The moment he was waiting for finally arrived and Alexander came faced with his first test. It wasn't what he expected. On one wall there was a plaque that above it they had carved in hieroglyphs a question and below it two answers. But one of them was the right one. The first answer led to path from his right hand and the second from his left.

Agamemnon wanting to win at any cost the war with the Trojans, went to one oracle and asked if this long campaign with the Trojans would be successful. The oracle's answer was clear: "When you see two of the bravest Achaean kings, argue then the campaign will be successful.'' Then the king of Mycenae organized a dinner that very evening with all the kings of the campaign in order to discuss how to conquer Troy. There were many opinions more prevalent that of Achilles and the resourceful Odysseus. The invulnerable Achilles argued that Troy will be conquered only by force of arms while Odysseus argued that Troy he will fall with guile and cunning. The two kings began to argue with each other, with Agamemnon watching the fight smiling as the oracle was already fulfilled. To which King do you ultimately owe the fall of Troy from the Achaeans?

A) Agamemnon

B) Odysseus

Alexander rightly chose to proceed from the path to __________ and thus continue the route of him in order to now face her second test. When he saw the answers at the beginning he wondered and he was disappointed. He waited to see his lover's name hero but physical strength does not win battles. Now he was sure.