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The grave yard nightmare

Published by

linda Kenny

The grave yard nightmare  by Lkenny
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The night was foggy. The moons hazy ring had a mysterious ghostly atmosphere. A dense fog lurked in the cemetery, The wrought iron fence around the cemetery was placed to protect the living from the spirits of the dead. The gate was left half way open on this night..People believed the ghosts of the dead would follow them if precautionary measures were not taken. It was an eerie feeling. Walking the path seems reluctant on this night. It was not like any other night. I've taking this walk many times, this night is different . Freshly buried individuals with newly mounds of fresh dirt had recently been laid to rest . This uneasy feeling entering my body .Old weathered tombstones, some broken laying on the ground . This peaceful place used to make me feel connected, as a meaning of life by walking amongst the dead. Hallucinations, hearing voices, feeling a presence, chills all over my body seeing ghostly figures, eyes and shadows everywhere. The anxieties are getting stronger. Paranoia fills my body. Souls of the deceased the fear of demonic presence in the graveyard. My mind is rampant with fear. Running as fast as I can stumbling on a tree root I fell hard onto the ground near a fresh grave of a recently departing individual. My hands and my face buried in dirt .I felt as if I was inhaling the stench of death. Sheer panic I tried yelling only muffling my shouts for help. I lost my voice. Exhausted and overwhelmed with fear I try to stand up my legs weak and unsteady, shaking ,sweating, heart pounding . I feel something touching my shoulder . My eyes squeezed tightly shut rubbing my eyes I turn around peeking only to see my cat Snookum's needing my shoulder .As she was watching me through this whole scenario As if she knew I was in distress. It was a horrible nightmare. I take a deep breath as she snuggles up against me purring to calm my nerves. What a pleasant way to wake up after a nightmare.



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Home caretaker for a parent

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