I awoke early as I always do, the pains in my head shot through my skull, then it all came rushing back, the Sunshine bar—seeing Tom—Hunter, oh crap, Hunter and as I look around I recognize I’m not in my own room, but Hunter is nowhere to be seen, I tip-toe out of the bedroom still in my dress from the night before, the door creaks as it opens, peeping my head out into the living room I find that it isn’t flooded with light, it’s still dark out, I don’t know what time it is but it must be early—perfect time to make a quick getaway.

As I tip-toe across the cold, dark mahogany wooden floors, I look around but I can’t see him—did he leave?

Just as I’m about to leave I hear deep breathing, edging closer to the settee, my heart very nearly stops as I gaze at his peaceful face as he sleeps soundly, coming closer I can see his bare chest, with a line of dark chest hair, I lick my lips as my eyes trail across the defined muscles that protrude from his chest and his arms, “god you’re beautiful.” I breathe out.

Stepping closer, I can now feel his breath on my face as I lean down to study his features on his face, his plump luscious lips draw me in, I could just give him a peck goodbye, what harm would it do? He’s asleep he’d never know I tell myself as my lips edge closer to his, I press my lips ever so lightly against his, my breath hitches as the softness of his lips caress mine and it feels so right, I quickly move away, it was only supposed to be a quick peck, but I lose my footing, stumbling I feel warm hands wrap around my waist as my hands come crashing down on top of his chest, the heat crawls through my body instantly.

“Hunter—I—.” But I don’t get to finish what I’m about to say, I feel my body been lifted in the air until I come crashing down on top of his hot body.

I can’t move, I’m laid on top of him, feeling his hard body beneath me, I squirm on top of him, my breathing becomes erratic, the dizzy feeling is back in my head but it’s not from the alcohol, it’s just him, it’s the effect he always has on me.

“Are you going to just lay there staring at me Lexie?” He smirks.

I push against his chest once more, pushing down on his chest I try to get my brain to think of anything other than Hunter naked, beneath me, my brain can’t comprehend what’s happening right now. I lift half my body up by pushing on his chest with my back arched I’m almost home free, until I feel his hand come behind my head dragging me back down so his body is pressed hard against mine.

“Hunter, please.” I beg him, he catches my bottom lip between his teeth, gently dragging my lips closer, a whimper falls from my lips as his lips enclose around my bottom lip, sucking and licking me into his mouth, a gasp leaves my mouth and drowns in his at the sudden closure of his lips around mine. 

I feel his lips come down hard on mine, swallowing me, I’m falling deeper, I know I need to break it, but all logic has gone, with each hard press of his lips against mine he’s tipping me over the edge, my heart begins to pound, feeling a desire run from my heart, to my chest, and down towards my inner thighs, his fingers lightly graze my neck, his hands slowly glide down from the side of my head and to my neck, out to my shoulders and down to my hands, leaving goosebumps in its wake. He grabs my hands gentle, but firm, I feel safe in this moment, I can’t speak, my heart is beating so fast, it feels like it’s going to beat right out of my chest and I close my eyes and deeply exhale.

He kisses my shoulder ever so lightly, shivers shoot up and down my spine, as he runs his lips on my skin towards my ear, but he doesn’t quite make it that far, I tilt my head as I hear him deeply exhale with ragged breathing, he bites the skin of my neck gently, the sensation causes my body to writhe on top of him, little gasps fall out and I feel him smile with his lips still pressed against my throat.

He tips my head as he stares into my eyes with that dirty grin playfully taunting me, ever so gently he places the palms of my hand flat down on his chest across his heart, he holds me there, still staring into his eyes, his eyes exude love, protection, security, safety, patience and respect, I smile. He lets go of my hands, with one hand he runs his fingers through my hair, tingles shoot up and down through my head, I may as well have been hit by lightening, the shivers run through my entire body instantly, he gently guides my face closer to his once more, eventually leaning me in to rest my head upon his hard chest, his other arm wraps my body closer, taking me in his embrace, holding me tightly, I make a secret wish—a wish that he’d never let me go.

While in this moment, I think of how he made my heart race and what I could do to speed his heart up to match my own, the next thing I know, “Lexie, I have to get ready for work.” I stare at him dumbfounded, “Lexie—.”

“But—.” I see him smile, is he toying with me.

“If you don’t move, I’ll have to move you myself.” His eyebrows raise, but still I don’t move, I’m confused, I don’t understand why he’s stopped or even why he started, I know he can see the confusion on my face, his smirk tells me that.

“Fine, have it your way.” I feel his hands come around my ass firmly as he grips my ass cheeks, I can feel his nails digging into my flesh through the material of my dress, I squeal, the shock renders me completely at his mercy as my feet hit the ground he takes a step closer, he wraps his fingers round a strand of my hair delicately moving it behind my ear, the sensation tickles the back of my skin at the soft gesture.


She’s looking at me like I’ve lost the plot, hey maybe I have but I made a promise to myself that if I ever touched her again that I’d never let her go, of course I knew the risk but staying away from her just wasn’t an option anymore, I needed her, when I heard her creep into the room I waited with bated breath secretly hoping she wouldn’t leave like she had last time, but she surprised me when she placed her soft lips against mine, she thought I was asleep and it would have been easier for the both of us if I’d have just pretended to be asleep but as soon as her lips touched mine, my body instantly responded and I knew right then and there that I wanted her—to hell with the consequences.

Taking a step closer I was never one for romantic gestures, but with Lexie it just came naturally, I felt like an entirely different person, she made me feel like I deserved more, like I could do more.

“I’m sorry Lexie, I’m sorry I hurt you but you have to know that hurting you also hurts me.” I hear her gasp. “I tried to do the right thing, damn it I tried to stay away but it’s becoming increasingly more and more difficult.” 

“So,” I continued. “I guess what I’m trying to say is I want you Lexie Mcvay, I fucking want all of you.” 

Again taking a step closer.

It was her, it was always her, ever since she’d fallen at my feet and those big brown eyes full of wonder had searched his face, it had been her ever since that moment, eyes shining like two worlds only for him, visible only to him, the swirling hue of her chestnut brown eyes always drew him into a dream state, it was her infectious laugh, her trademark smile, it was her, he just couldn’t see it until she was gone, but he saw clearly she was all he ever didn’t know he needed.

“Hunter,” She repeated soft and sweet like the swaying of a gentle breeze on a hot summers day.

She took a step closer.

Her fingers leisurely reached out and touched the smooth skin of his chest, he held his breath as she lightly skimmed her nails down the front of his stomach, now he was so close he could see the pink blush that stained her cheeks, he finally realized how close they was, with each step they’d slowly made their way towards each other, almost touching—but not quite.

He finally knew how truly close they were when her lips enclosed around his, immersive, gentle but powerful at the same time. In this moment it was just the two of them, and all he could feel was her, her dark brown hair, her deep chestnut brown eyes that could help him see another world; a world full of possibilities and magic. 

Her body felt like silk beneath my hands, every light touch or graze my hands gave her I’d hear that sweet little gasp—I fucking lived for that gasp, touching her lightly cause the most beautiful sounds to fall from her pretty lips, picking her up I feel her legs wrap around my waist, while her arms hold me tightly round the neck, cocooned in her embrace, I’d never felt happier, my cock is throbbing, each time her little fingers dance across my neck, it sends a shooting pain of pleasure down my spine.

I wasn’t lying when I said I had to work—fuck it—I’d be late for once I think as I gently lay her back down on the settee as she looks up at me with innocence and wonder, her eyes have entranced me since day one, the windows to the soul they say—well her soul was fucking beautiful, kneeling before her like she’s a queen—because to me, she’s the whole damn universe, my lips gently kiss slowly up her thighs, she writhed beneath my touch, slivering my tongue up the length of her thighs till I meet the crevice between her thighs, this time I’d take my time, savor every moment, my tongue lazily travels the slit where her pussy lips part, “Oh, fuck.” I hear her scream, she tastes like heaven, but I’m only just getting started.

Each lash of my tongue causes her legs to tighten around my head, delving my tongue into the depths of her sweetness, opening her wide, her hands grapple for my head, pushing me further into her dripping wet pussy, I lap up all of her desire, the onslaught of her pleasure comes thick and fast, her body trembles beneath my touch, “Oh Hunter, oh Hunter.” She screams, pushing her further over the edge, my name has never sounded so sweet, her breath is laboured as she finally spills her delicious juices in the hollow pits of my mouth.