Waking up, I rubbed my eyes and leaned across, feeling the space where she had laid only hours ago; I looked around, but she was gone.

I’d hoped to see her before she left, or maybe I hoped she didn’t go, but she had said she’d only wanted one night, so why did I want more? 

Of course, I knew why, because as I’d stared into her beautiful chestnut brown eyes as she laid at my feet, I knew right then and there that I wanted her; she seemed so sweet with just the right amount of naughty, getting her back here was easy, keeping her here, well it seemed that was much harder.

It was bittersweet when she asked for no strings, it seemed like the only plausible answer was yes because I wanted her, I needed her, she was just so fucking cute, but I wasn’t an idiot; I knew I was just a rebound, and last night, at that precise moment I was okay with that, hell—I’d have offered her my fucking kidney just to spend more time with her, but feeling the space beside me suddenly missing the warmth her body had given me only hours ago, I knew that one night was not enough with Lexie.

shit, when did I ever get misty eyed over a girl?

Why couldn’t I get this girl off of my mind?

I rubbed my temples as I made a move to get up; I couldn’t sit in bed all day fantasizing about the mystery girl I had brought home; today was my first day; thankfully, I didn’t have a hangover, standing ready to let the water wash across my body I notice a piece of paper with my name scribbled across it.


Thank you for a lovely night,

It was nice meeting you,

In keeping with the night, you made me smile when all I had was a frown.

Lexie x

Turning the note over in my hands, hoping to find a number or a way to contact her, but I found nothing, just a note of thanks, the sentiment warmed my heart, even her leaving a note was bittersweet because I’d never see her again but I was glad that I had made her smile.

What I wanted to do was to search for her, tell her that one night wasn’t enough—yes that’s what I wanted to do, as pathetic as it sounded, I sighed shaking my head at my school boy crush.

I wondered what time she had crawled out of my bed and left my body; she consumed my mind, the images of her flashed in my head, those eyes, that smile, that fucking blush; I shook the thought from my head as I let the spray of warm water from the shower drip down my body instantly warming me up.

Sitting in the staff room drinking my third cup of coffee, I spot the dean heading my way, I gave him a gentle smile as he approached me.

“Hunter, prompt as always.”

“Oh, you know me, Jayce, I’m nothing if not prompt.” His gentle smile reached his eyes.

“Looking forward to your first lesson?”

“Not at all.” I chuckled.

“Come on, Hunter, you love to teach.”

“I love to teach those that want to learn.”

“I promise these students will love your charismatic nature.”

“Yeah, I bet.”

“After your lesson, I will bring your new PA to your office so you can get acquainted.”

Oh right, the PA, I’d completely forgotten about that.

“Why do I need a PA again?”

“I know this is not how you do things usually, but it gets hectic here, and I promise you’ll love her; she’s brilliant, the most brilliant student we have, and she’s eager to learn.”

I just nodded; I had to follow the rules if I was going to teach here, and I needed this job; I couldn’t go back home; this was my last lifeline.

Sitting in my office looking over the papers, Jayce wasn’t wrong; maybe a PA wasn’t a terrible idea, I was getting a migraine just looking over the documents that sat in front of me, the first lesson hadn’t been terrible, mainly because the entire class seemed to be suffering from a heavy night of drinking from the night before.

I hear a rapping on the door.

“Come in,” I call.

I peer at Jayce as he strides into the room, dark hair with flashes of grey falls over his face, his bright smile instantly reaches the creases that lay dormant at the corner of his eyes; he’s tall and slim in his dark pinstripe suit, Jayce was a friend of the family, that’s why I was sat here today, my insufferable mother had appealed to his better nature to put me forward for this position, I was grateful, I was, it just felt like it had been handed to me on a plate and in some respects, I felt I had to prove myself even more, so I could show them all that they wouldn’t regret giving me this position, because I needed this job to get rid of my massive debts that had piled up and then I could start afresh, a new life, yes this was my last chance, so a PA was a small price to pay to start your life over.

“How was your first lesson?”

“A little relaxed; they all seemed to be suffering.”

“First day of term is always fun.” He chuckled.

“You know why I’m here.” I nodded.

“Well I will let you get acquainted with your new PA.” Once again I nodded.

“Oh Hunter, please be nice,” I smirked.

“Jayce, I’m always nice.” 

He nodded at me as he turned and walked away, leaving the door wide open; she was late; I’d have to school her on the importance of promptness, I thought.

“Hello Sir, sorry I’m late, I have just signed up for your class.”

I looked up smiling, but that smile quickly slipped away as I looked into her chestnut brown eyes, that blush crept up her cheeks and I had no words, what was she doing here?

No, it couldn’t be.

But of course it was.

The only thing I could think was—.

Oh, shit.


Oh, shit what was he doing here?


My amazing night with the dark and sexy stranger was my professor?

No, this couldn’t be happening; I may look calm on the outside but on the inside, there was a storm brewing; I was frantic; my head was clouded as I looked over at his icy blue eyes.

I hear him clear his throat, but no words come out.

I was desperately hoping he would say something, but he was staring at me with a stupid look on his face.

“Professor.” I held out my hand desperately, hoping he would take it, and after waiting what felt like a lifetime, I felt his hand press against mine, and the warmth instantly spread across my body.

“Lexie.” He finally breathed out.

Oh, great, well at least he remembered my name, but this was a royal fucking disaster of epic proportions, I’d been nervous about meeting the new professor, little did I know I’d not already met him, but slept in his bed!

“Look, I will drop your class and resign this position.” 

I turned to walk away when I felt him come up behind me, his warm hands wrapped around my waist, turning my body towards his; my breath hitched at the proximity.

Fuck, why did he affect me like this? The shivers instantly shot up my spine.

“We are both adults, Lexie, you shouldn’t have to leave because—.” He clears his throat once more. “Anyway, I don’t like lateness; I’d like you here in the morning before class starts.” 

I just nodded as I felt his hands finally release me.

“See you tomorrow then, Miss Mcvay.”

I just nodded once more as I turned and walked out of his office, all the while I was thinking what the hell just happened?

He was right, we were both adults, and it didn’t matter that I had been obsessing about him since I had left his bed—no, that didn’t matter.

Professor Brooks was a line I just couldn’t cross.

But oh how I’d love to cross that line, I’d love to remodel that line because he had made me feel things I’d never felt before.

Why me, why did I have to fall for my professor… I thought as I shook my head.

I should have just stayed home that night, stared at the bottom of the glass, or gone out with Bailey when she begged me to go, I should have done anything other than go to that quaint little bar in the middle of the night, but I knew in my heart I was glad it happened, if nothing else Hunter had rocked my fucking world—I was never supposed to see him again, he was my reckless act and now my reckless act had come to bite me in the ass.

Now I’d have to see him, yearn for him, have the temptation in front of my face and know that I could never touch him.

Yes, this was okay, I could do this. I tried to convince myself.

This was an absolute nightmare, he’d touched me in ways I’d never been touched before, he’d made me feel things I’d never felt before, he was just supposed to be a rebound but I’d not got him out of my head since I’d left his bed, I’d even half contemplated jotting down my number, but we’d agreed it was a one time deal—one never to be repeated, he would be my one adventure I’d think about years down the line when I was stuck in a boring marriage that was going nowhere, he would be my escape in my mind and now? Well now I’d landed myself in hot water.

Me? Sensible, boring Lexie Mcvay had slept with her professor, but I didn’t know that when I went home with him so that was okay—right?

The walk from the college to my apartment was not far but I didn’t notice anyway because I was in a daze, how could I work closely with him now and not see every curve of his muscles and that monster he kept hidden in his pants—shit no, I couldn’t think about that, it was quiet when I arrived back to the apartment, Bailey must be out, but what’s new? That girl didn’t know how to stay in, she thought cozying up with a book was her idea of a nightmare, me? I loved it, sat in a blanket with a nice hot chocolate and a good book—my idea of perfection, but I wasn’t reading a book, I had launched myself down on my bed as I thought of how wrong this day had turned out, it started so well and then—before I know what’s happening I’ve grabbed a pillow pushing it across my face as I drown out the screams.

Yeah Lexie that’ll work—just scream your problems away.