Chapter 57

“Just be still, baby,” he panted against her damp skin, “The barbs won’t retract until you relax.”

Kelsey’s inside clenched around him again and she gasped. “Can’t.”

He chuckled and caressed her leg lightly from her knee to her hip. His breath blew over his mark and it sent shivers through her again.

“Gage,” she moaned softly, “You have to stop,” her body spasmed around him again.

Lifting his head, he grinned down at her. “Don’t count on it.” He brushed the wet hair away from her face. “I waited long enough, I’m never stopping.”

She let out a breath as she felt the pressure from inside lessen. “Barbs?”

Smiling, his gave her another light kiss. “I’ll explain it later, when you can focus.”

She nodded and closed her eyes only to open them again and looked around. “Gage, we’re on the desk.”

Grinning, he reached under her shoulders and pulled up until she was sitting up, his body still inside hers. “It was either this or the stairs, because I wasn’t going to make it to the bed.” He dropped a kiss onto her lips and pulled her into his chest. “Just let me find my balance and I’ll get us up the stairs.”

“I could walk.”

Looking down at her, he shook his head. “You could, but then I’d have to let you go and I don’t see that happening tonight,” he kissed her tenderly, “or tomorrow.”

She looked up at him, feeling like she was floating on a cloud. “I bit you.”

He grinned. “Yes, you did.”

Shaking her head, she touched his shoulder. “No, I mean I bit you again.”

He glanced at where she touched and nodded. “Yes, you did.”

“So, it’s not a bad thing if I marked you twice?”

His grin grew wider. “No, baby. You could mark every inch of me and I would never complain. Each mark carries your scent, letting everyone know I belong to you.”

Resting her head against his chest, she closed her eyes and concentrated on breathing normally again. “I have so much to learn.”

“What do you mean?” He ran his hand up and down her damp back, causing tingles over her skin.

“I don’t know anything about our clan, or even about being a shifter.” She rubbed her cheek against him, smiling that his muscles bunched in reaction any where she touched him. “I don’t even know much about sex.”

His chest rumbled as he laughed. Grasping her waist, he lifted her weight into his arms, drawing another moan out of her as she wrapped her legs tight around him and buried him deep inside her again. “I’ll teach you everything you want to know.”

Kelsey inhaled his scent into her body and then lifted her chin and looked up at him. “You don’t smell the same.”

“Neither do you, honey, our scents are combined now.”

She smiled. “I like that.” He walked out of the office. “Gage?

Cuddling her into his body, he kissed the top of her head. “Yeah?”

“How do you have sex in the shower?”

He stopped and looked down at her. “Would you like me to show you?”

She felt his body stir inside her. Leaning forward she nipped lightly at his chest. “I think you should. I think you should teach me something new each day until you run out of things to teach me.”

Turning, he headed back down the hall toward the bathroom. “If I run out, I’ll make more up.”

“When I’ve learned everything, I need to know about sex, and being what I am, I want to learn how to fight.” He paused in his step but didn’t stop completely. “I don’t want to ever feel helpless again.”

“You’re a tiger, I think that’s lethal enough without knowing how to fight.” He nipped at her shoulder, distracting her for a moment.

“What if I’m abducted again and innocents are around? Am I supposed to just shift into a tiger in front of them?”

Stopping, he tipped her back in his arms and looked down at her, his dark eyes moving over her face. “I’ll do everything I can to keep you safe, Kels, but if you want to learn to fight, I don’t have a problem if that’s what it takes for you to feel secure.”

She could see the love in his eyes, feel it in the way he held her and couldn’t believe she’d ever doubted the way he felt about her. “I want to help the Alliance take down the people that killed my parents.”

Gage closed his eyes, exhaling he opened them. “That, we’re going to have to negotiate.”

Stretching up, she squeezed her legs tighter around him and nibble at the mark she’d left on his neck. “Okay, we’ll negotiate.” She felt him harden inside her.

“I’m serious, Kelsey.”

“Mhhm hmm,” she bit harder and then licked it making him shudder.

“Baby, I mean it.” His grip tightened as he moved into the bathroom.

“Okay.” Clenching her muscles around him, made him drop his head down onto her, she hid her smile to his reaction by kissing his neck again. “We’re negotiating.”

Growling, he backed up and leaned against the wall, so he could grip her hips tightly. “We’ll talk about it later.” He lifted her up slowly and closed his eyes as she slid up him. “Much later,” he whispered.

Moaning softly into his ear, she squeezed her legs so she stopped moving back down on him. “I think we should talk about it now…” She sucked on the mark on his neck.

Gage groaned, “Baby, that’s not fair.”

Using her teeth, she nipped her way up his neck to his ear. “What was it you said about fair? This isn’t school…”

He emitted a low pulsing growl, causing her body to react wantonly. Turning, she found her back up against the wall. “We’ll talk to Devin and see what he thinks you could do to help.” With a determined look, he thrust up into her and held her pinned there.

Smiling, she watched the look on his face. He was definitely a beautiful man. Her man. “Agreed.” Licking her lips, she watched his eyes track the movement for a second before her mouth was crushed by his.


The Animal Senses Series continues with Book 3 Passion