Katie stood at the crime scene, taking in the gruesome sight of yet another murdered prostitute in the alley, she surveyed the area and noticed that there were no cameras present. However, one witness claimed to have taken a video of the victim walking willingly into the alley but not coming out. Detective Roberts joined Katie and informed her that they had taken blood and hair samples from the ground. He also surmised that the victim didn't stand a chance as she was most likely stabbed after being lured into the alley. The killer had then pulled her head back, slashed her throat, and cut under her breasts. It was a brutal and calculated attack, leaving both Katie and Detective Roberts determined to find justice for these victims.

As they sat in their car, Roberts grimly declared, "We got ourselves a serial killer. I say let's go talk to our one witness." With determination in their eyes, the two detectives drove straight to the station where the witness was. Once there, the witness showed them footage of the victim entering a alley but never exiting. Katie wasted no time in confiscating the phone since it was evidence and also asking for the witness's current address.

The detectives were determined to crack the case, but after watching the video repeatedly, they were unable to spot any differences. They then decided to scope out the building for any additional clues. However, their efforts were in vain as the building turned out to be vacant and there were no CCTV cameras available for them to review. With no new leads or evidence, the detectives hit rock bottom in their investigation. This case seemed to have reached a dead end and they were left with no choice but to regroup and come up with a new strategy. Disappointed and frustrated, the detectives knew they had to push harder and think outside the box in order to solve this mysterious case. This setback only fueled their determination to bring justice and closure to the victim and their loved ones. They were not going to give up until they found the missing piece of the puzzle that would ultimately lead them to the perpetrator.

The detectives had been tirelessly working on the case, going through every piece of evidence and interviewing every potential witness. But despite their efforts, they had hit a dead end. They carefully looked over the victims' families, searching for any possible connections or motives, but found nothing. They also checked out the suspects' alibis, hoping to find any inconsistencies, but again came up empty-handed. Just as they were about to call it a day, a police officer rushed over with a file in hand. "We have another victim," he exclaimed.

The detectives hearts sank at the news, realizing that the killer was still out there and striking again.

"We have a 21 year old college student who was found early this morning by the Mckinney river" the officer said.

"She fought back hard" Katie's voice broke the silence as she pointed out the defensive wounds on the victim's arm, indicating a struggle before her demise. Roberts' focused gaze studied the graphic photographs, noting the severity of the wounds. It was clear that they needed to speak to the forensic team immediately in order to gather more information and evidence. The urgency in Roberts' tone conveyed the seriousness of the situation as they were determined to uncover the truth behind this tragic incident. The detectives knew that every detail mattered in solving this case and they were determined to leave no stone unturned. As they headed to meet with the forensic team, their minds were filled with questions and theories, hoping that this crucial piece of evidence would bring them one step closer to justice for the victim.