I’d never meant to be so distant with Lexie, after all she was my light in the dark, my world only made sense with her in it, it had been the hardest thing I’d ever had to do not speaking to her, not smelling her, touching her, I felt empty and missed her touch, missed her voice—just missed everything about her, but my life had quickly spiraled out of control and the only way I knew how to deal with that was to hit the brakes, take back some of that control that I’d lost and assess where I was heading from here, but it hadn’t worked, I couldn’t get her off my damn mind! 

When Liliana had asked to meet for coffee I had my reservations but I thought we could pick each other’s brains, Liliana was a science professor, a brilliant mind and even I’d say she was easy on the eyes, tall, long legs, brilliant copper toned hair and sparkling blue eyes, she was closer to my age than Lexie was, but there was just one problem—she wasn’t Lexie, but there was no harm in meeting her for an innocent coffee.

Well so I thought.

Sitting in the warm spring breeze with a beautiful woman at the side of me didn’t have the desired effect, she was as smart as she was beautiful, but try as I might each time she spoke I zoned out and my mind wandered back to the forbidden fruit that I couldn’t stay away from.

“Did you hear what I said?” I looked at her trying to hide my embarrassment because I didn’t hear what she said, not one word.

“I’m sorry, I completely zoned out.”

“You’re not enjoying yourself are you?” She asks me with that somber look on her face.

I’m not enjoying myself, fuck, how did I give it away? I’d nodded in time to the polite conversation, I’d smiled and laughed along when I knew I was supposed to laugh, but my head wasn’t actually here, it was with the girl that wasn’t here and if I was being honest with myself, I’d rather be anywhere else than here with Liliana, as beautiful as she was, I just didn’t want to be here.

“Of course I am.” I smile trying to reassure here, I’m broken from the disaster of my lunch date by a high pitched squeal, great students, just what I need—but not just any students—oh no! The very student I’d been obsessing over, she looked, shit! Well she looked pissed. But why wouldn’t she, I’d avoided her, stopped contacting her and then the first time she sees me, here I am with what she will assume is a date, but it’s not, it’s not a date is it? As I look over at Liliana with hope in her eyes…

Oh, shit! It is a date.

Maybe I can fix this? I’m hoping I can fix this.

She hasn’t come out, Liliana wanted to leave ages ago but I persisted that I was enjoying her company, another lie, I just wanted to see her walk out, see her, maybe speak to her, she’d ignored all of my texts as frantic as they were.

She didn’t speak to me when she came out, I looked her over and she had avoided me at every opportunity, for a twenty-one year old she sure was acting like a brat, a very naughty brat, shit, my cock jumped at that thought, shit, I couldn’t get an erection, not now.

So they were going to Sun Springs—interesting.

I watched her walk away, well I say walk, she steam rolled out of the vicinity like a bolt of lightening, she wanted to get as far away from me as possible and even though I knew her reasons were just, it didn’t hurt any less.

“Well this was fun.” Liliana exclaimed.

“Don’t lie.” I smirk.

“You aren’t looking for anything are you.” I just shake my head. No point lying she had me sussed since I zoned out.

“Friends?” She asks while holding her small hand out, I take her hand in mine and kiss the silky smooth skin, “friends.” I smile as I watch her turn and walk away.

Well this was a disaster, I’d just wasted Liliana’s time, she probably thought this was going to go somewhere and if I’d never met Lexie the way I had—maybe it would have done, it would have been less messy and less risky, but what’s life without a little risk.

At least I’d gained a new friend—a new friend I couldn’t confide in, what good were friends if you couldn’t tell them what you were going through, but I could tell nobody, Lexie was my secret, somehow I think that made this situation even more special, I glance at my phone and she’s not responded to any of my texts, she must really be mad, she usually replies, even when I wasn’t fucking her she responded, shit, had I just fucked up the only good thing I had going in my life?

I check my phone more often than I should, but there’s nothing, she hasn’t responded to any of my messages, I’m obsessively looking, knowing that there won’t be no response, why would there? She thinks I’m on a date with another woman, then I hear it.


You two are well suited…

What? Well suited, what was that supposed to fucking mean—fucking students.

More your age…

More my age? I was only 32 and she was acting like I existed when the stone age happened.

I’m sure you’ll be very happy together

Oh now I get it, she’s jealous.

It was fun while it lasted….

I stare at that text for longer than I should, I can barely believe it, I was right she was jealous, but not only that she’d ended whatever the fuck this was over text?! Nobody had ever dumped me over text, the rage instantly boils deep inside of me, I can’t understand why she acts like a petulant child when things don’t go her way, she really needed discipline, oh fuck, the feelings instantly stir deep inside of me, I feel my cock getting harder as I envision her perfect ass pushed up against my desk—I’m fucking throbbing, the heat travels round my body instantly, I can’t get her perfect ass out of my mind, slowly I unzip my jeans and allow my hand to firmly grip my hot, throbbing thick cock as I feel the pulse as it pushes against my palm.


You could have told me.

Ah fuck this, my hand moves slowly up my cock as I thumb a text back.

The only thing I want to tell you is you’re a pain in the ass

My hand moves up and down in a rigorous motion, feeling every pulse from my cock as it hits my hand, the first moan slips from my mouth as I spread my legs wider, imagining that my cock is buried inside Lexie’s tight ass, imagining she’s bent over my desk while my cock pumps in and out, she’s gripping me like a vice, the moans from my lips get louder.

You’re an asshole!

Keep talking dirty to me baby, I think as my hand moves faster and faster, I’m so fucking close, I can feel the build up as my cock jerks.

Keep talking dirty to me Lexie, and when I see you, I will bend you over and make that pretty ass of yours red raw, then I’m going to bend you over and slide my cock into your tight ass and fuck you until you cum..

I don’t wait for her response, my breathing is shallow as I beat my cock thinking of her pretty little ass bent over, moans fill my apartment, I’m so fucking close—I hear a rapping at my door, fuck, I will just ignore it I think as I continue roughly gliding my hand up my cock, seeing the clear sheen of pre-cum coat the head, “Oh, fuck.” I moan out loud. Another knock, louder this time.


Placing my cock in my pants I quickly put it back away, I’m physically in pain, I was so close to fucking cumming, whoever it is—this had better be good, I’ve just gave myself blue balls to answer the fucking door, racing towards the door, I swing it open more abruptly than I’d intended, staring at the eyes staring back at me, my mouth gapes open, shit, what is she doing here?

“Wanna come in?” I offer with a smile, as I step aside and allow my unwanted guest entry into my apartment.