Chapter 34


Kelsey stood watch at the door, gnawing at her lip, as Devin and Rayne got out of the car. Gage barely had time to greet them before Cooper and the other four men in her world came out of the trees from the shop. She knew Gage was aware she was standing there in the shadows, worrying.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and went down the porch steps. The smile on Gage’s face encouraged her to keep going, even though her knees were shaking. Everyone paused and turned to watch. She glanced from Gage to Devin a few times. Devin’s wife was so petite, even by Kelsey’s standards, and she was absolutely gorgeous with miles of blonde hair, a pale complexion, and bright blue eyes. Her smile was warm and accepting, putting Kelsey at ease, a bit.

Gage stepped beside her, close enough she could feel his body heat, without touching her. Somehow his nearness made her feel better.

“Well,” Devin grinned at her, “you’re a long way from the brat that dumped oil on me.”

Kelsey smirked, she’d forgotten that incident. “I didn’t dump it on you. I told you to move,” she shrugged, “you didn’t listen.”

Devin laughed then shook his head when Rayne gave him a questioning look. “Don’t ask.” Sobering, he gave Gage a questioning look.

Frowning, Kelsey glanced up at to see Gage respond with a quick, but tense, nod.

Devin stepped toward her with a smile on his face. His hug was friendly but brief. “It’s good to see you again, Kelsey.”

Kelsey blinked and tried not to look like she was sniffing the air, confused, she glanced at Gage as Devin stepped away. His expression turned to concern as he leaned down to her.

“You okay, honey?”

Letting out a quick breath, she nodded and turned her head to whisper, “He kind of smells like a wet dog.”

Gage snorted and looked down, lips twitching. “You’ll get used to it,” he said softly.

She turned to see everyone, including Devin, trying not to smile as they looked anywhere but directly at her. “I guess I still have to learn a few things, huh?” Kelsey whispered.

Rayne stepped forward and pulled her into a sisterly embrace. “Just ignore the males, Kelsey. They’re still too connected to their inner children to show restraint.” She leaned back and smiled at her. “And you’re right, he does smell like a wet dog.”

Devin’s jaw dropped as he looked at her.

She chuckled. “Which, it seems, appeals to me.”

With a fake growl, Devin pulled her back beside him and pulled her tight against his side.

Kelsey decided right then that she liked Rayne.

Cooper cleared his throat, drawing everyone’s attention to the men standing and waiting quietly.

Devin and Rayne turned toward them. Kelsey watched, still staying close to Gage without being too close.

Noah started to get down, on one knee from the looks of it, but Jake grabbed his arm and shook his head. She watched as all five men bowed their heads for a few moments as Devin and Rayne stood there in front of them.

When they straightened, Devin moved over and shook their hands. When he reached Noah, he stood there. “Noah, it’s good to see you.” He smiled. “You look good.”

Noah averted his eyes and nodded. “I like being here.”

“Good.” Devin put out his hand and waited while Noah hesitated before finally shaking his briefly.

Noah looked over to Rayne and Kelsey watched as his whole posture went rigid. Noah’s eyes were wide as he continued to just stand there.

Moving over, Kelsey stepped in front of him. “Noah, what’s wrong?” She could see everyone looking at them.

Noah’s troubled eyes finally looked down at her. ‘I know her,” he said in a shaky voice.

Kelsey placed a hand on his arm, she could feel his fear.

Eyes wide, she glanced at Gage. He frowned and came over. Blair was right behind him, concern etched in his features.

“Noah?” Gage inquired in a hushed tone.

“She was with Aiden Tomas,” Noah uttered in an icy tone.

“It’s okay, Noah,” Gage assured him, “she wasn’t part of it.”

Noah’s eyes darted from Rayne to Gage, he was inhaling slowly.

“Gage?” Devin’s tone was wary.

Shaking his head, Gage lifted his hand telling Devin to wait. Turning back to Noah, he reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Rayne didn’t know, Noah. She’s like Kelsey; she didn’t know what she was until she met Devin.”

Kelsey glanced at Rayne to see her give Devin a glare before he dropped the arm he’d used to hold her back. She walked over to Noah with sure strides, holding her head up and maintaining eye contact.

Gage moved Kelsey back so he was between Rayne and Noah, as Blair stepped up to place himself almost right in front of Noah, keeping Rayne a few paces from reaching him. Kelsey watched the expression in Blair’s eyes harden, as without a sound, he let Noah know he needed to watch his step.

Rayne stepped closer, holding her wrist up toward Noah.

Hesitating, he glanced from Blair to Gage and then lowered his head, inhaling the scent from Rayne’s wrist. Surprise lit his eyes.

“I’m…” he lowered his head, “I didn’t…”

Rayne placed a hand on Blair’s arm so he’d move back. She stepped in front of Noah. “It’s okay. I had no idea. I’ve spent the last few months giving the Alliance every detail I can remember to help them get others out.” She smiled at him. “If you could help by filling in any details, we could free more like us, Noah.”

Straightening, he looked around at everyone, his eyes settled on Kelsey as she moved out of Gage’s shadow. Nodding, she gave him an encouraging smile.

Noah swallowed and looked back at Rayne, “I can try. I don’t know security codes, but I know a few places Tomas’s men keep some of the women.”

Rayne reached out and squeezed his arm. “That would be a great help.”

By this time, Devin had moved to wrap his arm around Rayne and pull her back into his chest. “One piece at a time, Noah and we’ll end his tyranny.”

A relieved look appeared on Noah’s face. “I hope so, sir.”

Devin leaned down and whispered something to Rayne. Kelsey looked around; no one seemed to be able to hear what he said. She had to figure out all these new senses.

“Gage,” Blair placed a hand on Noah’s shoulder, “Noah and I are going to check the borders, he can chat with Devin when we get back.”

Kelsey knew it was Blair’s way of giving Noah some time to adjust, and she was pleased he cared enough to give Noah the break.

“Sounds good.” Gage said over her head.

She could feel the heat from his body, he was that close to her again. Afraid it might start strange things happening inside her in front of the others; she side-stepped and glanced at him. “I’ll just take Rayne in the house and show her around.”

Gage’s eyes searched her face for a moment before he gave her a brief nod.