ARISTOTLE - The rules are simple, young Alexander: Your goal is to get out of the maze.

ALEXANDER - It doesn't seem difficult to me, teacher. I will prove easily how capable my mind is.

ARISTOTLE - Be careful. On your way you will meet four tests. Four obstacles that few have managed to overcome Once you're in, there's no going back. Never let you carried away by the impulsiveness of Apollo. May the Gods be with you and lead you.

So Alexander entered the labyrinth and began the journey of. It was a special battle for him. He entered with only one purpose: to make his mentor proud and prove himself but also to his people that he is the king they deserve. Aristotle was already on the other side of the labyrinth and he waited for his student to reach the end. He ran like the wind in order to meet the first question. He did not let go of the excitement but to seduce him. His mind was here to lead him and not his body.