Chapter 54

“Something I plan on rectifying.” Gage said in a low vibrating tone from where he stood in the doorway.

Blair straightened up, gave her an apologetic look, and then turned to Gage. “I’ll be outside.” Shoulders back, he went toward the door.

Gage moved to let him go past and then turned back to her. “I’m regretting shoving you at him more and more every day.”

She watched him clench his jaw a few times. “I wouldn’t have admitted it then, but I think he did us both a favor by keeping us apart.”

Shrugging, he moved slowly in her direction. “You would have hated me if I’d gone with my instincts and claimed you then.”

Nodding, she leaned back against the counter. “Yes, I would have.”

He kept moving closer, almost cautiously. She’d never seen him be so hesitant before. “Devin and Rayne are going to head out shortly and go back with his dad.” He stopped a few feet from her and rested a hand on the counter, putting the other in his pocket.

“I’m sure Rayne has had enough of our scenic land for now.”

He smirked. “I think it was Dev’s idea. He wants her back where he knows the land.”

Kelsey watched him as he took slow careful breaths, his eyes constantly darting from her neck to her eyes.

“I’m so proud of you.” He said barely above a whisper.

“For not freaking out?” Like I want to right now with you acting so weird? His hand kept flexing on the counter and she couldn’t figure out why he seemed so out of character.

“That too.” Humor flashed through his eyes but was quickly replaced with a look she couldn’t decipher.

“Well, I may yet, so don’t get too attached to that idea.” She tried for a carefree tone, but he clenched his jaw and studied her. “Gage, what’s going on?”

He shook his head. “Nothing.”

Raising an eyebrow, she glared at him. “You’re standing there, practically climbing out of your own skin. What’s wrong?”

Taking a deep breath, his eyes moved to her throat again. He shrugged, probably hoping he looked nonchalant, but it didn’t work for her. “I’m just at odds with my cat right now. I’ll be fine after I go for a run later.”

Wishing she knew enough to understand, she stepped in front of him and placed a hand on his chest, hoping to offer some reassurance. “About what?”

Pulling the hand out of his pocket, almost in slow motion, he gently grasped hers and held it against his chest. “I almost lost you today.” His voice cracked as he said it.

She knew it was true, if she dwelled on it too long, she was going to turn into a blubbering mess which neither of them needed that right now. “You didn’t.” A lump in her throat made it hard to breathe. “Why are you at odds with your cat? We’re not separate from them, we’re one. Aren’t we?”

He closed his eyes for a moment, squeezing her hand. “For the most part, yeah, we are.” Opening his eyes, she stared up into them watching them darken to a midnight blue. “When it comes to you, it’s a constant fight for supremacy.”

“What do you mean?”

She watched him let go of the counter, and raise his hand. It shook slightly. Running his knuckles lightly over her cheek, he offered her a tentative smile. “My cat only wants one thing where you’re concerned,” he tipped her chin up and leaned down closer to her face, “to claim you, and to mark you so no other will go near you.” His breath tickled over her lips. “It wasn’t my cat side that kept his distance from you so you could grow up.”

Being this close to him made her whole-body tingle with awareness.

“I fought with myself every day you were away.” He grinned shyly. “I picked up the phone almost every day to call you.”

“You never called. Not once.” She felt like she was being drawn into his eyes the way they held hers.

“I know.” Tracing over her bottom lip with the pad of his thumb he exhaled slowly. “If I’d heard your voice, I wouldn’t have been able to stay away.” He did it again and leaned close enough she could taste his words. “After almost losing you today, I’m ready to give into my cat and make you mine, honey, even though I’ll lose you if I do.”

It was getting harder to focus on what he was saying and not just his mouth. She wanted to stretch up the last few inches and kiss him. The tingling in her body was her own cat rubbing up against her, because her mate was so close. Searching his eyes, she knew that now, Gage was her mate. There would be no other for her, and her cat was more than content with that knowledge. “What if I still need time?” She asked him and then held her breath.

His expression softened as his eyes came back to hers. “I’m doing all I can to give you that time, Kelsey, but my willpower is only so strong.” He brushed his lips over hers briefly. “And I’m afraid I can’t cope with shoving you toward Blair to keep my distance.” He kissed her again. “Not after having you.” Lifting his head, he made eye contact with her. “The idea of another male even looking at you right now, makes me want blood.” A low growl rumbled through his chest as he said it.

She caught her breath and closed her eyes as need streaked through her. Inhaling, she took in his scent and opened her eyes to look up at him. “I don’t want anyone else, Gage. I just don’t know…”

He placed his lips over hers, not moving them, just stopping her from speaking. After a moment, he raised his head and looked down at her. Something flashed through his eyes and then the hand that had been holding hers grasped the back of her head and pulled her close. With a growl of frustration, he crushed her mouth beneath his and kissed her with a passion that made her dizzy. Lifting his head, he inhaled and then released her and backed away. “We should go out and say goodbye to Devin and Rayne.”

Kelsey’s legs wobbled, gripping the counter, she steadied herself and nodded. “Okay.” With shaky steps, she followed him outside.