This time he had to cross several meters, yes pass between many stone walls until he sees a figure waiting for him at the end path. His name was Xenokratis and he was a musician. Not a day passed when his magical hands did not caress them strings of his golden harp, eating grapes and having the company of the best musician in all Greece, the God Apollo.

Aristotle's plan had been implemented and in his effort he had enlisted the old man Xenocrates, the guardian of the labyrinth. So in the position that was in the previous tests one nailed plaque, now its place was taken by old Xenokratis which with his wisdom and wit he reserved for the young man King an enigma.

RIDDLE: "Which being at the beginning stands on all fours, then on two and towards the end of it of his life at three?"

The riddle chosen by Xenocrates to test him Alexander was the well-known enigma of the Sphinx. The Sphinx was in ancient Greek mythology one monster with a woman's head from the waist up, and body of a lion, whose sole mission was to guards the entrance to Thebes and forces them passers-by to allow them through the gates her, to give the correct answer to her riddle.

Alexander after answering her riddle correctly Sphinx, he proceeded from the path indicated to him by Xenocratis, while he himself returned to his entrance maze. The answer given by Philip's son proved that even now he was an excellent student just like o Aristotle a worthy mentor. Who would teach him what? did he know if not the best teacher of Macedonia?