I was in a daze as Hunter led me out of the Bewitching Jewel.

Once we collided through the doors onto the quiet, dark street, I instantly felt the cold snap against my skin; hugging my thin jacket tighter around myself; I shivered; I never expected the cold to hit me at the ferocity I was feeling it.


“I’ll survive.” I smiled.

“She’s brave as well as feisty.” 

He wrapped his jacket around my body and I instantly felt the warmth wrap around me, comforting me.

“You don’t have to do that.” I protested.

“I know, I want to; come on before you freeze to death.”

I don’t remember the drive over to Hunter’s place, there was nothing special about it except a few stolen glances in the back of a cab, his hand resting gently on my thigh, he behaved himself a little too well after all the heat we’d had in the Bewitching Jewel.

Maybe I’d be left disappointed after all.

It wasn’t a long ride to Hunter’s apartment, or maybe it was, and I just wasn’t aware; once I stepped out of the Bewitching Jewel, things became hazy, and the cold air snapped at my face, while my head spun like a disco ball.

I repeatedly asked myself what I was doing; some may think I was irresponsible going home with a man I had only met a few hours previously, but honestly, that was the point; I wasn’t thinking.

I guess on some level; I was flattered that he was even remotely interested in me, especially after I’d fallen flat on my face and caused the server to pour the entire contents of her tray down his ridiculously ripped body; I couldn’t help staring when I’d laid in a mess at his feet as his shirt had clung to his chest, see-through, showing every curve and outline of his muscular chest that was very nearly bulging out of that now wet shirt.

He led me through the door of his apartment, and as I walked in automatic mode, all I could think was, what if he was a psycho or, even worse, a serial killer? 

After all, I didn’t know him. 

Still, here I was going home with some guy I only met a couple of hours ago; I wasn’t usually so reckless; I usually assessed a situation before I acted but here I was doing the assessing backwards, I just stood in the hallway against the wall while he closed and locked the door, oh shit, he was locking the door, how would I escape if he was indeed a psycho serial killer, I couldn’t die, my new professor would be mad if his new PA didn’t show up on the first day, but that wouldn’t matter any longer because I’d be DEAD.

I knew my imagination was running away with me, but I couldn’t help it; I was panicking because I wasn’t lying when I said I didn’t usually do this because I’d never done this, and here I was in some strange man’s apartment, standing in the hallway like a scared little girl. 

Watching him as he locked the door, and I couldn’t help staring at his firm, round ass, all I could think was how badly I’d like to sink my teeth into it.

I watched as he gracefully moved towards me like a cat, then he smiled, and all thoughts of psycho serial killers completely evaporated from my head, suddenly I was nervous, I’d only ever been with Tom, and in Hunter’s presence, I suddenly felt inadequate.

What if I didn’t please him?

What if I was a disappointment?

What if I wasn’t good in bed?

Maybe that’s why Tom cheated because I was a crap lay.

“Stop overthinking.” I hear his silky voice.

“I’m not.”

“I can see the cogs turning round in that pretty little head of yours.” He smiled; I returned his smile as I finally relaxed against the wall and breathed a sigh of relief.

“We won’t do anything you’re not comfortable with, okay?” I simply just nodded because words failed me in his presence.

His musky scent surrounded me as he came closer; I held my breath with each step he took towards me; I watched patiently as he slowly moved closer and closer till his mouth was in my ear “are you planning on standing here all night, Lexie?” 

The way my name rolled off of his tongue sounded erotic, I don’t think my name had ever sounded so good.


“Shall we go sit down then, miss?”


“Why Lexie I do believe you’re speechless; I haven’t even touched you yet”, I heard his low, deep whisper, groaning loudly as I pushed my back further into the wall.

He simply smirked.

Well, I almost creamed in my already wet panties.

He hadn’t touched me, but oh boy, did I want him to.

Placing his hands flat against the wall, I could feel the heat of his body against mine as he edged closer; the tiny wisp of warm breath caressed my skin like a blanket enveloping you and warming you from the inside out.

Was it hot in here?

It certainly felt hot.

The room was spinning; the dizziness gripped hold of me instantly; if he hadn’t been pressed against me, I was sure that I would have collapsed by now.

Boxed in by his body, melting into the slightest touch of feeling him press his muscular physique against mine, his lips came crashing down on mine; euphoria took over me as I allowed him to explore my mouth, tongues wrestling, crashing together, as if at war with one another, I inhaled him and yet he took the air from my lungs as if he sucked a piece of my soul and kept it somewhere within himself, it wasn’t just any kiss, it was a kiss that set storms rising underneath my skin and once more I was breathless.

His hands moved delicately up my thighs; his hands were all over me, dominant yet masterful as he stared deep into my eyes, once again staring into the depths of my soul and in that moment, a storm raged inside of me, causing my body to shudder, to relinquish all control, I’d never been touched like this before and I’d let him leave his mark on every inch of my body. 

Finally, I let go; little whimpers poured from my lips with each spot he left on my skin, secretly begging to be touched; his lips caressed my skin. 

They trailed love notes down my body, in its wake, begging, yearning, wanting, every part of me begged to be touched, with each light touch, as his lips and hands explored my body, the dripping of my desire could be felt, soaking my panties, but I still wanted more.

Leaning my head back as the whimpers and moans echoed out of my mouth, tugging on his hair as his wet tongue trailed delicately down my body, ever so slowly touching parts of my soul that had been left untouched.

I felt his hot body slide against mine, his calloused fingers pulling apart the material between my legs, feeling them rub against my legs as he tore them down, his breathing became ragged.

was he as excited as I was?

His hot breath sent waves of excitement to my center, feeling the cold wisps of air massage my pussy, I was illicitly in heaven, but nothing prepared me for the slick, hot wetness of his tongue parting my lips, my hips bucked as I cried out, he took this as encouragement because the assault of his tongue caused me to writhe beneath him in ecstasy, the moans came thick and fast as he dipped his fingers inside of me while he assaulted my pussy with his tongue, my hands dove into his silky hair, pressing my body further into the wall, I dug my nails deep into his skull, as the wave of pleasure drifted through my body, this didn’t deter him as he massaged the nub of my clit, pressing down hard, my body convulsed at the sudden release, the scream that poured from my lips didn’t even feel like it came from me, I felt him lap up my juices with his tongue as my body rode through the most explosive orgasm I’d ever experienced in my life, breathless I looked down and he had the most mischievous grin on his face as he looked up at me from between my legs—usually I would have died of embarrassment but the way he worked my body, the only thing I could think was… Oh-my-god.

My head was swirling from the most intense orgasm I’d ever received in my life, I never knew sex could be this thrilling, the shivers still rushed through my body, my legs were weak but not from fear this time, from delirious excitement and all I could think was… I want more.

I didn’t even realize Hunter had moved from between my legs until I was hoisted up in the air with his hands firmly wrapped around my ass, I sighed while wrapping my hands around his neck and finally—looking into his icy blue eyes—I finally did it—I finally smiled.

He expertly throws me onto the bed, I feel the comforting plush of the covers beneath me, his mouth comes down on my neck, moans spill from my lips with each erotically charged kiss, his muscular legs part mine wider as he undresses me, staring down at my naked frame, usually I would cover my eyes with embarrassment, but he looked at me like I was the most delicious thing he’d ever tasted, he drank me in inch by inch, laid bare, exposed, the pooling between my legs had started to drip onto his crisp white covers, he must have been aware as he let out a growl, the vibrations from his deep growl sent shivers running through my body electrically and I couldn’t stop the sweet moans that slipped from my lips, “Fuck, I haven’t done anything yet and you’re fucking soaking,” I feel his calloused chubby fingers dive inside my soaking throbbing pussy, my back inadvertently arches as I let out a long, sweet moan, the instant he touches me my body reacts, “god, you feel so fucking sweet, I want to be buried deep inside of you,” another moan, “That’s right baby, moan for me, I’m fucking throbbing for you.” I hear him whisper into my hair.

My hands trail the curves of his muscles, each light stroke he gasps, his tight ass firmly in my hands as I squeeze ever so gently feeling his muscles contract with every light touch, I want to savor the moment of feeling this god of a man! His hot wet mouth comes down onto my hard, erect nipples and once again I’m lost, I can think of nothing else other than the tingling sensation sending currents through my body, he hoists me in the air, bringing me down onto his lap, I look down at the monster between his legs and all I can think is, ‘that’s never going to fit.’

I feel the swollen engorged mushroom head of his penis at my centre pushing gently trying to gain entry, I gasp, he’s not even halfway in and I already feel full, he rocks his body closer, pushing deeper, the screams pour from my lips as the pleasure instantly crashes over me, “Fuck, you’re so fucking tight.” Ah, he’s a talker, I want to illicit some sexy talk but I can barely breathe, all I can do is scream at the intense pleasure as he rocks deeper and deeper inside my dripping pussy, holding my back tight he pushes further, finally he’s stuffed me full, the pleasure crashes over me in waves—yes I was right, Hunter is a fucking god!