Chapter 53


Kelsey rested back in the chair and looked out into the darkness surrounding the porch. At one end of the yard stood Gary, his back to the house, turning her head she saw Jake at the other side of the yard, also standing guard. Sighing, she glanced over at Rayne. She gave her a feeble smile and mouthed ‘told you so’.

Gage and Devin were over at the path to the shop with Blair, their voices low as they stood talking quietly. They had been waiting here before Cooper had driven like a madman to get them home. Kelsey didn’t know what had happened to the man they’d left at the quarry, but as the men seemed to be taking turns going over to the shop and coming back, she thought the man still lived.

Gage hadn’t gone to the shop, he hadn’t left her sight since they’d returned. While she’d showered, he’d stood outside the door asking her every thirty seconds if she was alright. Any other time she would have been annoyed by his constant concern, but in this case, she was just happy to be home and that he was here.

Rayne hadn’t been given much more freedom, she noticed. Devin had only left for a few short minutes and gone over to the shop, then he’d returned in a worse mood. Kelsey sat back and observed them together, it caused an ache in her chest to see the love they had for each other.

Her legs felt achy again, so she got up and moved around on the porch to stretch them. She hadn’t gotten more than three steps when Gage’s head snapped around as he zeroed in on her. He continued to listen to what Blair was saying, but his eyes stalked her every movement.

“He’s going to be like that for a while.” Rayne told her softly. “The only reason Devin hasn’t dragged me off somewhere is because we’re already mated.”

Leaning back against the rail, she crossed her arms and looked at Rayne. “I don’t think Gage would try that with me.”

Rayne smiled at her. A tingle under her skin sent a shiver down her spine.

“Don’t be so sure about that, honey,” Gage’s voice rumbled behind her.

Startled, she turned to see him standing on the other side of the railing, looking at her, his eyes darting all over her body before coming back to her face.

“Are you all right?” The concern in his eyes was so genuine; all she could manage was a brief nod.

She leaned over the railing and looked down at him. “You guys have that man over at the shop.” It wasn’t a question, because she already knew the answer. “Why did he take us?”

His eyes left hers briefly as he glanced down at the ground, sighing, they met hers again. “I didn’t ask.” Reaching out her caressed her cheek with his knuckles. “I didn’t even get in to see him.”

Inhaling, she felt peace with the contact. “Why?”

Dropping his hand, he crossed his arms. “Coop and Jake stopped me.”

She gave him a puzzled look.

“We need him alive to get information. They wouldn’t let Devin in either.” He spoke in a tone she had never heard before and it sent a shiver down her spine.

Rayne made a startled noise from behind her, Kelsey looked to see where she was looking. There were headlights coming up the driveway. Someone was here. Gage leapt over the railing and stood in front of her and Rayne. Devin appeared, placing himself between Rayne and the driveway.

A low rumble emitted from Gage and Kelsey’s whole body responded. Moving closer, she touched his back tentatively and leaned into his warmth. Reaching around, he wrapped an arm around her while he stood rigid and waiting.

Kelsey looked around him to see a truck and a van pulling up beside Blair at the edge of the gravel. Gage’s posture relaxed, but he was in a ready stance as someone got out of the truck. She breathed and audible sigh of relief as Ed stepped into view.

When he tensed again, the van door opened and a large man got out, followed by three other hulking males, she tucked against his back not sure what was going on. Who were they? She didn’t have to ask if they were shifters, she’d already scented that answer. Frowning, she looked them over for a second. Did all the male shifters only come in extra-large size?

Beside her Rayne closed her eyes and her shoulders slumped forward, clearly, she knew who they were and that they didn’t pose any threat. Slowly she stepped out from behind Gage and held onto his arm with shaking hands.

Ed was up the porch steps and in front of them before she could ask Gage who the others were.

“Kelsey.” Ed said in an anguished tone. “Are you okay?” He glanced at Gage briefly, but didn’t make a move to touch her. She could feel the tension in the arm she was holding.

Not knowing what was going on, she nodded. “I’m fine. A little scraped here and there, but we’re okay.” She looked at the truck. “Where’s Beth?”

“She stayed with Bruce’s wife.” He glanced at his son. “We weren’t sure what we were driving in to.”

“He’s over at the shop.” Gage said in a low tone. “He doesn’t know where his partner is, last he saw him was when he left to arrange a plane to get them out of the area.”

Kelsey looked up at him, her heart pounding in her chest. Pulling his arm free from her grip, he wrapped it around her and hauled her tight against his side. The expression on his face reflected what she was feeling. If they’d gotten them on a plane, she probably would never have seen him again.


Kelsey shrank into his hold as one of the large men came over to them.

“I owe your mate a debt of gratitude for keeping my son’s mate safe.” He bowed his head slightly at her.

It dawned on her that this was Devin’s father, the king of all the clans. She looked up at him for a second; he stood so stiff but didn’t have the regal air that she’d figured he’d have. She offered him a small smile. “I think it was a joint effort, sir.” She gave Gage a hesitant look, not sure if there was some protocol she’d just blundered. His eyes reflected nothing but pride, making her cheeks heat slightly. “What happens now?”

Ed chuckled softly from where he stood beside Gage. “Straight to the point, as always,” he said, his voice filled with humor and pride.

Devin’s father smiled and nodded in his direction. “Nothing wrong with that.” Reaching beside him, he touched Rayne’s shoulder briefly and then looked back to her. “We’ll be taking him back with us.” His face sobered. “He won’t be abducting any more of our women, I can assure you of that.” She noticed his eyes kept straying to her neck and then he inhaled slowly. Raising an eyebrow, he sent Gage a look and then nodded to her. “I just need to borrow Gage for a few minutes and then we’ll leave you in peace.”

Gage hesitated before he released her. “Blair.”

Blair straightened from where he was leaning against the truck and came quickly toward them. When he reached the porch, Gage stepped away from her. “I’ll be right back, honey. Blair will stay with you.”

Kelsey nodded and wrapped her arms around her waist. “I’m going in to make some tea.”

Gage’s expression softened when he looked back at her. “I won’t be long.”

Rayne stayed out on the porch with one of the men that had arrived with her father-in-law. Blair followed Kelsey into the house but stood silently on the other side of the kitchen while she put the kettle on and tidied up the counter.

“I’m sorry,” he said quietly from the other side of the room.

Confused, she turned to look at him. “For what?”

He lowered his lashes to hide his pale eyes from her. “For letting them get to you.”

Kelsey blinked in surprise that he’d said that. “It wasn’t your…”

Blair’s eyes connected with hers. “It was my responsibility to stay with you while Gage was away.”

Waving her hands around, she looked around the room. “You didn’t know they were coming here. None of us did.”

“It’s still my fault.” His voice was almost sulky.

Kelsey wanted to throw something at him. “That’s bull and you know it.” She huffed out a breath. “You knew where to find me, that’s all that matters.”

His eyes moved over her slowly. “I didn’t until Rayne sent Devin the image of the cliff.”

“She can do that?”

He shrugged. “Part of the mating bond.”

Shaking her head, she’d file that for later when her mind had the energy to focus. “Still, I knew you’d look there eventually.” She tilted her head and looked at him. “You always knew me better than I knew myself.”

Snorting, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Glad you think so. I never had a clue what in the hell was going on in your head.” Leaning against the wall, he gave her a hard look. “I can’t believe you bounced up to the tops of the trees in your cat form.”

Biting her lip, she gave him an exasperated look. “Don’t change the subject, Blair.” He grinned. “Thank you.” She gave him a serious look. “Even though you’re denying it, you’ve always known me better than Gage. So, I knew you’d find me.”