The rain hasn't stopped since the machines took control of the earth. The year was 3029,when the machines came through earths atmosphere to finish what they had started. Knowing what the earthlings have done to the planet . The climate, polluted water, contaminated food, polluted ocean, population growth, pollution. garbage ,viruses .Destroying their own planet. No one would be able to survive much longer. The machines had been here long ago building underwater submarines. They have been hidden in the deepest parts of the ocean The machines objective is to flood the planet. The only way humans could survive would be to start over again. As the earth flooded the machines submerged the submarines and gathered only the most intelligent and skillful earthlings to regain their survival on the planet. The rains have stopped and the water receded after 4 months time. The humans and the machines worked together to regain the planet for survival. Once again the earth thrived the oxygen was pure the water was clean, trees were growing plants were sprouting. Everything was fresh and different from what was before the machines helped the earthlings .The machines had other ideas for the humans and the planet earth. The machines were a devious sort Manipulating the earthlings to think they are helping them only to be taken advantaged of and to control their every move. To threaten humanity was their goal,and to take over the earth. The machines gathered all the humans to use them to capture signals from their brains. The machines need to learn and process information and store memories .The machines need the energy from the humans brains to become more efficient. Only the most intellegent and skillful humans were saved for this. One by one the machines used their mind reading powers to absorb all of the humans mental capacity. Draining them of all intellect till they are no longer needed. The humans were now an empty vessel. The machines had finished what they had started. They are now smarter and more powerful than before. The future is now in the hands of the Machines. Your time has come earthlings get your act together before it's too late.