Walking into my apartment, I was left with more questions than answers; there was no sign of Bailey, which I was relieved about because one look at my face and she would know, I swear the girl was a psychic; she just knew things, I was never sure how, but she always said I had an honest face, whatever that meant.

I decided to busy my mind, so I logged onto the computer looking over Hunter’s notes, I sat there skimming over the words, taking a mental note, so that he would know that I took my position as his PA seriously.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Don’t forget to go over my notes, Hunter.

Why did he have to keep tormenting me? As if that toe-curling kiss wasn’t enough, now he was texting me, was he doing it on purpose, it was like dangling a carrot in front of my face and right before I would catch the nutritious snack it was pulled away—well I wasn’t playing his game I decided, I would ignore him, that’s what he wanted right? 

For us both to act like perfect strangers.

I sat staring at that text and staring at it, waging a war within myself until I could take it no more.

Tell me Hunter, do you usually message your students this late?

I didn’t have to wait long for a reply.

Fuck, no I—I wanted to make sure you was ready for tomorrow’s lesson.

Don’t worry reading your notes right now—I take my position as your PA—very seriously.

Was I flirting? Maybe just a little, but he deserved it.

That’s good to know.

Is it always going to be like this?

Like what?

Awkward? Dancing over the actual issues? Playing pretend?


Yeah I get it, maybe I should resign—

I already told you I didn’t want that.

Well, you can’t always have what you want.

Tell me something I don’t know, goodnight Miss Mcvay.

Goodnight, Professor Brooks.

I had got to the university bright and early Hunter had emphasized on how important promptness was to him and I didn’t want to disappoint him on my first official day as his PA, I still wasn’t sure what this job entailed and when I had been given the position I had been excited, but sleeping with the professor before I knew he was my professor had made this whole experience quickly lose it’s appeal.

“Lexie?” I raised my head, looking into his icy blue eyes, I forced a smile.

“Good morning professor Brooks I would have brought you coffee but I’m unsure how you take it.”

“Your not here to fetch me coffee, Lexie.” I shrugged my shoulders, feeling indifferent to his comment.

“You didn’t have to arrive this early—.”

“You said promptness was important.”

“Yes, but—.”

I stood with that fake smile plastered across my face.

“What would you like me to do?”

“What?” He stood with a glazed over look in his eyes.

“The job, what does it entail?”

“Oh, that cabinet over there. Go get some files out and start sorting through them.”

“Of course, sir.”

I walked to the long, sleek, tall black filing cabinet and thought it best to start at the bottom; bending down, I slid open the draw and took a handful of files out of the draw before closing it.

“Would you like me to start now?”

“That would be good.”


“Where else?”

I just smiled as I took a seat opposite him at his desk; I guess they hadn’t thought to get me my own desk, although if I hadn’t already fucked my professor, this wouldn’t be an issue, but it was, I could feel the heat slowly rising to my cheeks as I thought of all the many positions he had placed me in, I could feel his eyes on me, but I didn’t dare look up for confirmation.

The more I sat here, the more intense the air felt; the heat didn’t just creep to my face; I had to squeeze my legs shut; my body burned for him, this clean slate of his wasn’t working, I couldn’t forget, it’s all I thought about, and those very naughty thoughts were having the most inopportune effect on me as I sat across from him, I look over at him unsure if he’s aware of my situation I’ve got going on but he’s not even looking at me, glancing at his face I can remember how his stubble grazed across my pussy as his tongue got lost inside of me, I feel the familiar feeling of desire dripping, shit, I’m soaking once more, I squeeze my legs tighter, but the rubbing is causing friction, I try stifle the moan that’s moments away from pouring from my lips, the thought of feeling his thick cock pulsing inside of me causes tingles to take homeagebetween my legs, squeezing my legs tighter, I’m dripping with need, he hasn’t even touched me and I’m soaking fucking wet, I can’t concentrate, all I can think about is his delectable tongue as it trails around my body.

“I can’t do this.”


I’m sorry, find someone else.”

“Lexie, you worked hard for this, don’t let one night ruin this for you.”

Well, he may as well have just punched me in the face—one night? One night I couldn’t forget, no matter how hard I tried, I could still feel his touch gliding across my body like he’d scorched his mark underneath my skin.

“I’m sorry, I have to go.” I turned, racing for the door; I needed to get out so I could breathe, I couldn’t think under his watchful gaze, I thought I could handle it, but I couldn’t, I needed to touch him, I needed to feel him, but as he had told me, that couldn’t happen, so now I needed to get away from him.

I felt his warm hand as he caught my hand in his, quickly turning my body, my body mashes against his, I can feel the heat burning me up from the inside, I just want him to touch me, let my body remember how his touch feels, let him crawl under skin once more, a small gasp slips from my lips.


“If you’re worried about what they will say—.”

“That’s not what I’m worried about.”

“Fine, then let me go.”

“Why are you been difficult?”

“Why do you suddenly care? It was only one night, remember?”

“Hey, you’re the one who only wanted no strings—.”

“Yes.” I breathed. “That’s before you touched me.”

“Lexie, please don’t do this, not now.”

“I’m not doing anything, I’m leaving, or I was until you stopped me.”

“I don’t want you to leave.”

“Yeah, well, as I said, you don’t always get what you want.”

He drops my hand for a moment, his face comes close to mine, pressing his head against mine, my breathing becomes faster; for a moment, I think he’s going to kiss me, wash away all my worries and breathe life back into me with just one kiss—but he steps back.

“Take the day to collect your thoughts; come back and try again tomorrow.” I looked at him dumbfounded. Was he listening to a word I was saying to him?


“It will get easier, I promise.”

“You can’t promise that.”

“It will, the awkwardness will fall away, and you will get a glowing report on your resume because I know you’re going to do an excellent job as my PA, don’t ruin this opportunity because of me, I don’t want that, we were just strangers in a bar and now—.”

“And now you’re, my professor.”


“I don’t need a day.”

“Well, I’m telling you to take one; that’s an order, not a request.”

“I don’t think—.”

“Do you not know what an order is, Lexie?” I blushed once more, this was making it easier? Because the way he commanded me had me shaking with desire, fuck, I wanted to be down on my knees looking up at him with his cock in my mouth while he ordered me, shit, stop thinking like that, why does my mind always end in the gutter, I was a good girl, I had boring missionary sex with my long-term cheating boring boyfriend and now—well now I wanted to serve this fucking god that stood in front of me, pleading with me to make his life easier, while mine was pure hell.

Yeah, this was going to get a whole lot worse; Hunter could tell himself these pretty little lies all he wanted, but I knew better, this would never get better because each time I saw him, I felt exactly how I felt that night, I wanted to crawl up to him, let him pat me on the head and call me a good girl, let him play with my body and use it for his enjoyment, that’s what I wanted. 

Still, like I had kept telling him, we don’t always get what we want.

“Fine, I will take the day, but I can’t see tomorrow being any different.”

“Think about your career.”

“Like you.”


“That’s what you do, isn’t it, think of your career?”

“Yes, Lexie, I need this job.”

I just nodded as I turned and walked away from him; I knew he was right, but it didn’t make it any easier knowing he was right.

Although maybe a day’s break would do me good, I shake my head at the ridiculous notion, I couldn’t even handle a few hours in his presence how was one day going to fix this gigantic fucking mess I was now locked in.

When I’d arrived this morning I fully intended to do as he wanted and start on a clean slate but the sensations of his touch, his mesmerizing blue eyes and the way he played with my body and owned it had flashed through my head, I was soaking wet just from thinking about what he had done to me, how was I going to cope with working so closely with him if I couldn’t keep my thoughts in check.

I knew I was a lost cause, hell, he knew I was a lost cause, what I didn’t understand was why he didn’t just let me resign, I’m sure he could find someone to fill my place, someone he hadn’t already fucked, by his reaction to this sticky situation it did appear that he didn’t make a habit of this, but neither did I, this PA position was supposed to be something to celebrate, but I couldn’t celebrate the fact that the man I had to work under made me wet with one look and each time I saw him, my desire grew, if he said fuck it and just threw caution to the wind I’d happily lay beneath this man once more, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen, after all, he just wanted to forget about it and in the grand scheme of things I’d love to forget about it, but the memory of him haunted me, it’s all I could think of—one night and he’d consumed my mind and all I wanted him to do now was consume my body.

Hunter had crawled underneath my skin, he was supposed to be a reckless act, something I’d always remember, I’d never had a one night stand and the one time I had, I’d chosen to do it with a man you’d need more than one night with, sitting so close to home and not being able to touch him was like actual torture, when he’d placed his head next to mine I’d held my breath, hoping he’d steal away my breath once more, but once again he’d pulled away and I’d been left wanting something more than he was willing to give.

In one night I’d become obsessed, obsessed with his touch, obsessed with his warmth, just obsessed with him, I’d never met a man like Hunter before and probably never would again, it was just a cruel twist of fate that he was my new professor, and now that I’d touched him, tasted him, felt him inside me, I just didn’t know how to act when I was near him because each time the memory of him flashed across my mind, the memory of the a man who was now forbidden.

Yes, professor brooks was off limits—but boy would I love to cross that fucking limit.