The sun was out nice and bright all day. But with the sun setting they were running out of time. The Rebel was standing at the entrance to the outside world. People were rushing past getting their families out of the city before the attack. The Royal family were having a party, the perfect distraction.

“You actually think we are going to be able to do this?” The Prince asked coming to stand beside them.

“I’m sure of it.” The Rebel had to do a double take looking back at the Royal. “What are you doing here, you need to get back to the castle.”

“I came to make sure you are safe.” The Royal said. He dressed in something a little different then his normal. He had on a muted dark blue shirt with tan pants.

“You’re the one that needs to be safe. You need to get back if I’m going to protect you.”

“I don’t need your protection. I can protect myself thank you very much.” The Royal said crossing his arms. The Rebel glanced over their shoulder at the Prince.

“I’m sure you can. Get back to the castle, love. I will be there as soon as I’m done, we have a plan.” The Royal huffed a little.

“I am well aware of the plan, darling. I’m a little worried that’s all. What if things don’t go as planned. I don’t think you have as much persuasion as you think you have.” The Rebel spung around to face the Royal knocking them both off balance. The Rebel was able to keep them both on their feet with an arm around the Prince.

“I just, need to be there, we both know they won’t grant you any mercy unless I’m there. I don’t need your protection.”

“Yet.” The Prince did not look convinced. They both staired at each other for a while before the prince backed off. “Let me up now?” He ask starting to get lightheaded from the angle. The Rebel pulled the Royal back to his feet.

“You know they are not going to see you as I do.”

“Then I guess I will have to show them that I am different. Like I did with you.”

“I hope not exactly how you did with me.” The Rebel teased.

The Royal got a slight blush and looked away, “I’m sure I can find a different way to get the same message across.”

“Getting back in a panic will not help your case. You need to get going if your going to make it on time. I will be by your side when I need to be, promise.” The Rebel gently pushed the prince in the direction that he came from. The Prince was about to walk away before turning back to the Rebel one last time.

“Darling?” He asked the Rebel barely able to hear over the other people.

“Yes?” The Rebel cleared their throat standing up a little straighter.

“I want you to know, if things don’t go well, I-”

“Don’t. Don’t do that. Not yet. We are both getting through this and when we do then we can say it.”

“Right, see you on the other side then.” The Royal said with a small bow before leaving.

“See you on the other side, Starboy.” The Rebel could see the Royal let out a breathy laugh as he left. It was all he could do at the juvenal nickname. What else can you do when your entire world was about to collapse right in front of you. Not to mention your life hanging in the balance. The Prince was able to get back to his room through his balcony.

He marveled at all the work the Rebel went through to get to his room day in and day out. He stood on the balcony looking out at the city. The quiet before the storm. After such a long year of planning and working out all that could happen. It seems so much longer. Then again time sort of slipped away on them.

Everything seemed so much more real now that it was here. Now that everything was down to the wire. The safest place for him was in his room. Tucked away with few people that even knew he existed. They would know after this, the Rebel made sure he would be the spotlight with the rest of his family for everyone to see.

He didn’t want a flashy introduction or an introduction at all. It was better to plan his entrance then have his family pull him out of hiding. Now was when the screams and fire started. Those would be the people that stayed loyal to the crown. Those who had pacts and promises with the nobles.

Those who got promised of rising in the ranks, soon. Always soon. Then there was the Rebels coming through barriers. The first defenses against serprise attacks. Easier to take down then the royals would like to believe. Then again they don’t usually care about those types of matters.

The Prince looked upon the destruction of the city. There would be so much to rebuild no matter who won. He was so glad that the Rebel thought of getting people out. There would have been so much more blood on the Rebel factions hands. Not that they would care. Now all he had to do was wait for them to get to the castle.

He changed out of his undercover clothes he precured thanks to the Rebel. Walking around in the town with his normal clothes would make him look very out of place. He would commonly be seen in a form of his families colors. The brightest blue you can think of with anything to accent it. He preferred off whites and making the blue the accent.

The light and fluffy of creams and off whites made him feel like he was different from his family. Not pure but still good. That was direct contradiction to what the Rebel always wore. Black and dark greys with red as the accent color. It added to the contrast between them when you say them standing side by side.

How they managed to come together at all was impressive looking from the outside in. They couldn’t have more reasons to hate the other. Behind closed doors they couldn’t like each other more. The only thing in question between them was who fell for the other harder. It was still a couple hours before the rebels made it to the castle.

He made sure to dress in light blues knowing his family would be wearing darker, deeper, more rich blues. The rebels that stormed into his room dressed in the red that he had come to recognize. He didn’t fight but they were still a little rough. Understandable considering what they were fighting against.

It was a long walk to the throne room where his family already was being detained. They weren’t bound but there was large crates stacked around them. It was sectioned off as the rebels started moving things around for the execution. Why they didn’t do it in the courtyard was difficult to say. The smooth floor would help with the clean up was his biggest guess.

“You did this you little-” His oldest sister pushed him against the nearest wall. His head slamming into the marble. “We should have trapped you in the basement you rat. Guess your uprising didn’t go the way you planned. This is all your fault.”

The edges of his vision started to blacken when a sword came over her shoulder almost sticking him in the chest. A long, thin blade attached to a woman who was sneering on the other end. It was the rebel leader based on the clothes and descriptions that his lover gave. “Put them down.” She said in a low tone. Dropped was a better description of what happened as the Prince found his way to the floor.

“I will not have any of you escaping your trial. You will pay in full for what you have done to these people.” She pulled her blade back shifting his eyes from the oldest sister to the rest of the royal family. When the Prince stood up he flashed a grateful smile before the leader left, she rolled her eyes in return.

His rebel talked to her before the attack. He wondered if that would make any difference at all. Before walking back to where the rest of the group huddled in the corner. His sister gave him a right hook knocking him to the floor again. This effectively pushed him to the other side of the area. After getting up from the floor he guessed that he had only been out for a few seconds.

The only blood that he was losing was from his lip. Damage to his head was not going to help his case if things went according to plan. On the other side of the boxes there was lot of running around with things moved in and out of the room. The Prince watched the door for the Rebel hoping they were going to get back earlier then planned.

They were running out of time as the stands started to get put together. If they could have a minute to explain the situation they could keep the blood shed to a minimum. That is assuming most of the nobles and loyal people were still alive.