Sat at the ‘bewitching Jewel’ where it all started, I kept watching the door, hoping she’d fall through it like she had the day we’d met, but I wasn’t that lucky and even if I was I couldn’t touch her, I had to keep my distance because I knew if I touched her again I’d never stop.

Sam stood me up which wasn’t unusual, he worked long hours and very rarely got a break, so I wasn’t mad, I actually didn’t mind drinking alone, the peace was quite refreshing, she still hadn’t responded to my text, so she was playing that game—well I did like to play games.

What was I talking about? Shit this girl was going to get me fired if I didn’t keep my emotions in check 

I was about ready to leave, I wasn’t feeling it tonight, when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket—saved by the bell, Sam was coming after all, but as I glanced at the text, it wasn’t Sam, it was the reason for my torture, she sounded different, more distant, but that’s what I wanted wasn’t it?

I should have just let her get the bloody Uber but with girls going missing on night outs when they were in an Uber—the thought made my skin crawl, if anything happened to her and I could have prevented it, then I’d never forgive myself, so against my better judgment I was now in a cab on my way to pick up a very drunk and sexy Lexie, I needed a god damn fucking medal for fighting my inner inhibitions.

“I’m outside, hurry up.”

“Why don’t you come in?”

Was she being serious? I couldn’t tell.

“Lexie, I’m your professor just being here is risky, now hurry up!”

“Jeez, grumpy, I’m coming.”

Grumpy? I’d just traveled all the way up town to get her so that she didn’t place herself in danger and I was grumpy, this girl was driving me crazy.

As the seconds passed I grew more and more annoyed at being here, I wasn’t in the mood to be sat outside of a student bar, this was the riskiest thing I’d ever attempted and I’d done some pretty dumb shit in my life.

The car door opened and the first thing I saw were those long, shapely olive legs sliding in, she bent her head and blushed, shit, why did my cock spring to action every time she blushed.

“Seat belt.” I sternly tell her. She rolls her eyes at me, I just want to spank the attitude out of her right here and now. 


“Not especially.” She pulls a grimace at my comment and stares out of the window.

The drive over is long, the awkward silences make it seem much longer than it should have, she doesn’t say a word as she looks sadly outside, I’m not even sure that she’s looking at anything, she probably just doesn’t want to look at me.

“Hunter?” I look at her with surprise.

“Yes, Lexie?”

“Why did you pick me up if it was such a risk?”

“I—.” I’m fucking speechless again, why can’t I comprehend words when I’m around her.

“Never mind.” She sighs. “Thanks anyway.”

“Lexie, have I done something?” She shakes her head. “Then why are you annoyed with me?”

“I’m not, I’m just doing what you wanted me to do.”

“Which is?”

“Act like perfect strangers, that’s what you wanted right?”

“Well, yes—.”

“Then you should be happy.”


“Yes, you got what you wanted.” She says sadly before turning her head to once again to stare out the window at the nothingness.

We finally arrive at my apartment, I know—but it’s not like I’m going to do anything I tell myself, I’m just going to let her rest her head and sleep off the alcohol, maybe make her a coffee, give her my bed for the night, do that gentleman shit that women love so much, I don’t want her to choke on her own vomit in the middle of the night, yes that’s what I’m doing I tell myself, not fully believing my own intentions.

Once inside my apartment she stands at that very same wall she stood in when I brought her here the last time and the images of that night come flooding back, my cock is throbbing just at the thought of touching her body, the taste of her skin, the way her tight pussy clenched around my cock…

Stop it, I reprimand myself.

“Uh, Hunter?” I look up at her and that’s a big fucking mistake, I get lost once more in her deep chestnut eyes, I nod because I can’t speak.

“Why am I here? I thought you was taking me home.”

“Did I say that?” She shakes her head and her hair falls delicately around her shoulders.

Walking closer to her I can’t help it, instantly I smell a mixture of vanilla, coconut and just a hint of alcohol, I can feel her breath massage my face, my breath hitches, why does she affect me like this? I desperately want to know if I affect her the way she affects me but I dare not ask, afraid of the answer she’d give me.

“Go sit down.” I instruct and for once she doesn’t argue.

We sit in silence as she sips her coffee, she looks up at me and smiles over her cup and I fucking melt, she has a gaze that could melt even the iciest of hearts and I’m finding it hard to not throw her down and pound her fucking hard.

“You should go to bed Lexie, bedrooms through there.”

“Where will you sleep?”

“I will be fine here tonight Lexie.” She looks disappointed and I don’t want to look at her, so I stare at my feet, only raising my eyes when I watch her disappear into my bedroom—alone—without me. I let out a sigh of frustration and lay down with my hand over my eyes, hoping that sleep will come soon, so I’m not tempted to visit the sexy girl in my bed. 

Sleep doesn’t come though, I half contemplate going in there, to check on her, make sure she hasn’t thrown up or something, but I stop myself, I know if I go in there, I won’t come back out, fuck, why do I want her so much, I’d already had her, I should have got her out of my system, but I hadn’t, every-time I saw her, I wanted to break all the fucking rules for her, Lexie was like my kryptonite, I knew it may kill me but I still fucking wanted it, undressing and laying back on the settee, I place my arm over my eyes defeated, hoping that sleep would have an answer to my torment, but secretly knowing the answer was in my bedroom.

I don’t know long I lay there, but as hard as I try I just can’t sleep, I watch my bedroom door like a hawk, secretly hoping it opens, hoping that she gives me that look, that look of promise and invitation, that’s all it would take, one look, I should have just taken her home, I know she’s probably not going to choke on her own vomit, I wanted her here, for what reason, I don’t know because I know I can’t touch her, if I ever touched her again I knew I wouldn’t be able to stop, I was dancing close to the edge, it would be so easy to walk in there, taste her, feel her, hold her in my arms, but if I know I do that, I know I’ll never fucking let her go, I must really like tormenting myself, this was worse than having her in my office, here there was no risk, no risk of getting caught, just a risk of not being able to control my actions, a risk of not being able to let her go, I inwardly groan as my head battles with what’s right and wrong until sleep finally consumes me.