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Love is

Published by

Linda Kenny

Love is by Lkenny
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Love is holding hands on long walk on the beach. Love is his lips kissing you on the forehead. Love is snuggling under the blankets on cold nights . Love is calling you to say I love you. Love is never having to say you're sorry. Love is a long hug. Love is caring for each other. Love is sharing a root beer float. Love is his smile. Love is a rose. Love is two as one. Love is warming my hands when I'm cold. Love is having someone to lean on. Love is respecting each other. Love is feeling safe together. Love is compassion. Love is a friendship of best friends. Love is a feeling of the heart. Love is selfless. Love is laughing together so hard your belly hurts. Love is being in each other's shadow. Love is being weird together. Love is memories. Love is a kiss good night , a kiss good morning and a kiss goodbye. Love is an adventure. Love is a precious gift. Love is being patient. Love is like a fairy tale. Love is you and me. Love is our happy place. Love is like a star that shines so bright in the night. Love is sharing your M&Ms. Love is like the smell of rain. Love is desire. Love is loyalty. Love is being his Sweetie. Love is true. Love is passion. Love is never saying hurtful words. Love is a feeling of butterflies in your stomach. Love is togetherness. Love is sticking through the good times and bad times. Love is remembering how each other likes their coffee. Love is making each other happy. Love is growing old together. Love is forever. Love just is.



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Home caretaker for a parent

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