Chapter 38


Gage kept his arm around her, she was still shaking and he was pretty sure it was because she was changing. The heat and sex had just drowned out the beginning, which was a damn good reason for his missing the signs.

He started to take her on the path toward the lake and then remembered Devin and Rayne. Turning in the other direction, they hadn’t gotten far when Kelsey gasped.

“Gage?” she stopped and hugged her arms around her middle. “What’s happening?”

Rubbing his hand over her back, he encouraged her to keep walking. He wanted her in the open when she changed, he didn’t want to lose her in the trees. “It’s okay, honey, don’t fight it, just let it happen.” Even as he said it, he was remembering what it was like that first time your cat moved inside you. It was eerie and awesome all at the same time. “It feels weird, but as long as you don’t fight it, it won’t hurt.”

They were almost to the yard of the shop. He stepped in front of her and ran his hands up and down her arms. Tilting her head up, he kissed the tip of her nose. “This wasn’t what I planned after our first time together.”

Kelsey leaned into him, drawing his scent into her system. “Well, we’re not exactly predictable people.”

He chuckled. “No, I guess we’re not.” She looked up at him, again he was struck by how stunning her yellow cat eyes were.

“Gage, I’m scared.”

Pulling her into his arms, even though his instincts told him to stay out of the reach of her claws, he held her tight against his body. If he had his way, he’d keep her there forever. She was shaking harder now and it he was trying not to show her he was concerned so she didn’t tense. Kissing the top of her head, he gripped her shoulders and leaned back. “Don’t fight it, Kelsey, embrace it head on like you do everything else.”

She gave him a small smile. “I’m trying. It’s…” she bent forward and rested her head against his chest, taking long, slow breaths.

Gage tightened his jaw as her tiny claw tips dug into his forearms. “Come on, honey, let’s find you somewhere private so you can take off the clothes.”

Straightening up, she took a deep breath. “The clothes?” Closing her eyes, she blinked a few times. “Got it.” She looked up at him again, “these eyes are kind of…”

He grinned. “You’re going to love the full package, trust me.” Taking her elbow, he guided her around the fence to the small opening where the guys preferred to change. As they went through the trees, Jake came out with his boots and shirt in his hand. Gage shook his head so he wouldn’t speak. Jake’s step paused as his eyes moved over Kelsey slowly. His eyes widened a bit as he saw her eyes.

Kelsey stiffened, until Jake gave her a big grin and a brief encouraging nod. With that, Jake kept going, leaving them alone in the clearing.

Kelsey’s breathing was growing more rapid. “Gage.”

He rubbed his hand down her back. “You’ve got this, honey.” He wanted to hug her again, but knew better. “Just let it happen,” he whispered, leaning as near to her as he dared.

Focusing for a second, he let his cat roll over his skin, so hers could scent him. Being with clan helped the change happen smoothly. Kneeling in front of her, he pulled the track pants down her legs, wincing as she grasped his shoulder for balance and her claws dug in his flesh. Kelsey didn’t even notice.

Tossing the pants to the ground, he stood up. She looked so sexy in his t-shirt that hung down her thighs. Giving himself a mental smack, there was no time for that. “Close your eyes for a minute, Kels, feel for your cat. She’s right there waiting.” He stood close, letter her breath him in again. “When you’re ready, well get down on our knees and take off your shirt.”

With her eyes closed, she nodded. He knew she wouldn’t realize it, but her breath kept fluctuating between a human’s pattern and feline’s, scenting the air around them with each breath. When she held her breath for a moment, Gage knew she had just felt her cat for the first time. He could smell the female scent much stronger than before. “There she is, honey.”

Making a soft moaning sound, she backed up and got down on her knees. “Off,” she panted.

Remembering how sensitive his skin had been during his first few shifts, he nodded and reached over to help her take the shirt off. Her movements were stiff and jerky; it was almost time as her limbs were getting harder to control. “Get down on all fours, baby, it’s easier.”

He could change in mid-stride, but those first few times, hell, for the first year he’d had to get down or fall down when changing. She groaned in pain and he heard bones snapping as her hips made the transformation first.

Kelsey held her breath.

“Breathe through it, Kelsey.” Her breathing shallow, gasp after gasp, he smelled her panic.

Dropping to his knees, he leaned by her head. He knew this was breaking the first rule taught, but he couldn’t stay out of the way. This was Kelsey, dammit, and even though what she was going through was as natural as taking a first step, he couldn’t just stand back if she was afraid or in pain. “Breathe through it and it will happen faster, honey.”

He heard more bones snapping into place as she continued to gasp, struggling to keep her breathing steady. “That’s it.”

Leaning back to give her more space, he watched as her skin began to darken. She was focused on her breathing and doing so well he didn’t want to speak or move in case he startled her.

He’d seen it happen more times than he could remember, but never had it meant as much to him as it did right now. The popping came closer together, like popcorn, and a few seconds later, the most exquisite golden-orange tiger stood in front of him. Gage smiled into the fur covered face of his mate as she took a few cautious steps, testing her balance.

When she stretched to her full length, he was in awe. For such a tiny package, she was much larger than he thought she’d be. She had to be close to seven feet long. Sniffing the air in an almost regal way, she turned and looked right at him again and then took a few steps to close the distance between them.

“You’re stunning, Kelsey, the most beautiful she-cat I have ever seen.” He whispered, his voice thickened with a gravelly husk. Reaching out, he touched the side of her face. “Give me a second and I’ll change and then we can go for a run.”

Kelsey jolted and crouched down as she scented the air rapidly. Gage immediately let his cat closer to the surface and checked for himself. There was something off. Another shifter’s scent was in the air, and it wasn’t any of his clan or the two visiting wolves. “Kelsey,” he said using his brusquer, more dominant tone. “Stay right there. Let me shift and check this out.”

Her ears flattened and he cursed softly. Using that tone on her when she was in her cycle was possibly the dumbest thing he could ever do. “Honey,” he got to his knees, trying to keep his tone soft, “there’s another shifter out there…”

She hissed and swatted at him, Gage felt the claws slice through his chest and flinched but tried not to react any more markedly than that. Kelsey backed away, inhaling toward him, she could smell his blood. With a throaty yowl, she turned and took off into the trees.

“Shit.” Gage jumped up.