I almost lost her, it wasn’t something I was ever willing to do, she’d crash landed into my existence and the moment I’d met her, that was the first moment I actually felt alive, I almost lost her because I’d kept something from her, I didn’t want to ruin what had started building between us, there was never a right time to tell the girl you’d fallen for, that unfortunately you were already married.

I knew though, I knew it was coming, as soon as I’d received that phone call from Shaye, I knew she’d come here, she was bored and wanted entertaining, her view of entertainment was fucking up my life it seemed, I knew she still had hope that I’d back out of the divorce, but I didn’t want to clean up her mess forever, I didn’t want to waste my life with someone I was unhappy with, I just wanted an ending to the whole thing, I just wanted to move on, I’d married her when I was younger than Lexie, the first girl who had shown me any attention and I’d jumped in head first, it was like a dream at first, then the cracks started to show, Shaye was like a dream that would unravel itself slowly and before you knew it, you was stuck in a nightmare—of course by then you quickly realise that it’s too late, you’re stuck in a nightmare, no matter how much you try to scratch and crawl your way out of the nightmare, the darkness consumes you, it was only when I met Lexie, that finally, the curtain opened and finally in the darkness, I saw cracks of light.

I’d finished up for the day and locked my office, I was planning on get refreshed ready for Lexie, we’d arranged for her to come over and my cock had been throbbing in anticipation all day long, all day I’d thought about her, counting down the hours until I could see my girl once more, then it had happened—the disaster. There she stood outside the common room, glaring at me, I’d internally huffed because I knew it was going to be a stand off, she wasn’t alone, she’d brought company with her—why would she bring him here, this had nothing to do with him, but as always he was just a pawn in her little sick game, I smile as I walk towards her, hoping it would soften whatever backlash I’d get, just for merely existing.

“What are you smiling at?” She scowls.

“Shaye, why are you here?”

“I told you—,”

“Yes, you’re bored, I’m here to work or had you forgot.”

“How could I forget, you remind me of it every time I call.”

“Well there is a simple solution to that.”

“Which is?”

“Stop fucking calling.”

I see the rage flicker across her face and internally I’m kicking myself, she’s unpredictable at the best of times and I’d just pissed off the dragon, now I’d never hear the end of it—could this day get any worse?

“I’m still your fucking wife.” She screams into the open space.

“Shay, we are separated, you have to stop this, go home and take him with you, I will be back half-term.” 

“Then what?”

“Then I’m coming back, until fall.”

“Oh, you have it all figured out.”

“Shaye just go home.” I scream back.

“I came all this way—.”

“I am not your husband—.” 

“Yes, yes you are.” Tears fall down her face, great, the fake tears and dramatics I’m so used to seeing, I’m sure she loved me at one point, but that’s not why she’s here, she’s here because I’m convenient, someone to bail her out of the shit, but I’m done, I’m not doing it anymore.

“I said go home.” I say more sternly this time.

She flaps her arms in the air in defeat, “fine, but this conversation isn’t over.”

It never is I think as I watch her walk away.

I stayed at Lexie’s till nightfall, there were less people about and less chance of getting caught, driving down the quiet roads, I look to the side of me and she’s sleeping soundly, even seeing her like this knocks me off of my feet, she takes my breath away, I wanted her in my arms as I fell asleep, but I didn’t want to risk running into her roommate, so I’d suggested she come back with me, she hadn’t put up a fight, but of course I knew she wouldn’t, she looked exhausted, the feeling was mutual, of course this wasn’t the night I had planned for her, I was going to attempt to make her a romantic meal, with candles and shit—I wasn’t really the romantic type but she just brought it out in me, I wanted to see her smile, she was always so grateful for the small things, she wasn’t selfish like Shaye, she was just Lexie—perfect.

She doesn’t wake when we arrive, I carry her to my apartment and slip her into my bed, one day I hope we wouldn’t have to do this, one day I hope that I wake up to see her smiling back at me, that we’ll be able to go out in daylight and I can show the entire world my girl, one day seems so far away, but one day I’d make it happen because she lit my life on fire and I couldn’t imagine existing in a world where she wasn’t.

Laying beside her, holding her body close to mine, I feel her head laid on my chest, just listening to the shallow breaths from her sleeping body, I smile, but my brow burrows, Shaye turning up is a nightmare, I’d told her to go home, but deep down I knew she hadn’t, she wouldn’t be happy unless I was miserable, I’m not sure what her game is, but one thing I’m certain of, Shaye coming here—spelled trouble.

Waking beside her, I smile, I still can’t believe she’s mine, women are a gift and I’d lovingly unwrapped her with a promise to take care of her, she looks up at me with sleepy eyes, “good morning.”

“Morning, gorgeous.”

“Did I sleep the entire time?” I nod. “Oh god, I’m so sorry.” She covers her face with her hands, slowly taking her hands away from her face, “I’m just happy you’re here.” She finally smiles.

The day is spent relaxing, chatting and getting to know each other, Lexie needs to trust me if she’s going to be with me, I know the news of my fallen down marriage has shook her, but if I can just gain her trust, let her know that this is real, it’s not just some fling, then I will never have to worry about her leaving, I don’t want her to leave, this is the happiest I’ve ever felt and it’s all because of her.

Lazily cuddled up on the settee while we watch game of thrones, my hands lazily play with her side, a small giggle slips from her lips as her body writhes beneath my touch, I could have a little bit of fun here, I think. Once more my hands tickle her skin, “please Hunter.” She squeals, “what?” She shakes her head at me, once more I bring my hand down this time vigorously tickling her side, her body thrashes hard against mine as she throws her head back in fits of giggles, her head thrashes against my shoulder and I instantly catch her mouth with mine, my tongue snakes across her bottom lip, “Oh, Hunter.” She cries into my mouth, pressing my lips hard against hers, my body crushes deeper against her as the soft cries of pleasure fall into my mouth.

knock, knock

We both look at the door like it’s a door gremlin, “just ignore it.” I whisper, once more my mouth finds hers.

Knock, knock

“You better answer it.” She whispers.

“I don’t want to.” I groan. She rolls her eyes at me, “you sound like a child.” Sticking my tongue out, I begrudgingly stand and walk towards the door, had I known what was greeting me on the other side, I’d have never opened it, but of course I didn’t know, I was oblivious of the tornado that was about to crush my happiness and destroy my life.

“Hello, husband.” She greets me with a smile, while barging past me gaining entry into the apartment.

“Shaye, what are you doing here?”

“Can’t a wife visit her husband.” She was giving me a migraine.

“You’re not my wife and your also—.”

“Oooh, who’s this?” I watch as she walks towards Lexie.

“I’m Lexie, Lexie smiles.”

“I’m Shaye, Hunters wife and this little guy is our son.”

Shit, shit, shit, shit.

There it was—the fucking tornado.

“Your—your son.” Lexie speaks into the air.

“Lexie—.” But she doesn’t hear a word I say, she jumps up, smiling at the fucking disaster that just waltzed into my life, leaving wreckage wherever she walked.

“Nice to meet you both.” Her smile looks strained. “But I think I should be going.”

“Oh no, so soon.” I can feel the fake tone spill from Shaye’s lips the moment they are uttered.

She quickly grabs her coat, she’s about to walk out of my door and out of my life and I can’t let that happen, I can’t lose her, quickly racing towards the door, I catch her hand in mine, spinning her around and crushing her body against mine.

“Please, don’t leave, Lexie.”

“I have to.” She whispers.

“No you—.”

“You have a family—.”

“I want you.”

“I want you too, but—I can’t—I’m sorry.” I see the fresh tears fall down her face.

“Please don’t leave—not like this.”

“I’m sorry, Hunter.” She turns and walks away.

“Please, Lexie, don’t leave,” she turns and looks back at me, “I’ve fallen in love with you.” She smiles.

Running into the hallway, pulling her face close to mine, my mouth encloses around hers, pushing deeper with every move I make over her sweet lips, her head moves gently away, “I fell for you too.”she utters, I smile, “but, maybe we just have to love each other from far away,” I shake my head, “in another life, maybe it would have been perfect, but right now—” her hand comes across my cheek caressing my face as she deeply looks into my eyes, “I have to let you go,” a small tear rolls down her face as she turns and walks away.

Standing there, I know I should go after her, her goodbye seems so final, she’s gone and I feel like I’m drowning, I could blame Shaye, but it was my fault why she’d left, if I’d just had the courage to tell her the truth about my situation, she might still be here, but I’d been a coward, so now all I could do was watch her walk away and as I walk back into my apartment, the nightmare looks overly happy.

“Are you happy now?” 

“Not especially, darling.”

“Go home, Shaye and take Rain with you, I will be back next week.” She claps her hands merrily, “well why didn’t you say so,” she bounds towards me, plants a kiss on my cheek, picking our son up in her arms she walks out of my apartment with a spring in her step, but why wouldn’t she, she’d just helped destroy and take away the only girl that completed me, like I said she was a fucking tornado.

I wanted to run after Lexie, I wanted to run to her, tell her that my life meant nothing without her in it, hold her in my arms seeking that comfort only she could give me as I’d done many times before, but as her last words still lingered in the air, it felt more final, it felt like—.
