The night at the Sunshine bar I was hoping to find some peace, a sense of direction, lately my life had spiraled out of control and with the events with Tom and then Hunter, it had left me feeling lost with no sense of purpose, like a caged animal who was trapped and no matter how much it tried to claw itself out, it never quite managed to free itself—yes, the night at the Sunshine bar I was searching for something I lost—I was searching for—well—me.

But what I found was something I wasn’t expecting, I wasn’t expecting him to answer me, I wasn’t expecting him to pick me up and I most definitely wasn’t expecting him to touch my soul the way he had the next day, there was just so much I wasn’t expecting, but with Hunter I’d slowly learned that you had to expect the unexpected.

His confession sent a warmness straight to my chest, I knew what it was as he’d burned a fire deep within me, with just a few little words he’d touched me, he’d touched me without even touching me, his tentative sweet kiss came, there was a throbbing between my legs, the dampness between my legs told me just how much he’d touched me—but then he’d touched my body in ways I could only dream of—after that he’d quickly changed and ushered me out of the door, on the way to my apartment where he was dropping me off he hadn’t said a word—not a single damn word, not until we arrived.

“I will see you in my office in a few hours, don’t be late he warned.

“Oh, okay.” I barely managed to stutter as I looked at him longingly.

“What are you waiting for?” I bite the inside of my cheek as I shake my head. “Uh, nothing I guess.” I reply as I clumsily exit his car, I watch as he speeds off, he didn’t even watch me walk away this time.

Had I got it all wrong? Had I read the signs wrong? I couldn’t have, didn’t he just bare his soul me not moments ago, then he acted cold and aloof, I couldn’t understand it. I shook my head as I walked back into my apartment that I shared with Bailey in a daze.

I arrived nice and early just as requested by his royal highness, but when I got there his office was locked, there was a note on the door:

Come straight to class—you never know; you may learn something.


Why that asshole, I wasn’t sure if I was more annoyed at the mixed messages, the way he had dismissed me or his arrogant note—probably all three but it was the note—definitely the note.

Pushing open the double doors I saw him seated at his desk, looking like the cat who’d got the cream, what was he so happy about? The rage instantly bubbled inside of me as I stomped down the steps and took a seat at the front, he never even raised his head to acknowledge my presence, but I knew he knew that I was here.

I glared at him but my efforts were futile because he barely even glanced my way, so I sat there pouting like child who had been scolded, the bustle of bodies led me to know that the class had started arriving, I sat there wishing I could just leave, but as that wasn’t an option right now I stared at the ceiling zoning out, going into my own little world.

“Lexie, is that you?” I turn at the high pitch scream as I glance to see who has spoiled my brooding and he shuffles onto the seat next to me, green eyes gaze back at me, blonde hair falls over his eyes.

“Wow, you haven’t changed a bit.” I squint my eyes at him, trying to place his face, he has defined features and looks like he’s just stepped off of a GQ magazine with his boyish good looks.

“I’m sorry, do I know you?” I ask because for the life of me I just can’t place his face or even think where I’d have met someone so charismatic, he looks about my age but I’m sure if we’d met I’d not have forgot him in a hurry.

“Ouch.” He holds his heart. “Don’t do me like that.” I peer at him.

“Blaine?” He smiles and two dimples instantly pierce his cheeks. “Blaine Donovan?”

“Ah, so the elusive Miss Mcvay does remember me.” He speaks in his thick Irish accent. For a second I forget where I am and I throw my hands around his neck and embrace him. “Oh my god Blaine it’s been years, where the hell have you been hiding?” I gently fist pump him in the shoulder as he laughs.

“Hey, where’s—.”

“Miss Mcvay this is not a social event, you are here to learn, so be quiet and you may actually pass my class.” Hunters steely gaze burns a hole through me with his sharp warning tone, I drop my eyes because his intense stare is starting to make me squirm, my cheeks feel hot with embarrassment.

“Hey, are you okay?” Blaine whispers. I just nod because I don’t want to risk getting told off by Hunter for a second time during class.

I don’t hear what he’s saying but I see his lips moving so he must be speaking, I’m too busy thinking of what I could have done to piss him off so much that would warrant him to embarrass me the way he did in a class full of students on my first official day in his lesson.

“Miss Mcvay, hello, earth to Lexie, are you with us?” I hear hunters voice boom towards me.

“What?” I blink repeatedly trying to focus on what he was saying, but I’m coming up empty, what a day—is it home time yet because I’m so done with today.

“I asked you a question, I’m still waiting for an answer.” He stood tall, towering above me, tapping his sleek black shoes and glaring at me, awaiting an answer to a question that I never heard.

“Could you repeat the question?” I ask him sweetly.

“If you were paying attention you wouldn’t need me to repeat my question Miss Mcvay, I was told you were the brightest student in my class when I arrived, but if you can’t even be bothered to answer a question then I really don’t know where the bright student is—there are no do overs in life Lexie, you either want to succeed or you don’t!” He scolded me.

Why that giant egotistical asshole, I was going to let the first embarrassing comment go, but that was too far, was he calling me lazy because I hadn’t heard his question? What was wrong with him? 

“Well, I’m waiting.”

“What for?” I glared back at him—well two could play that game.

“I’m waiting for you to tell me if you’re going to apply yourself or if I’m just wasting my time having you in this class.’ My face dropped, I’m sure he could see the surprise on my face because I saw the first hint of a smirk.

“If you wasn’t such an asshole maybe I wouldn’t mind answering your moronic question which I still have no clue what it is because your massive ego won’t allow you to repeat yourself.” I scream into the now silent room.

Shit, did I say that out loud? I thought I said it in my head, the room is now silent except for the gasps now spreading across the room from the other students, looking up at Hunter he remains still, stood with his steely gaze.

“Lexie, leave my class right now, go sit and wait outside my office until I get there.” He turned his attention back to the class as I nod.

I feel an arm touch my hand gently, looking up I see Blaine looking at me with pity, great, just what I need, to be pitied.

“Lex, are you okay.”

“I’ll be fine.” I whisper as I try force a smile to reassure him.

“Mr, Donovan if you’d like to join Miss Mcvay please carry on.” Once again the glare was back.

“No, sir.” Blaine quickly replied.

I felt kind of bad for Blaine being dragged into this shit show, I couldn’t understand it myself, how was he supposed to understand it, he’d probably never speak to me again—which was just as well, he’d just land himself in trouble if he did and I didn’t want that.

Getting up, I quickly grab my things with my eyes down, a face full of embarrassment, I quickly walked up the steps and through the double doors, collapsing against the wall—finally letting out a breath that I didn’t know I’d been holding.

Shit, now I was in trouble I thought as I somberly walked towards Hunters office, plopping myself down on a chair just outside of his office with my elbows on my knees and my hands in my face; all I wanted to do was scream but I’d already done enough, didn’t need to draw any extra attention to myself. 

What if he kicked me out of his class? I needed this class on my GPA I thought. 

I also needed this PA position, it would go better for interviews with the PA report on my resume, but my foot in mouth disease had just risked my future career—or now lack of.

I don’t know how long I’d been sitting here waiting for him to return but as the minutes ticked by all I was left with was my neurotic thoughts and they were dangerous, all I had to do was apologise and hope that Professor Brooks took pity on my epic outburst.

Had I really called him an asshole in front of everyone?

What the hell was I thinking?

“Miss Mcvay, follow me.” I looked up as I felt the heat crawl up my face.

Why did he make me blush so much?

I gingerly followed him into his office, just standing by the door.

“Close the door.” He instructed sternly. I quickly obeyed until I heard the click.

“Take a seat.” 

Walking towards the usual chair I sat in to work, it felt different this time, this time I was waiting with bated breath to find out if I’d just ruined my education and future career.

“Lexie, do you know why I sent you here?” I nodded.

“I’m going to need you to speak.”

“Yes, sir,” I speak meekly. I think I see a change in his face, but in a flash it’s gone and he’s back to looking stern and serious.

“Do you think it’s professional to call your professor an asshole.”

Finally I look up at him, looking into his icy blue eyes and I see the intense gaze as he looks back, “No, it’s not, I’m sorry professor Brooks, it won’t happen again.”

“What do you suppose I should do with you?”

“I—I don’t know.”


“I’m sorry Hunter, I didn’t mean to say that out loud, I thought I was just thinking it but then I couldn’t stop once I’d started, you—.”

“Yes,” He raises his eyebrows in response.

“You infuriated me, but I shouldn’t have said—anything, please give me another chance, I need this job and I need to pass your class.”

“I don’t know what to do with you Lexie, your outburst was heard by the whole class and it is not what anyone would expect from a PA, least of all a student.”

“I understand.” I state sadly, trying to keep my face from the displaying the emotions that it so desperately wanted to show.

I blew it, I couldn’t believe I had blew it, all my hard work to get here and I blew it over a thought that accidentally spilled out of my mouth, I can’t believe I threw away my future over a secret obsession with my professor, I was kicking myself but even more than that, I felt foolish, getting up, I don’t even look at him as I turn to walk away…

“Miss Mcvay, where do you think you are going.”

“I’m leaving—.”

“Does it look like we are done here?”

“I assumed that was clear.” I start walking towards the door, I hear the scuff of his chair, I know he’s moved but if I’m quick I can still walk out of there with my dignity intact.