, soft but erotically charged.

The scent of his musky, dark scent mixed with alcohol surrounded me, causing my head to spin; his aroma and taste drove a memory deep inside my soul, a memory of recklessness, impulsive desire, a memory of what could happen when I just let go.

It almost felt dreamlike, with each movement of his lips against mine, I floated higher and higher, suddenly feeling lighter and lighter, ragged breathing, heat, sweat, all sense of sensibility had gone, and what was left was ripe, hot desire, burning, burning so hot I could feel the sticky, wet pooling of my passion between my legs.

Pressing harder against his mouth, letting gasps of pleasure escape my lips and being drowned out in a tunnel of his mouth.

Breathless, we finally pulled apart, my chest rising and falling, breathing ragged just staring into his icy, blue eyes that bore into mine darkly, wondering with want.

We never said anything at that moment, just looking into each other’s eyes like we were the only ones in the room, and at that moment, we were.

I only saw Hunter.

Only him.