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The old hag and the Raven by Lkenny

In the days of olde a beautiful maiden, was cursed because of her meanness towards the people in her village..She would spit upon them and push them down in the mud laughing as they hit the ground. You are beneath me for I am a beautiful maiden get out of my way ,

she yelled. Causing havoc to all that came near her. She despised all. A small statured little man with black raggedy dirty clothing was watching the maidens actions toward the towns people, he walked up to the beautiful maiden. She spat on him and pushed him down. Do not come close to me you filthy little man as you can see I am better than you ,I am beautiful with clothing made of satin and lace..I have no need for you .Be gone you silly little man. The little man was lying on his back in the mud looking up towards the maiden.He began to chant "may your beauty be no more and dwell in the forest for evermore, till years go by ugliness will prevail all you will have is despair. Once you find your peaceful soul in the reflection of the mirror you will then know your heart is pure then there will only be the cure. Your evilness will be no more. The maiden laughed, you silly little man, begone from my sight you anger me. As she swung her cape over her shoulder and started to walk away .The maiden felt a hot rush throghout her body. She was turning into an old hunched back ,toothless ,hag of a witch with a crooked nose and a hairy mole on her chin. Her clothing was no longer made of satin and lace.She wore clothing of old dirty torn rags and walked with a branch for a cane. She was shunned out of the village and forced to live deep in the forest. Wandering aimlessly through the forest she stumbled upon a gloomy old run down stone cottage. She pushed open the door to find only and old table with a wooden bucket sitting besides the table,a cauldron in the stone firepit and a mirror on the wall with a Raven perched upon the mirror. Old hag you will live here till your curse is no more. Come closer said the Raven and see your reflection in the mirror. A hideous old hag of a witch was looking back at the once beautiful maiden. NO ,she screamed this cannot be for I am beautiful, I am not this ugly creature who reflects in the mirror. The mirror does not lie said the Raven. You must go on to change your ways for if you do not you will be forever changed. You need to prove you have a kind soul and a pure heart. That made the witch more angrier and meaner knowing she is no longer the beautiful maiden. She would curse anything and anyone that was beautiful who crossed her path. During her time in the forest she would wonder looking for herbs ,lizards toads and newts to fill her cauldron for incantations. Singing Boil, boil cauldron, rumble fire, boil cauldron. bubble. Chanting till dawn. The next day she wandered the forest for mushrooms. She came upon very beautiful and colorful tulips.. I will cast a spell on these tulips the witch screeched out loud. Nothing will be beautiful. She chanted Tulips tulips for once you came ,dig deeper and deeper in the earth to never grow again. To her amazement nothing had happened. She repeated her spell. What is this? she screamed. The tulips started to dance merrily up the hill singing tulips ,tulips dancing in the breeze cheerful tulips for all to see. The hag could not believe her eyes What has happened to my powers? Tulips sing no more yelled the witch. To no avail the happy tulips sang and sang all through the night. Sulking not knowing what to do the witch thought as she grew fragile and old her spells didn't have the energy and she could not focus as she used too..The old hag walked slowly back to the cottage and laid down for the night, being awoken by scratching on the door. She got up slowly opened the door to find a rodent searching for crumbs .The old hag let the rodent inside for she had been lonely for many years. She fed the rodent some crumbs of stale bread she had made 3 days ago. She made a bed of old rags for the rodent to sleep on. The Raven saw what the old witch had done for the rodent. Perched on the mirror the Raven called the old witch . Old hag come hither spoke the Raven, for you have grown old and weary and showed me there is change within you. You have learned your lesson though it has been many years. You shall come to the mirror ,gaze at the true reflection you see. As the old hag walked to the mirror to see her reflection she no longer saw a hideous old hag . she saw a beautiful young maiden once again. The curse has been lifted you are no longer mean and evil you will live your life to the fullest you have learned your lesson. True beauty lies within .It is beautiful to be kind said the Raven. The Raven then flew through the forest to the village to watch over all the villagers as he once did before.

Through time by Lkenny
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She vanished just as the year ended, only wanting to change her life for the better. Her name is Jenny Holloway a 34 year old woman a lonely librarian in a small town. She has no friends ,only the community elderly that frequently visit the library to chat about bygone days. Jennys life has become a humdrum ,boring life she needs at make a decision to move on . After her day at work she decided to make a change, she looked for a home to rent with option to buy in the rural part of Pennsylvania. She spoke to a real-estate agent by the name of Richard Wolf who lived near the Pennsylvania property. Jenny had an appointment to meet up with Richard the following day. She drove to the property and met Richard who was already there. Richard was a stately sort of gentleman. Well dressed to impress. That he did . Jenny was very impressed she noticed he did not have a wedding band. Thoughts of friendship crossed Jennys mind as well as other thoughts. The home was built in the 1800s. Jenny loved the wrap around porch. As they entered the front door and walked down the hall way . It was time to explore this beautiful home. Jenny loved every inch of the home.They began to go downstairs to the large basement. Jenny tripped on a wooden door on the floor. Richard helped her to her feet. What could this be Jenny stated? Richard replied it looks as if it could be an under ground railroad, an escape tunnel for slaves. Jenny was very curious she looked around for something to pry the hatch open. She came across a crow bar lying in the corner of the basement .Richard took the bar and put it under the latch to lift the slab of wood and to dislodge the door.Grunting with all his might he was able to pry the door open. A very musty smell came from the dusty, cobweb filled hole. There were very steep stairs leading downwards. Luckily Jenny had a small flashlight in her purse. She aimed the light down the hole wondering what she will find.They both entered the unknown being cautious not to fall down the steep stairs. Richard brushed away the cobwebs. Jenny followed holding Richards hand to keep steady. Suddenly a huge bang came from above .The door had slammed shut and Jenny lost her flashlight. She cautiously started upward to try to open the door Richard followed .The door was too heavy the only way was down. Darkness prevailed . Jenny slipped and both tumbled down The stairs into the abiss. Bruised and luckily not hurt badly they slowly walked on.They came to another door Richard pushed it open a gush of wind pulled them down farther and farther. Spiraling deeper and deeper into the unknown. Not knowing, not hearing, not seeing the nothing had succumbed them .Feeling as if they had fainted. Waking up not knowing where they were only to look around noticing a huge field of grass and corn. Jenny and Richard had woken up in the back yard of the home Jenny was going to purchase. Everything was different as if they had woken up in the 1800s.Not being able to return to the life they both once knew. They tried to adapt in their new world It was a different place from the year 2011. Jennys life was about to change for the better. The house became a home for her and Richard her newfound husband. They lived happily and started a family .She will embellish ever bit of her new found existence. Life changes in mysterious ways, you need to embellish every bit of it. Sometimes for the better and sometimes not knowing where life will take you and with whom you will enter the unknown with. Living to the fullest of your expectations is what life is about and all that matters .Vanishing in her previous life to make it better. Jenny had found pure happiness in a new world through time.

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