Chapter 10


Gage cleared the trees, not pausing to see what was going on around him. Moving faster, he headed to the fenced in yard, clearing the six-foot chain link barrier without touching it. Landing on the other side, he straightened to his full height and moved slowly toward Noah.

Cooper was there, talking in a low voice, hunched forward, he had his arms out beside him and was moving slowly toward the three cats in the corner. Both Blair and Jake were in cat form, low to the ground, poised in wait to spring if needed. Noah was backed into the corner, his sides heaving. Gage paused; Noah was a huge animal with vibrant orange markings that shone brightly, even in the fading light.

With cautious steps, he moved closer. “Noah, you need to calm down.” He kept his voice steady, but with enough authority in it to be heard.

Noah emitted a low yowling cry. He was in touch with his human and listening, but too panicked to do anything.

Gage cursed silently to himself. A panicked or trapped tiger was more dangerous than one on the hunt. “Noah,” he moved closer, keeping his stance with arms out to the side in case he needed to move quickly. “Enough.” He rarely used the harsh tone that came with his position, but a calming tone wasn’t going to get Noah’s attention.

Blair’s large white body was pulsing as his muscles contracted, ready to pounce. He emitted a low warning hiss to Noah, only making the orange animal focus on him, ears flattened back against his head.

Carefully, Gage’s hands went to his belt and undid it; if he needed to change in a hurry he didn’t want anything in the way. “Noah, we’re trying to help you.”

Cooper moved closer, his shirt already off. “I should have brought the tranq gun.”

“You didn’t know.” Gage pulled his shirt free from his jeans as he unzipped them. Without moving too quickly he pulled the shirt off and dropped it on the ground. “Noah.” He tried again to inflect enough dominant tone to grab the man’s attention.

Jake chirruped, trying another approach to get the frightened man’s attention. Noah didn’t even pay him any heed; he was too focused on the white cat, his tail twitching with impatience.

Before Gage even sensed her, Kelsey pushed between Cooper and him and came to a sudden stop.

“Can’t you see you’re all scaring him and making it worse?” She shoved Gage against the shoulder and took a step closer to the three coiled animals. “Back up.”

Gage chanced a quick glance at Cooper, who had the same gobsmacked look on his face that he was feeling. “Kelsey,” he said trying to keep his tone non-threatening, “back up, slowly.” He noticed that Noah had his full attention on her as he moved closer to the ground. Jake and Blair had inched back a few feet, putting themselves between her and the man they that was a danger to her.

“No. All of you back up and give him some space.” Her voice shook but left no doubt that she wasn’t going to listen. She inhaled a startled noise and looked at the animals in front of her. “Blair…” her voice was filled with awe, “Jacob, leave him alone.”

Later, when his heart wasn’t paralyzed with fear, he’d ask how she knew who they were, but for now he had to get her out of harm’s way. He took one step and then Cooper grabbed his arm. Looking at him, his eyes wide as if asking what the fuck? Cooper only shook his head. He was insane if he thought he was going to back away and leave his mate open like that.

“Let her try,” Cooper said no louder than a whisper.

Cursing under his breath, Gage gritted his teeth. “Jake, Blair give him space.”

Even in his cat form, Gage was able to make out what Jake was thinking and it wasn’t far from his own thoughts of are you insane? “Do it.”

Blair backed away from Noah until his side was touching Kelsey. He was listening to Gage, but made it clear he wasn’t going to just let her walk up to a panicking cat.

“Blair,” she said on a breath as she reached down and ran her hand along his hip. Kelsey took a soft breath in, like she was reaching for the courage to continue. Cooper’s grip on his arm tightened as Gage fought every natural instinct in his body to protect his mate.

She held her hands in front of her and began to inch toward him. “Noah,” her voice crooned a softness that Gage had never heard from her before. “I know you’re scared.” She moved closer and held out her hand. Noah was completely focused on her, scenting the air swiftly with every breath. “I am too,” she admitted in a tiny voice, “I need you to calm down, this can’t be good for you.”

Noah pranced on his front paws, muscles quivering beneath the lush fur covering his body.

“No one is going to hurt you,” she moved toward him an inch at a time, her hand stretched out in front of her, “I won’t let them.”

Gage swallowed, his heart was beating in his throat. Never in his entire life had he felt fear like he did right now. If anything happened to her, he wouldn’t be able to control himself, or what would follow.

“Easy,” she whispered so softly only an animal would hear her, “it’s going to be all right.” She was only a foot in front of him now, with slow movements she lowered until she was squatting in front of him.

One move from Noah and he’d have her in his teeth, or one swipe of his large paw and she’d be sliced wide open. Gage’s muscles began to shake as he fought to stay where he was. He hadn’t realized it, but Gary now held his other arm, pinning him in place.

Noah stretched out of his hunched position until his nose was an inch from Kelsey’s held out hand. “That’s it,” she breathed, “no one is going to hurt you.” He jerked his head until his nose touched her fingertips. His sides weren’t heaving as fast now, he slowly straightened his large body so his belly was off the ground. “You’re beautiful, Noah,” she reached out and touched the side of his jaw, “so soft…”

Gage had to bite back a growl seeing her touch another man in his animal form. Cooper’s hand squeezed to the point he knew he’d have a bruise there tomorrow. It was his job to protect any member of his clan, whether born into it or adopted, but his mate’s well-being took precedence over everything else.

Kelsey was on her knees now, both hands stroking the orange coat of the male cat, now standing perfectly still and scenting everything around him. There was no doubt he would pick up on the adrenalin rushing through Gage’s body as he watched her hands move over his body.

“That’s it, just relax,” she continued. Blair and Jake were both standing at full height again, looking on from a few feet away.

Jake looked over at Gage and made a soft chirruping noise. Blair turned and looked at him and then with slow easy steps moved toward Kelsey and Noah. Rubbing his large head against her side, he gently pushed his way between the cat and woman’s body. Jake was on the other side of Noah nudging him in the chest. Noah backed up a few steps, rubbing along Blair’s body as he did.

Gage let out a soft breath and jerked out of the hands holding him. “Kelsey, come here.” His voice was shaking with pent up emotion. He didn’t want to make any sudden movements and alarm Noah again.

Watching the three animals in front of her, she got to her feet and backed toward him. Gage reached out as soon as she was close enough. “He’ll be fine now.” He pulled her back against his chest, wrapping an arm around her and turning his body slowly so his back was to the cats.


“They’re going to be naked when they shift, honey.”

She tensed in his hold. “Oh,” she squeaked in a startled voice, “I hadn’t thought about that.”

Cooper looked at her and then grinned at Gage. “We’ve got it from here, if you want to head back.”

Gage nodded, slowly moving Kelsey back toward the gate. Gary held out his shirt, taking it from him he glanced over to see Jake lying on the ground staring up at the sky. “Make sure Noah gets some rest.”

Jake turned his head and looked at him. Exhaling loudly, he propped himself up on his elbow. “Kelsey too, the vibes coming off her are making me nauseous.”

Kelsey tensed in his arms, but she didn’t try to look around him. Gage tightened his hold. “We’ll see all of you tomorrow.” He watched as Noah’s form began to phase back and then practically picked Kelsey up, moving to the four-wheeler with long strides.

She was shaking in his arms as he straddled the machine and pulled her into his lap. The adrenalin was gone and shock was now starting to hit her. “That was the both the bravest and stupidest thing I’ve ever witnessed.”

Her quivering body leaned into his bare chest, her head resting in the cradle of his shoulder as he started the engine. “He was scared, I was scared…”

Nuzzling the top of her head, he glanced over at the men as they began to move to the other side of the yard, propping up an exhausted Noah between them. “He’ll be all right now.”

“Does that happen often?”

Knowing she’d already had more than enough to digest for one night, he shook his head, twisting the accelerator and turning back toward the trail. “No, it’s rare.”

“Good. It’s frightening.” She snuggled in closer to his him and relaxed against his body.

Gage wanted to let go of the handlebar and wrap his arms around her. Since she’d come back he hadn’t touched her and it was driving him crazy, but he needed to get her back to the house. At some point, all of this was going to sink in and he preferred not to be in the middle of the bush when it did. Tonight was not the introduction to their world he had planned.