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Through time

Published by

Linda Kenny

Through time by Lkenny
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She vanished just as the year ended, only wanting to change her life for the better. Her name is Jenny Holloway a 34 year old woman a lonely librarian in a small town. She has no friends ,only the community elderly that frequently visit the library to chat about bygone days. Jennys life has become a humdrum ,boring life she needs at make a decision to move on . After her day at work she decided to make a change, she looked for a home to rent with option to buy in the rural part of Pennsylvania. She spoke to a real-estate agent by the name of Richard Wolf who lived near the Pennsylvania property. Jenny had an appointment to meet up with Richard the following day. She drove to the property and met Richard who was already there. Richard was a stately sort of gentleman. Well dressed to impress. That he did . Jenny was very impressed she noticed he did not have a wedding band. Thoughts of friendship crossed Jennys mind as well as other thoughts. The home was built in the 1800s. Jenny loved the wrap around porch. As they entered the front door and walked down the hall way . It was time to explore this beautiful home. Jenny loved every inch of the home.They began to go downstairs to the large basement. Jenny tripped on a wooden door on the floor. Richard helped her to her feet. What could this be Jenny stated? Richard replied it looks as if it could be an under ground railroad, an escape tunnel for slaves. Jenny was very curious she looked around for something to pry the hatch open. She came across a crow bar lying in the corner of the basement .Richard took the bar and put it under the latch to lift the slab of wood and to dislodge the door.Grunting with all his might he was able to pry the door open. A very musty smell came from the dusty, cobweb filled hole. There were very steep stairs leading downwards. Luckily Jenny had a small flashlight in her purse. She aimed the light down the hole wondering what she will find.They both entered the unknown being cautious not to fall down the steep stairs. Richard brushed away the cobwebs. Jenny followed holding Richards hand to keep steady. Suddenly a huge bang came from above .The door had slammed shut and Jenny lost her flashlight. She cautiously started upward to try to open the door Richard followed .The door was too heavy the only way was down. Darkness prevailed . Jenny slipped and both tumbled down The stairs into the abiss. Bruised and luckily not hurt badly they slowly walked on.They came to another door Richard pushed it open a gush of wind pulled them down farther and farther. Spiraling deeper and deeper into the unknown. Not knowing, not hearing, not seeing the nothing had succumbed them .Feeling as if they had fainted. Waking up not knowing where they were only to look around noticing a huge field of grass and corn. Jenny and Richard had woken up in the back yard of the home Jenny was going to purchase. Everything was different as if they had woken up in the 1800s.Not being able to return to the life they both once knew. They tried to adapt in their new world It was a different place from the year 2011. Jennys life was about to change for the better. The house became a home for her and Richard her newfound husband. They lived happily and started a family .She will embellish ever bit of her new found existence. Life changes in mysterious ways, you need to embellish every bit of it. Sometimes for the better and sometimes not knowing where life will take you and with whom you will enter the unknown with. Living to the fullest of your expectations is what life is about and all that matters .Vanishing in her previous life to make it better. Jenny had found pure happiness in a new world through time.



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Home caretaker for a parent

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