She gave birth to Alexander, her future king of Macedonia, the lover of Leonidas and the legendary Achilles, a child who years later would write history and the whole o people would know his name. Many believed he was blessed by Zeus because no ordinary mortal was capable of reaching them his achievements. Everything was flowing harmoniously and life in Macedonia continued. Alexander was growing up and he was becoming a very strong man and the Philip saw his future in his eyes successor. But one morning when God Apollo decided to make him sun brighter and hotter than all other days, one calamity broke out in the royal family of Macedonia.

The Philip was dead. All the citizens of the kingdom had gathered in the Ancient Theater for to admire the entrance of their king. He was proud too smiling with his hands up pointing to the sun and with his eyes shining with satisfaction for all that he has built. But a betrayal would put an end to all his greatness.

His loyal bodyguard Pausanias betrayed her country and its king, and with a knife to stomach took the life of Philip II of Macedon. Alexander stood above his father and him he said goodbye for the last time together with his subjects who could not believe that they had lost their king. Even Olympias the coolest of them all was watching with tearful eyes her dead husband. The young Alexander stood up and with his right palm he covered his eyes from the hot rays of the sun. Not but he could block his shouts and cheers people as they began to cheer their new king. All the soldiers bowed to his grace.