At just 19 years old, Elizabeth found herself working on the streets to make extra income. Despite not being proud of her job, she felt like she had no other choice as working full-time wasn't enough to support herself. She didn't have a pimp, which meant she got to keep all the money she made.

As she hit the streets, Elizabeth wore a tank top and no bra, her nipples exposed, with her ripped tight jeans, she was a sight to behold. The night was slow until a car pulled up beside her, its driver signaling for her to get in. Elizabeth hesitated, looking around to make sure she was safe. The person behind the wheel was wearing a cap under a hoodie, their identity hidden from her. Despite her reservations, she decided to take a chance and got into the car. The mysterious individual drove off into the darkness.

Elizabeth's heart raced as she asked the mysterious person how much they were willing to spend and what kind of sexual position they should start with. The driver, who had been silent throughout the journey, suddenly diverted off the road and onto an isolated area making Elizabeth feel a sense of unease, her worst fears were confirmed when she noticed the driver pull out a gun and pointed it at her. Panic consumed her as she realized she was in danger. She had trusted this person enough to get into their car, but now she was faced with a terrifying situation. She frantically searched for a way out, but the driver's grip on the steering wheel and the gun made it clear that escape was not an option.

The killer instructed her to get out while pointing the gun at her, then both walked over to a huge tree that had overgrown branches, Elizabeth was desperate for her life as the killer showed no signs of empathy towards her. She begged and pleaded for mercy, but the killer remained cold and emotionless.

With a single shot, the killer fired at Elizabeth, causing her to fall to the ground, she was injured but still alive. However, the killer was prepared for this as they brought out a large knife ready to inflict more harm on their victim. Elizabeth's heart raced with fear as she realized that her life was in grave danger, despite her injuries and fear, Elizabeth knew she had to fight for her life and find a way to escape the clutches of this heartless killer.

The killer was on top of her, jabbing her with a knife, Elizabeth fought back hard, determined to survive. But the pain was excruciating as she felt the sharp blade pierce through her skin. The warmth of her own blood running through her body only fueled her determination to fight even harder. With all her strength, she managed to lift her arm and rip off the cap of her attacker, revealing their face. Her shock and fear were evident in her pupils as she watched the face of the person who was taking her life.