Sitting at the bar, I knew I shouldn’t be here.

I should be getting ready to teach the class full of students in psyche sex class tomorrow, but I wasn’t. I was here; when Sam had begged me to come out, I should have said no.

Yes, that’s what I should have done, but here I was, sat at the Bewitching Jewel.

I liked this bar; it was hidden away, with no students, which gave it so much appeal.

The lights were low; the soft music played elegantly in the background giving it that quiet ambiance that the Bewitching Jewel had.

“You’re a bad influence.” I chuckled as I chugged down another beer.

“Didn’t take much convincing.” Sam side-eyed me.

“What can I say? You gave a good argument.”

“Argument? I asked if you wanted a beer, that was it.” He laughed.

“Exactly, a great argument.”

“You’re impossible.”

“Listen, you don’t have to teach a load of uninterested students, I need this.”

“Uninterested?” He raised his eyebrow as I nodded.

“You teach sex; I’d think it would be right up a bunch of horny adolescents street.”

“You’d think.”

I loved my job.

I enjoyed teaching the psychology side of sex, but I knew how it went, the same as it always went; they thought they knew everything because they had stuck their cock in some willing naive girl for the night who they would probably not see again and be scored on their efforts.

Yes, tomorrow would be a drag and don’t even get me started on the PA I had been appointed.

Why did I need a PA anyway?

Probably be a goody-two-shoes who thought she could get into my pants to higher her grades.

Yes, students were delightful things.

The bane of my life, I shook the thought away.

Getting up, I walked towards the men’s restroom just as the doors came crashing open; stumbling backwards; I quickly regained my balance; drinks from the tray that the server held to the side of me wobbled, and the drinks spluttered and squirted straight onto my crisp white shirt.

Fucking perfect.

“Fuck.”, I called out.

“I’m sorry, sir.”, the server breathed; I shook my head.

“Not your fault.”, I smiled as she walked away, probably to get some fresh drinks as I’d had the entire contents of the tray poured down my front.

Looking down, I saw the culprit on the floor in front of me sat on her knees, a mass of rich brown hair with copper undertones flowed all around her, lifting her head, deep chestnut brown eyes stared back at me.


Holding out my hand to the disaster still sat in a mess on the floor and all I could think was how I’d like that plump pink mouth of hers wrapped around my cock.

Shit, what was wrong with me, I was soaked with beer and all I could think about was fucking her delectable mouth.

Slowly she took my hand; sparks of electricity ran through me as her soft hand touched mine, she finally stood, and my eyes roamed across her face; she finally looked at me and blushed, the new pinkness that adorned her cheeks went straight to my cock.

“I’m sorry, sir.” she meekly spoke.

“Don’t worry about it.” I smiled.

“I don’t usually fall for strangers.” She blushed once more.

Was she flirting with me?

God, she was fucking delicious.

“Must be my lucky day then.”, I smiled.

A loud clap on my back shook me back to reality.

“Sorry, man, I’m going to have to call it a night.”


“Duty calls.”

“Graveyard shift can be such a drag, Sam.”

“Tell me about it.” Sam laughed.

“Do I need to ask?” Sam pointed to my shirt and raised his eyebrows.

“Funny story, tell you another time.”

“I don’t believe we’ve met; I’m Sam.” Sam held his hand out to the strange but delicious girl who stood in front of me.

“Lexie.” She smiled as she took his hand.

Lexie, even her name was fucking cute.


Stumbling through the doors of Bewitching Jewel, I came crashing into something hard; falling back; I hit the ground, laid there in a mess on the floor.


Of course, why wouldn’t I make an extensive display of embarrassment?

At least my day couldn’t possibly get any worse, right?


Raising my eyes, I finally look at him; he towers above me as I’m still sat in a mess on the ground, sleek black jeans, a crisp white shirt that is now stained from the drinks that had connected with his chest, jet black hair with just the faintest hint of brown as the light hits. 

Tanned skin, a defined jaw dusted with dark stubble, perfectly masculine features and, my god, the iciest blue eyes I’d ever seen.

He held out his big calloused masculine hands; heat radiated through my palm as our hands connected.

Each time he spoke to me, heat crept up my face. 

Could he see me blushing?

I didn’t blush. 

Not ever. 

What was he doing to me?

I was glad when his friend intruded on our awkward meeting, tall, with kind brown eyes, creases adorned his eyes when he smiled, I relaxed instantly; he introduced himself as Sam, it only seemed fitting I repaid the favor by introducing myself.

So why did the dark stranger seem intrigued at the mention of my name?

Maybe it was in my head.

What a day.

I was right, I should have stayed home where my feet didn’t fail me.

I watched as Sam left the bar, and I was left with Mr. Mysterious just staring at me.

Well this was awkward.

“Do you have a name?”

Does he have a name?

Why did I say that?

“Hunter Brooks.”

Oh, how very formal.

“Nice to meet you officially, and once again, I’m sorry for all of this.”

“It’s fine, honestly, don’t worry about it.”

“Bet you didn’t think you’d bump into a train wreck tonight.”

“Train wreck?” He quizzically raised his eyebrows at me.

“Yes—um—never mind.”


Great, we were going back to awkward silences.

“Bad day?”

“Bad day? Yes, that’s the understatement of the century.”

“Sounds interesting.”

“Oh, I don’t know how interesting it is.”


“Excuse me?”

“Well, you look like you could use one, and I’m a great listener.” He smiled, and as his grin grew, little dimples pierced his cheeks on either side, and it was the cutest thing ever.

“You want to listen to my day?”

“Sure, why not.”

“You don’t want to hear about my problems.”

“We’ll see.”

He didn’t give me time to protest as he guided me towards the bar.

“What are you having?”


“Ooh, onto the hard stuff.”

Once again, I could feel the heat creeping up my face to my cheeks, and I desperately hoped that he didn’t notice.

“So tell me your story, Lexie.”

“My story?” He just nodded at me.

“I’m afraid I’m boring, Mr Brooks, nothing to tell.”

“Oh, that I very much doubt.”

I was tipping the cool brown liquid down my throat, licking the drops that escaped and dripped onto my lips.

“Well, you see, Hunter, can I call you Hunter?”


“My day was going great until I decided to surprise my boyfriend—.”

“You have a boyfriend?”


“I don’t understand.”

“Well, you see, Hunter, I was excited about my new position.”


“Yes, out of hundreds, I was chosen.”


“Thank you.” Oh shit, I was blushing again.

“Anyway, I went over to his apartment.”

“Oh he wasn’t happy?”

“Oh, he was very pleased, balls deep in some leggy blonde.”



That was quite a story.

Balls deep? Did those words just come out of her filthy mouth? I knew it. 

I fucking knew it with each blush, she was fucking naughty, and I wanted her.

She was hurting; I could tell she was hurting; hell, we’d all been there; I needed to be a gentleman, comfort her but fuck, all I wanted to do was bury my face between her perfect olive, tanned legs.

Gently I placed my hand on top of hers and Christ, She felt fucking good, her skin was like silk, and the heat from her evaporated all over me; maybe touching her was a mistake, but I couldn’t help it; she was just so damn cute.

“So you see, Hunter, I have no boyfriend.”

“Well, he’s an idiot.”

Finally, she smiled; the whole time she’d been here, I hadn’t seen her smile. 

Not once, but when she did, she glowed, she had a glint in her chestnut brown eyes that danced as I watched her.

“So she does know how to smile.” I smiled.

She pressed her hand firmly against my chest, almost toppling off the stool; I caught her by the waist; she was close now. 

Too close.

“I do believe you are teasing me, Hunter.”, She breathed.

Teasing her? 

Oh, what I’d fucking give to tease her.

I had come out for a quiet drink before the madness started, but it seemed the madness had followed me here.

Tease her. 

Yes, I’d love to tease her. 

All fucking night long.