“Hey babe, where have you been? It feels like I haven’t seen you for days.” I laughed.

“That’s because you haven’t Bailey.” I roll my eyes.

“Have you been lost without me?”

“Not really.”

“Now, now, grumpy pants.”

“Oh, no, don’t do that.”


I watched as Bailey displayed her best ‘I’m innocent face’ I smirked at her theatrics.

“I don’t need psychoanalyzing today, I’m really not in the mood.”

“You still sore about Tom?” I felt her arms come around my neck as she pulled me in for a gentle squeeze.


“Tom, err, you know your cheating, lying fuck boy.”

“Oh, I completely forgot about him, I’ve been so busy I’ve barely had time to think.” I lie.

“Maybe this PA position is just what you need.” She smiles.

“Yeah, maybe.” I mumble.

“We’re all going to the Sunshine bar, are you coming Lex?”

“I might pop down later, I just want to finish going over the professor’s notes.”

“Sure babe, don’t want him to punish you for slacking.” She winked.

Shit, punish me, what I’d give for Hunter to punish me, Shit no, Lexie, don’t think like that, that’s why you spent the day at home moping around because of your crazy, wild thoughts, maybe the Sunshine bar wouldn’t be such a bad idea after all, alcohol would loosen me up and I sure needed to loosen up.

After all, Hunter was right, I had to get my shit together and just forget about that night, maybe apologise for my epic meltdown and do what he does, just forget and get on with it.

I quickly log into my emails and I’m shocked to find Hunter hasn’t give me any notes to go over—great.

I quickly thumb a text—I don’t want to because the less contact we have, the better, but if I don’t I’m going to be completely lost.

“Professor Brooks, sorry to disturb you outside of office hours, but you’ve not gave me any notes to go over for tomorrow?”

I wait…but no message comes.

Ah fuck this. 

I throw my phone in my bag and saunter to the bedroom, undressing quickly I slide on my sleek black body-con dress that hugs my curves in all the right places, slip on my black sandals and let my hair hang loose, before strutting out of the apartment to the Sunshine bar.

The Sunshine bar is bustling with bodies, the stench of alcohol and sweat hits me as soon as I walk through the doors, I look around my surroundings and shake my head.

What am I doing here?

I should turn and leave I think, but it’s too late for that, I spot Bailey at the bar waving maniacally at me—too late to flee now I think as I slowly walk towards her beaming face.

“You came.” Bailey screams while throwing her arms around me—yes Bailey loves to show her emotions through touch.

“Yeah, I might—.” 

“Oh, no you don’t.” I eye her quizzically.

“I know what you’re thinking and your not leaving me.”

“leaving you? I’m sure you will live.” I smirk.

“Come on, it’s been so long Lex.”

“Fine, but I’m not doing karaoke.” She gives me her most pained look while clutching at her heart.

“Sacrilege, darling, that’s the best bit about coming to the Sunshine bar.” I roll my eyes.

“Well, I will need lots of alcohol before I ride down that unhappy train wreck.”

“Say no more.” She winks, instantly a tall margarita is placed in front of me, garnished with an olive, I grimace as I fling the olive out of my drink—I detest olives.

The drinks flow freely and as the drinks keep coming, I find myself relaxing, something I haven’t done since I found out Hunter was my professor, I’m feeling pretty happy, that is until I spot him.

My eyes dart towards him, his arms around Miss page 3, long legs, blonde wavy hair, deep blue eyes, she’s beautiful, it’s no wonder he has her on his arm, I scowl.

“What’s wrong babe.” Bailey shows concern, then her eyes dart to where mine are.

“Oh, sorry babe, do you want to leave.” I shake my head.

“I’m fine, honestly, it’s just a shock, will you excuse me I need to run to the restroom right quick.”

“Of course, Lex, do you want me to come with—.”

“No, it’s fine Bailey, you stay here, I won’t be long.” 

“As long as you’re sure.” She asks questioningly, I nod to reassure her as I make my way to the restroom.

Walking into the restroom my head starts to spin, the alcohol has gone straight to my head, I stumble through the doors hoping to get a breather from the mass of bodies—but no such luck! There are more bodies in here than out there.

I stumble into a cubicle and lock the door as I sit on the toilet seat with my hands in my head, waiting for the room to stop spinning, I need to leave, I’ve drank more than what I should have done, I never expected to react that way after seeing Tom again—at least he was with the same one I’d caught him fucking that morning, but somehow that didn’t bring me any comfort.

Why was I bothered? Why now?

Maybe because my life was a fucking train wreck and I could never catch a break.

I take my phone out of my bag, I need to call an Uber and get out of here, the night has turned sour and all I want to do is crawl into bed and await the raging hangover that will have my head in a vice in the morning.

Opening my phone I see a text flashing on the screen—great, just what I need, but what did I expect, I texted him first, of course he’d respond.

“Lexie, I didn’t issue you any new notes as I wasn’t sure if you’d be coming back, are you?” 

Was I going back? I wasn’t sure, but I couldn’t quit because I had a crush on my professor could I—and like Bailey had said, I’d not thought about Tom because of—well it wasn’t my position, it was because my very sexy professor took all the space up in my head—sure, why not.

“Where else would I go…”

“Are you okay, Miss Mcvay?”

“I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?”

“You seem—short.”

“Oh, I can’t think why, the notes?”

“I can go over that with you in the morning.”

“Like, e, early?”

“Like the same time as usual, will that be a problem?”

“For me no, for my head, maaaaaybe.”

“Are you drunk?”


“Where are you?”

“I’m at the Sunshine bar, I’m going to call an Uber, see you tomorrow.”

“Stay there, I won’t be long.”

“No, Hunter, honestly I’m fine.”

“I said stay there Lexie.”

Oh, great, the Good Samaritan strikes again, I couldn’t be near Hunter—not while I was drunk, this was going to be an epic disaster, but I’d be lying if I said he didn’t send shivers coursing through my body when he demanded that I stay.

Lexie, Lexie, Lexie, what is you doing girl, I thought while groaning and placing my hands back in my head.

Stumbling out of the bathroom, I knock into something hard, raising my eyes, my mouth gapes open—of course I’d bump into you, why not, like the universe hadn’t thrown enough curve balls my way lately—here’s another one.



“I didn’t know you’d be here.”

“Why would you, we’re not together, it’s not like you’d know my schedule.”

“Do you want to—.”

“What? Get a drink, catch up, talk about the good old days—thanks but I’m good.”

“Lexie, you can’t stay mad at me forever.”

Was he serious? I look up at him and he’s wearing a perfect poker face, seems pretty serious from where I’m standing, I look around but I can’t see Miss page 3.

“What are you looking for?”

“Your girlfriend, I was going to announce that she’d lost something.”


“You, now get out of my way.” His hands come down onto my waist, the anger instantly erupts, bringing my palm across his cheek I hear the loud clapping as it connects with his face.

“What the hell, Lexie.” I put on my best innocent face I can muster. “Oops must have slipped.”

“Slipped? Are you fucking kidding me.” He screams.

“Yeah, just like your cock, now move.”

He stands there shell shocked just staring at me, I have neither the time or the patience for him, stepping forward I nudge him out of the way as I make my way back towards Bailey, I never look back once, but I know he’s watching me, I can feel his eyes burning a hole in my back.

“What do you look so pleased about?”

“I took my power back.” I smile.

“Good for you, Lex, drink?” I put my hands up in surrender.

“I think I’ve had enough.” I smile.