A few years later Alexander had become a wise man and wise king. Regardless of his young age he was ready for the biggest challenge of his life. To faced Darius III king of Persia and the his huge army. Everything was ready and nothing could stop him. On his last day in Macedonia, Alexander chose to spend it together with his old teacher, Aristotle. They would sit for hours and talk about when the two of them were still a student and teacher, for the weakness he had Macedonian philosopher but also about how much they were afraid of the big step he had decided to take. To face with the barbarous Persians. He was sure of his swordsmanship.

From an early age they trained relentlessly and hard for such a battle. They were afraid but that his mind would not remain clear at the critical hour and the whole campaign would end in abject failure. They were afraid that he will end up like his favorite hero, the demigod Achilles. Then a brilliant idea crossed his elaborate mind Aristotle. A test, a test that would prove that o Alexander was ready in body and mind to prove to everyone that he could become the greatest ruler of all.