Chapter 44


Kelsey stood on the steps of the porch beside Rayne and watched Gage speaking quietly to Cooper and Blair. Their easy-going demeanor was gone; their bodies were rigid and alert. Twice Blair nodded and glanced over at her, his expression deadly serious. Devin stood beside Gage and the expression on his face sent a shiver of fear through her.

When Blair nodded to Devin and then glanced back at them, Rayne sighed softly beside her. “I have a feeling you and I are going to be under house arrest, with fanged guards.”

Kelsey’s eyebrows shot up as she looked at her. “What do you mean?”

Motioning with her head to where the men were standing, Rayne gave her a look and rolled her eyes. “The Alphas are going all alpha.”

Gage suddenly turned, taking long strides in her direction. A shiver of awareness moved through her as she watched him approach. What it was about she didn’t know, but this wasn’t the time to be thinking about that sort of thing. Stepping off the steps, she met him at the bottom, pausing as Rayne moved past her to go to her husband.

“Noah’s going to come with us,” he said softly, “Coop has to help Gary and Jake get those repairs finished.” She nodded, not sure why he was giving her a lineup. “Blair is going to stay here with you and Rayne.”

Kelsey glanced around his large body to where Blair stood a cold look on his face. “If he’s needed at the shop, we’ll be fine.”

Gage shook his head. “We’re not taking any chances, Kelsey.” He closed his eyes briefly and then opened them and studied her. “Please don’t fight me on this. It’s hard enough leaving you right now.”

“But you have to go.” She wasn’t sure why she whispered it.

He nodded. “Yeah, I do. If anything happened to Devin…”

“All hell would break loose.”

He smirked. “Something like that.”

Hugging her arms around her waist, she nodded. “Be careful.”

“Gage.” Devin stood beside the truck watching him.

Glancing over his shoulder, he nodded before looking back at her. “We’ll be back before dark.” He rubbed the back of his neck and let out an uneasy breath. “You call if you need me.”

Kelsey tried to offer him a smile, but knew it didn’t reach her eyes. “Okay.” She stammered out. “I’ll behave, I promise.”

Grinning, he headed in the direction of the waiting men. “I somehow doubt that.” Then he turned on his heel and came back to her. The look on his face left no doubts that he really didn’t want to leave right now. She was just about to ask him what was wrong when he stopped and cupped the back of her head, dragging her halfway up his body. His mouth cut off anything she was going to say. Gripping the front of his shirt with both hands to keep her balance, she returned his kiss in a way that was going to make her blush whenever she thought of it.

As quickly as it began it was over as he dropped his hand from her, his blue eyes burning into hers as he spun back to climb in the truck.

With her head spinning, she glanced at Rayne who had a grin on her face, and to Blair, who was looking everywhere but in her direction. She watched the truck pull away and finally let out a shaky breath. Well, she had wanted to keep things with her and Gage discrete, but they’d just demolished that plan.

Tucking her hands into her pockets, she glanced at Rayne. “Now what?”

Rayne sighed. “We wait.”

Blair moved over to stand with them. “If there’s any scent to follow, they’ll find it.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “Gage can track anyone and Noah will be able to smell any of Tomas’s guys from miles away.”

“How old are the women that are missing?” Kelsey tried not to imagine their fear.

Rayne’s eyes lowered. “Neither have had their first change, but they’re close.”

A chill ran up Kelsey’s spine, she didn’t want to say, but knew they were all thinking that Tomas wanted them close to exert more control. Taking an uneasy breath, she glanced from Blair to Rayne. “I’m going to make some lunch and take it over to the shop.”

“I’ll help,” Rayne turned to follow her.

Rubbing a hand over his messy hair, Blair gave her a look. “I’m going to circle around in the tree line until you’re ready to head out to the shop.”

Nodding, Kelsey turned to follow Rayne into the house. Was this what she had to look forward to in this new life? Being guarded and always watched over? She thought about the women that were missing, not able to grasp what they must be going through. Closing her eyes, she prayed that Gage and Devin found them before any harm could come to them.


Rayne wiped her hands again and laughed, shaking her head. “I think I like playing with greasy wrenches and motors.”

Kelsey took a sip of the water and then nodded. “Yeah, there’s something to be said about getting covered in grease and oil.”

Rayne examined her nails. “That it ruins a good manicure?”

Snorting, Kelsey shrugged. “Okay, that too.” Taking a deep breath, she glanced over at the guys that were all working on the last engine to repair. “This is better than sitting in the house and wondering.”

With a sigh, Rayne tossed the rag onto the bench. “Yes, it was. Thanks.” She looked over at the men. “Although I think I frustrated them with my helping.” Looking at her hands again, she rubbed them together. “Now, I’d like a shower.”

Getting up off the stool, Kelsey nodded in agreement. “I’ll go tell them we’re going back to the house.” She grinned, “and they love it when women get in their way and make them look bad.” She caught a few grunts and curses as she moved toward them.

Cooper glanced up, a light sheen of sweat on his brow as he braced the bar against the pulley trying to give Jake and Blair enough wiggle room to get the belt off.

“Rayne and I are going over to climb in the shower.”

Jake glanced up at her, opened his mouth and then shook his head, lowering his eyes back to the belt he was working on.

Rolling her eyes, she ignored him and looked over at Blair. She could see he was weighing his words carefully as he struggled to help Jake.

“I’ll take one of the pickups and we’ll go straight inside.”

With a grunt, Blair glanced at Cooper who gave him a small nod. “I’ll be right behind you.” He paused and looked at her. “Lock the door, Kelsey.”