PUZZLE: I have millions of eyes, and yet I live in darkness. I have a million ears, but only four lobes. I have no muscle power, but I control two hemispheres. I am the most powerful weapon in the world, but I am imprisoned in a box. What am I?

For a while he was fighting with himself to find the right one answer. Everything was a blur inside his mind. Letters and words walked before his eyes and they didn't stop. His judgment was shaken. But then magically appeared in his mind the wise words of Aristotle.

ARISTOTLE - Use your strongest weapon: your mind.

His words were medicine for his confused mind and they appeared at the most opportune time to cure it. Alexander may have struggled, to the point of going mad, but his judgment was correct. His teacher's smile upon hearing what he craved, would bend even the hardest man, while his gaze beaming with pride was just like that that his father looked at him every day since he was born. A born winner.

Alexander came out of the maze and stood opposite Aristotle. She bowed before him, something she was used to let the others do it in front of him and the wise old man waited to grant him his wish to finally make the his dreams. Aristotle stroked Alexander's blond hair and me his blue eyes looked at the eagle who was trying with the visible spread of his wings to hide his rays sun. He was sure that subjecting him to this test was the right thing to do.

ARISTOTLE - You are ready my King. You will conquer it all the world. It is the will of the Gods.