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Forever we will be

Published by

Linda Kenny

Forever we will be by Lkenny
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Forever we will be as free as free can be just you and me . Sitting on a swing wind blowing through my hair swinging so high without a care. Walking through the forest as quite as can be listening to the whimsy sounds of creatures prancing through the leaves. The rain will come, the sun will shine rainbows arched in the sky. Round and round we dance in the night under the stars so bright. Soothing waves crashing in the sea and on the shore relax me. Words to jot down in my book for all to read in their nook. The trail is long and winding, a creek trickling through the smooth stones flowing downhill bring purity to my thoughts. Flowers make the world so bright and colorful inspiring new beginnings with each growth. Birds flying in the sky remind me of freedom, peaceful serenity fills my heart as I watch the birds spread their wings in flight. Memories of time gone by bring forth, warmth , love, sadness and joy a mixture of emotions to transport the mind on a journey that echos time. Forever we will be as free as free can be.



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Home caretaker for a parent

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