Light streamed through the bay windows and onto Elle’s face, she hissed as she tried to cover her eyes. She snuggled deeper into the warm covers, with their lovely sweet lavender scent. She was having such a good dream too, she definitely did not want to wake up and process the fact that she was in a different and strange bed, in a different and strange house, owned by a different, sexy and strange man. Nope, Elle was not going to be doing that anytime soon. Certainly not when she was laying in the most comfortable bed she had ever laid in, enjoying a vivid and mildly erotic dream. Which she was absolutely not having about the aforementioned different, sexy and strange man. Was that the sound of actual birds chirping outside? What kind of disney bullshit was this?! Finally giving up the pretense Elle grumpily looked over at the digital clock on the nightstand. 8 am, perfect...this was clearly going to be the start of yet another majestic day.

Elle had texted David before she had collapsed into exhausted sleep, letting him know she was going to be taking some time off. She reached over to her phone now to make sure he had in fact received it. ‘Elle...taking time off…?Brodudeman!’ Was his enigmatic message. She smiled despite herself, typical Dave response. Her job would be safe at the least, in Dave’s more than capable hands. One less thing to worry about, now to worry about the dozen or so things that had suddenly become her problem. Such as her supposed, gorgeous soulmate, and the small matter of there being a deranged madman out to do unspeakable things to her...trifling things really, she thought inanely. She groaned as she tossed herself back into the comfortable bed pulling the covers around her more closely. Elle was not ready to start this day yet, after all. 

Warm rumbly male laughter floated up to her room from outside, Elle shivered slightly in reaction, please don’t let that be his delicious laughter she was hearing. Her curiosity getting the better of her, Elle got out of bed, and tip-toed her way to the window box beneath the bay windows. Of course his perfect house has a perfect window box, covered in perfect soft cushions and pillows, she inwardly hissed. Carefully she snuck a peak out her window, what she saw made her suck in her breath harshly, and drop onto her back on the window box. 

Taking a deep fortifying breath, she slowly kneeled up again, hiding herself somewhat behind the curtains to confirm that she had indeed seen what she thought she had. No man had any right to look that damnably good! She raged, unabashedly staring at him. There he stood, almost directly below her window, doing pull ups on a bar, completely bare from the waist up! The muscles in his chest and stomach flexed and moved sinuously underneath his tan skin, even more so when he laughed. She had to shove her fist into her mouth to stop from moaning at the sight. Oh she about came undone when he dropped one arm and began pulling himself up! It took her a minute to realize he wasn’t alone, Max was leaning against a post beside the bar, the brothers were speaking to each other in Dutch. Her nerve endings practically sizzled at the sound of Milo’s beautiful deep slightly husky voice, even not understanding what he was saying. And when he launched himself up above the bar, and switched arms to catch himself, Elle thought she might actually faint from the display. 

Elle absently pressed her heated face against the glass, feeling like a voyeur. Yet she couldn’t drag herself away. Magnificent Male she thought, straight out of every school girl fantasy she had ever had. She felt certain she might actually be drooling! 

“Take a picture, Elle, it will last longer, and it definitely won’t mind being eye-banged.”  Max called to her. Elle squeaked in shock and dropped like a rock out of sight. Her face burning in embarrassment, blood pounding in her ears. Busted….I would get caught the first time in my life I’ve ever peeping-tommed a man… she thought, she wanted to disappear into the floor. She all but crawled away, too humiliated to dare walking within view of the damned window. She could just throttle Max! The least he could do was keep his mouth shut while she fangirled over his brother! After all it was his fault she was here to begin with! The more she thought about it the more indignant she felt. It was hardly her fault he was out there, shirtless showing off his toe curling body! And what was she supposed to do? Not stare at him?! She swiftly turned around and rushed to the window box, standing atop it, she was going to give them a piece of her mind!

“If he doesn’t want to be eye-banged, then he should put a damn shirt on!” She screamed back at the retreating pair, “It’s hardly my fault he’s man-slutting himself outside the damn window!” At that they both turned around, Max was choking back laughter, all but bent over. Milo tilted his head slightly, looking up at her introspectively, giving her a look that made her feel as though he were reading her mind.

“Feel free to eye-bang me at your leisure, Elle.” Milo yelled back finally, a pure masculine smile of triumph crossing his face. Elle swore, and stomped her foot. Turning away from both of them, furious and embarrassed, which only angered her more. She would never be looking out that window, ever again! Assuming she even stayed here another night...But as soon as that errant thought crossed her mind, she stifled it. Her annoyance at being caught ogling the sexiest man she had ever seen was not worse than her very rational fear of being attacked by the deranged man from the alley again. She shuddered as the memory came unbidden to her, his cold grey eyes that burned with hate...hate for her. Nope, Elle was not going there, she tucked that away in a dark corner of her mind, she wasn’t ready to deal with this yet. 

Elle caught sight of herself in the full length mirror on the door, and grimaced. She would look like an electrocuted raccoon whilst being caught casually eye-banging a virtual stranger. She sighed, running  a hand through her wild hair, pointedly ignoring the red marks around her throat, not going there. Looking a bit pallid and worn,worse, she had fallen asleep in the clothes she’d worn all day yesterday, she could smell herself and it was not attractive. Which said nothing of the sight of her wrinkled and dirty clothes, her once crisp button down was opened a little too far at the collar showing off her obscenely pink bra strap. Her back up jeans had rid up one leg at the knee, showing off her unicorn toe socks, which of course, had a hole in the big toe, and to complete the image her jeans which were slightly too big for her waist but fit her curvaceous hips had drooped down to show part of her matching pink boy cut panties. Elle groaned, and she had naturally just had to stand on top of the window box giving both brothers a full view of her disheveled appearance. She could just die! She needed a shower...and to burn these clothes so she would never have to look at them again! Ugh! She looked around the room hoping that there was an ensuite, she would have given her left arm not to have to walk out of this room looking like this. But alas, there wasn’t one, of course. 

Sighing loudly, she walked to the door to go investigating, thinking she might as well get the inevitable out of the way. As she opened it she found a gift bag sitting just outside. What was this?She looked around and saw no one,curious and a little alarmed. Elle did not like the idea of being randomly gifted things; she picked up the bag and went back into the room. Sitting on the bed, she overturned the bag and dumped out the contents. Inside it were two small plastic wrapped packages of Haines women’s underwear and a large mauve sweater with a note pinned to it. 


the bathroom is two doors down to the left of your door, there are clean towels in the cupboard beside the sink, sleep in as late as you like, and when you're hungry come on down into the kitchen and help yourself to some breakfast. We can go into town to get whatever you might need to make you more comfortable later today. 


Elle felt warmed with gratitude at the thoughtfulness of the gesture, it felt so very motherly. She smiled sadly at the thought, Elle’s mother wasn’t a bad mother per say, but she was not exactly the warm mothering type either. She supposed it should feel strange to have someone she barely knew buy her underwear and clothing, but it felt like such a kindness, she couldn’t bring herself to consider it any other way. She ran her hands over the sweater, it felt so soft and comfortable. She held it up to her face and inhaled. It smelt vaguely familiar, notes of lavender, citrus and a clean woodsiness. Where had she smelt this before? It made her feel warm and safe. The color was a favorite of hers, she had a dress and two shirts in this shade, and a pair of silky pajama shorts. Though if she was being honest the color was a bit brighter and more true in the sweater than any of her clothing, and when she looked at the tag she could see why, it was designer and made of cashmere. Elle knew she should feel discomforted about receiving such an expensive gift, but she was weirdly drawn to the big soft sweater.  Hey if she wants to dress me...

A half hour later, fully washed, cleaned and dressed Elle looked at herself in the mirror. The sweater was massive, almost to her knees, but it was warm and oh so very soft, surrounding her with its faint but comforting scent. Like wearing a security blanket, she mused. She had worn it over a pair of black leggings, opting for comfort over style, Elle’s usual MO when it came to dressing herself. She had however washed, dried and styled her pixie cut, taking care to make sure the longer front framed her high cheekbones to its best advantage. She didn’t bother with make-up, Elle mostly went O’naturale, from sheer laziness, as she said it. On the rare occasion that she did don a “full face”, it was usually just a touch of tinted moisturizer, light blush, mascara and lip gloss, it wasn’t that she didn’t like make-up it’s that she’d never really had much occasion to ever do herself up.  Looking at herself in the mirror now, Elle wished she had bothered to, she felt woefully inadequate looking at her unadorned face. She sighed, no helping it now. Pulling the sweater around her tighter, she inhaled deeply grounding herself in its scent.  Okay, Elle, it is what it is.

Her stomach growled loudly. And what it is, is starved.


Milo could barely contain himself after this morning's encounter. His tiny little mate standing on the window box, railing at him because she’d been caught eye-banging him, as his twin had so aptly put it. The sight of her was burned into his memory, her wild porcupine hair sticking out in all directions over her flushed and radiant face, her shirt barely buttoned over her hot pink bra, her ample curves all but falling out of her jeans...and her voice, sweet jesus her voice! He loved that she didn’t wake up a flawless princess, she looked more like a wild siren, just as likely to kiss him as punch him in the mouth. It appealed to him so harshly, that even he had been surprised by it. It had been all he could do not to go to her then and there, to take her into his arms, to feel those lush curves against him.

And all that was from seeing her at a distance, he had to get closer to her, had to see what would happen with her right in front of him. The anticipation was killing him, he had all but ran down to the kitchen after hearing the shower turn off, had been sitting here trying hard not to fidget while he waited impatiently for her. Max and Maeve had made themselves scarce, and he hadn’t seen his mother since early this morning. Good, with any luck the three of them can ruin someone else’s chances with their mate. He thought darkly, if he even began to think about the mountain the three of them had placed in front of him with her, he might go mad. He steadfastly refused to even go there, he had to believe that while she might consider them lunatics, something had drawn her here, and to him. 

He had seen the naked lust in her gaze when she had been watching him in the window;had reveled in it if he was being truthful. It had given him hope, if she desired him, maybe she would at least give him the chance to win her over. And he would win her over, in every lifetime they had ever had he had always found her. They were drawn to each other like magnets, a force so powerful it was staggering, even now he had such a painfully strong awareness of her. The longer they were around each other the stronger the pull would get, until there would be no resisting it. Well…for him, anyways, who knew how she would feel about it. If he scared her off, or came on too intensely and she ran...then he would have to live his life knowing the one woman meant for him in all this world was not with him, his head filled with the memories of every single lifetime he had with her, as reminder of what he would have lost. There were no guarantees that they would love each other, being soulmates simply meant they were the most drawn to each other, had shared a connection so strong even death could not sever it, it did not mean that these two incarnations of themselves would fall in love and live happily ever after. 

Milo had been waiting for her his whole life, since he was a child and could see back into his own lifetimes. He had loved her in so many incarnations, his very soul crying out for her every time he died, following her, seeking her, aching for her, waiting, always waiting. Finally now she was here, in front of him, in his grasp. He felt lightheaded with excitement. It was finally time! He would finally be able to know her again, to be surrounded by her warm familiar presence, to care for her, to bring her joy, to bring her pleasure…the idea made his knees weak, he would have to be blind to not desire her. 

He looked up as he heard the swinging kitchen door opening. Her deep chocolate brown eyes met his the instant she walked in, she stopped dead. The door swung back and smacked her in the ass, jarring her forward and upsetting her balance, he leapt up quickly to steady her.

“Are you alright?” He asked, concerned, his big hands resting on her shoulders to steady her. Rose and vanilla and warm woman scent wafted up to him in a delicious seductive mix so strong he had to stop himself from burying his face in her neck. Steady! He thought darkly, Lord help me, no woman should ever smell this heavenly.  She flushed becomingly,looking up at him. He felt his breath leave his body. It felt like lightning had struck him, never in this lifetime had he felt such awareness of a woman, his heart was pounding in his chest, how he kept his hands steady, when inside he felt as if he was on fire was beyond him.His thumbs absently caressed her shoulders, as he drank in her features. 

Up close she was even lovelier than he had dared dream. She had beautiful even honey gold skin, high cheekbones, a stubborn yet dainty jawline, and full soft deeply kissable lips, all framed by her dark raven locks cut short in a very sexy style that he ached to run his fingers through. The top of her head barely reached his collarbone, her shoulders felt so tiny and delicate underneath his big hands, everything about her was finely made. Up close her almond shaped eyes were not just chocolate brown as he assumed, they were an almost reddish brown, with flecks of gold hidden in their depths, the irises circled by a black rim. She had dark lashes that fanned at the edges, and her eyelids were slightly hooded, giving her the sexiest bedroom eyes he had ever seen. Milo had grown up in a sea of light colored eyes, and had ever been fascinated by dark ones. He could have spent all day staring into those deep depths. 

Elle was having trouble breathing, he was staring at her in a way that no one ever had before. Looking at her as if he was fascinated by her face, what is he looking at? She was just as fascinated by his... His handsome angular face, with the strong jutting jaw, was enough to make her weak kneed from a distance, up close she was struggling not to fall over herself. His eyes were a light captivating icy blue, so clear that it was like looking through a pool, rimmed by a deep indigo limbal ring. He hadn’t shaved this morning and the honey blond and ice white stubble dusted his face, making him look deeply masculine. He had a straight, strong nose, the beginnings of smile lines at the corners of his eyes, the thought of which made Elle shiver unconsciously. Elle found nothing more attractive than a man who smiled with his eyes. His mouth was a whole other area of exploration, and Elle was certain whole sonnets could be written about it. He had a beautiful perfect mouth, with lips that made her ache to run her fingers over, and kiss at her leisure. They parted slightly on a breath and Elle had to stifle a moan at the sight. God help her she wanted to touch him with a reckless abandon. To draw her hands over the perfect body she now knew he kept under his stylish clothes, to test if he was as firm and hard as he looked. She could feel his hands on her shoulders, even through the layers of her thick sweater and tee shirt, his sensuous movements were making her skin hypersensitive. He tilted his head in that curious way she had seen before, as if he was trying to read her mind. 

“Elle,” He said her name like a prayer, drawing it out slowly. It sent a thrill down her spine.  

“I...I’m...fine.” She said finally, in a decidedly not fine tone of voice. “You can let go, I won’t fall.”  The intensity of his look had unnerved her, she had no idea what he was thinking, why he was looking at her the way he was, and she mistrusted it. He gently released her, moving back from her slightly, and though she partially felt relieved, another part of her felt suddenly chilled and empty from the withdrawal. 

“Please sit down, you must be starving.” He said, directing her to a chair. Milo felt slightly disappointed that she had asked him to let her go, when all he wanted to do was touch her. Gentle, don’t spook the woman, he told himself. He had to believe that if he took things slowly with her, and allowed her the space to know didn’t help that despite his lifetime of memories he had very little actual experience in how to handle this. To be fair, he supposed no one would have actual experience in trying to convince someone they hardly knew that they were destined to be together. The absurdity of his situation could have made him laugh if it didn’t make him want to succumb to misery. I’ve only waited a lifetime for you…no big deal…

“A bit,” She agreed, as her stomach grumbled loudly, drawing him out of his thoughts.

“Then let me feed you,” He said to her, flashing her the briefest of smiles. And of course he would have the most beautiful straight white teeth. Couldn’t even have a snaggle tooth, she thought raggedly.Her heart hammered in her chest at the sight, it simply wasn’t right for a man to look this beautiful. 

“What’s on the menu, chef?” She asked glibly, as always when Elle felt out of her comfort zone, she drew back into humor. Best defense mechanism ever! If you can’t seduce you must amuse, that was her motto. 

“What would you like?” He asked her, sauntering over to the fridge, Elle was not checking out his perfect ass, does he just live in a gym?! She raged. “I should warn you I have nothing in here but eggs, and...oh shit more eggs.” He told her, looking over his shoulder at her, his gorgeous eyes glinting with good humor. Elle felt her breath catch in her throat,  If he keeps looking at me like that...I am going to be undone.

“And just how am I supposed to pick with this amazing variety you’re offering?” She asked in sham-awe. “Eggs, or wait for it...more eggs!” Truly Elle was impressed with her ability to put together coherent sentences, she was all but vibrating with awkward energy. Even the sound of his deep voice laid over his exotic accent was sending her into fits. 

“I can cook the shit out of eggs, scrambled, hard boiled...scrambled again.” He told her, “One time I poached an egg, completely unintentionally mind you, was poached.”  

“How does one poach an egg unintentionally?” Elle asked him, stifling a grin. He was not charming her right now! 

“Well one has to be near useless in a kitchen, slightly drunk, and this is important, desperate.” He told her, deadpan.

“You're not exactly winning my confidence in your cooking abilities,” Elle told him wryly. Fuck my life, the man can seduce and amuse?! Where was the justice in that!?

“That’s probably a good call, I’m a shit cook.” He admitted with a lazy smile, just as she had suspected the corners of his eyes crinkled with the action. Ugh, could this man be any fucking sexier? It was enough to make her want to throw a bag over his head! She just knew she was bound to make an ass out of herself, perhaps he would slip and fall in the puddle her drool was making...

“So what exactly was your plan for breakfast then?” She asked, helplessly back. I could just eat you on a cracker, dutchman....She thought salaciously. 

“Scrambled eggs? Or hagelslag, I can make the shit out of hagelslag.” He informed her arrogantly. 

“What on earth is that?” She asked, startled.

“Its amazing is what it is,” He told her matter-of-factly, “You take a slice of bread smother it in butter or chocolate spread, then you cover it with chocolate sprinkles, then you cram that deliciou-osity into you mouth as fast as you can before Max tries to steal it off your plate. Though that last part isn’t a requirement, I’ll be more than happy to throat punch him for you if he tried to steal yours.” 

“How chivalrous of you,” She offered. I could smother you in chocolate spread and sprinkles and spend all goddamn day finding. Every. Last. One. She blinked, stunned by her own dangerously erotic thoughts, absently pulled her sweater closer around her, feeling suddenly very exposed. Never in her life had she ever been this wound up over a man. Milo frowned at the action.

“That sweater is huge on you,” He remarked in an odd tone. 

“Your mother gave me this sweater,” She said defensively. “I like it,”

“It...suits you.” He said, finally averting his gaze. What was that about? She wondered, mildly diverted from her dangerously racy thoughts. 

Milo had to hide a grin at his devious mother’s actions. This morning she had barged into his room while he was half asleep demanding a sweater from him. He had vaguely pointed over to his closet, grumbling at her in Dutch. She had taken his favorite Mauve cashmere hooded sweater, and dared him to say a word about it; he had been absolutely bewildered by it. And now it was draped around his mate, nearly reaching her knees. And unless he had missed the mark, she had no idea that it was his. He wondered how she would feel about it if she knew. It was an odd thing watching her wrapping herself in the same hoodie he had worn only a day before. His cologne likely still on it, as he hadn’t washed it since he’d worn it last. He covertly watched her absently inhale his sweater, a serene expression crossing her face. If she liked his cologne that much he would wear it every damn day, twice a day! The thought of her in his clothing filled him with a deep seated sense of possession, my woman, is covered in my scent… it was sort of primal, and so richly appealing. It made him wonder how else he could cover her in his scent, and that thought took him down a road...

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Elle asked, bringing him back from his reverie. “You are freaking me out, I thought you were having a stroke, should I call someone? I don’t know CPR.” She told him tongue in cheek. He pursed his lips at her, thinking he would very much like to teach her CPR…Or a really useless version of it, where I press you against that counter and kiss the breath from you.

“Schatje, you are a singular woman,” He told her sincerely after he managed to tamp out the image in his head, a warm smile lighting his entire face. “But you’ve definitely talked yourself out of hagelslag,which has nothing to do with not having bread, chocolate spread or sprinkles I assure you,” He said as he reached into the fridge pulling out the eggs and more eggs he had told her about. She grinned and he felt as if his heart had stopped, god she is so beautiful.

“Jokes on you dutchmen, I love eggs, the more poorly prepared the better!” She announced. 

“This is a challenge made for me, no one makes a more garbage egg dish than I,” He told her, as he grabbed sour cream and chives out of the fridge. “In the Netherlands they call me vreselijke eiermaker, terrible egg maker. The local children run from me, and hide their eggs lest I ruin them.”

“Do you have a special hat?” She asked, her lips twitching in amusement. Fuucckkk, if she laughs I’m going to be undone… He could barely help himself, he had never wanted to make a woman laugh more than he did her. 

“It’s more of a paper bag, thrust over my head to hide my shame.” He told her, “It says vreselijke eiermaker on it, just in case anyone has doubts.”  At that she burst out laughing, unable to control herself over the image she had in her head. “Oh yes, laugh away, they only throw rotten eggs at me as I head through town, they sing the song of shame too…” 

“O...oh... God, pl...please st..stop, I’m go...going to die here!” She gasped out between huge laughs,they racked her small body, her face was radiant and flushed with humor.  Milo thought nothing had ever looked more beautiful to him, as predicted he was absolutely undone. Her laugh was loud and throaty, completely without artifice, she didn’t try to be cute, or pretty about it. Full body laughs racked her and then she snorted, loudly. In that moment, Milo thought he couldn’t possibly be more pleased with his mate, she was fucking perfect. 


Despite his comments to the contrary, Milo’s scrambled eggs were delicious. She had watched him crack the eggs directly into a hot pan with butter, swirling it a figure 8 pattern with a spatula, for exactly 3 minutes, (evidently the time was very important, or so he had claimed).Then off the stove and a teaspoon of sour cream and fresh cut chives later, she was eating the creamiest, melt in your mouth scrambled eggs she had ever had in her life. 

“Terrible eggs my ass,” She grated, as she tried not to wolf it down. Is there anything this man doesn’t do well? Perhaps once he had a hangnail...She thought vaguely annoyed.

“It's the only thing I cook well, I promise.” He told her earnestly, too earnestly. Elle didn’t buy it for a second, she had noticed that every hanging pan was well used, and despite his empty fridge, there was a spice rack beside the stove, that was jam packed to overflowing with seasonings. Unless he had an in-home cook, and somehow she doubted that, he was probably a very good cook. Because I mean of course he would be...

“Ummhmm, well you looked starved,” She commented tongue in cheek, “Withering away one might say.” ...if one was blind. God spare me, I could go blind staring at this man...

“It’s true, I’m practically on death’s door, if only I could find someone to take care of me.” He sighed dramatically, his eyes twinkling.  Don’t tempt me...she thought hotly.

“Don’t look at me, I can hardly boil water,” She said holding her hands up, which wasn’t exactly a complete lie, Elle rarely boiled anything…He tilted his head at her looking her over slowly. Doing that mind reading thing she found so disconcerting. What are you thinking? 

“What kind of food do you like, Elle?” He asked her, curiously. In their previous incarnations food had ever been a source of connection between the two. In this lifetime Milo was a very adventurous eater, in fact he somewhat fancied himself a ‘foodie’. He had always nursed the desire for his mate to be the same, god save him from a picky eater...

“I like food, period.” She told him sincerely.

“Not picky?” He probed, stifling a grin.

“No, alarmingly not.” She said smirking, “My mother always said I was going to end up huge,” She said, the smile dying in her eyes, absently pushing her plate away from herself, a look of pain flashing across her  face for a second before she blinked it away. “You?”

“I like food too,” He said simply, “Bit of an understatement actually,”  watching her still. He wondered where the look had come from. And how he could take it from her. What hurts you Elle?  He put her plate in the dishwasher and then moved to sit beside her, a thrill of excitement shooting through him to be so close to her again, to be able to smell the soft clean rose and vanilla scent of her mingling in with his cologne, it was intoxicating. “We traveled a lot as children, can’t be picky if there aren’t very many choices.”

“My parents took us traveling as well, much the same reason for not being picky,” She told him, but that wasn’t entirely true. Elle had a contentious relationship with food, she always had, but in her early teens she had struggled with that relationship to the point that it had become dangerous for her. Now as an adult she knew that restricting herself would only result in more misery for her. Beyond that, she felt she had deprived herself enough, and had earned the right to indulge every now and then. 

Her thoughts seemed to cast a shadow over her features, she didn’t really hide her emotions on her face, he noticed, at least not right away. Almost as if no one paid close enough attention to see it. But Milo could see. Something she was thinking was hurting her. He reached out without thought wanting to soothe her, his hand cupping her face softly, a spark of electricity seemed to sizzle between them. Startled, she looked up at him, her brown eyes searching, confused, she nuzzled her face into the palm of his hand helplessly, unconsciously. His heart skipped a beat at the motion, she wanted him to touch her! And he was more than happy to oblige.

He stroked her cheek in light circles with his thumb, watching her carefully, gauging her reaction. She didn’t pull away from him, her eyes never wavered from his, she looked dazed. He suspected that she was rarely touched, and what’s more...she loved to be touched. He wasn’t really surprised by that, her previous incarnations were all very tactile, loving to be touched, caressed...kissed. But there was something different in the way Elle moved toward him, in the way she looked at him, even earlier when she’d asked him to let her go, she had looked so lost afterward. Milo was normally a very reserved man, not one prone to touch or give affection. Even with his family he rarely went out of his way to display physical affection, but the truth was, he loved to be touched and to touch just as much as he suspected his mate did. 

He tilted her face up slightly, carefully lining her face up to his. She parted her lips running the tip of her tongue on the inner edge of her bottom lip, he almost groaned at the sight, a surge of unadulterated lust shooting through his body. To finally know what my mates lips taste like? He lowered his face down to hers slowly, giving her time to pull away, god please don’t pull away... his eyes meeting hers dead on, did she want him to kiss her, did she feel the charge between them? How he had wanted to since he’d caught her staring at him through her window. She swallowed visibly, a slight tremor ran down her body, her gaze rapt to his. He gently ran his thumb over her parted lips, oh god they are so damn soft! 

Elle shivered at the contact, his thumb gently rasping against her lips, his ice blue eyes boring into her, a look of pure desire sizzling there. Never had anyone looked at her like that, the intensity alone...he edged his face closer to hers, moving agonizingly slowly, sensuously, and it was driving her mad! She wanted to grab his face and force it down on hers, she wanted to press her lips against his, hard. What was he waiting for? He was so close now she could feel his minty breath against her lips, she was trembling with anticipation. Kiss me damn it! Kiss me! She thought raggedly. 

“Hope I’m no’ interrupting,” An unfamiliar male voice said from  behind them at the kitchen door. Milo swore under his breath as he abruptly pulled away from Elle, yeah tell me about it, stud. She thought angrily, fuck her life! She turned to peer over Milo’s shoulder at the same time he turned to see who it was. Leaning against the door jam, was a man she had never seen, except maybe in her dreams! 

Elle was stunned! He was over 6 feet tall, smiling amusedly at the two of them, light eyed, with gorgeous deep red hair cut into a rakish style that fell  becomingly over one eye. But it was his face that stole her breath, angular and beautiful, his wide chin had a cleft in it, dusted with a touch of stubble. The face she had been seeing in her dreams since as far back as she could remember, the face of the man named Aiden... She turned horror struck to stare at Milo, if that was the man of her dreams, who the hell was this guy?!


Never in his entire life had Milo wanted to strangle someone more than he did his ‘guest’. The timing couldn’t possibly be worse! His frustration blazed on every line of his face, as he glared at the younger man. 5 minutes later...godverdomme me for not locking my doors! He raged internally.

“What are you doing here?” Milo asked, his tone clipped.

“Been summoned.” The handsome redhead replied in his scottish brogue, not the least put out by Milo’s cold response.

“Maeve is fine,” Milo began. So get thee hence red headed Satan… he thought, beyond over his visit. 

“No’ summoned by her,” He said simply, maddeningly calm. “And who is this fine lass, then?” He asked, nodding his head toward Elle. If looks could kill, he would be a smoking crater.

“Elle,” Milo said simply, his tone bellied by his expression. Take the hint, Jesus you daft asshole, take.THE.HINT. 

“Elle,” The man repeated a wide grin crossing his handsome face, “Well aren’t you a bonny lass.”

“Who are you?” Elle whispered, looking at him as if she was seeing a ghost.  Did she sound a bit breathless? Milo, covertly glanced at her, a bit pale? 

“Daire MacReith,” He told her smiling, “Have you met his twin?” He asked her.

“Yes,” She replied, bemused.

“Then you’ve met mine as well, I’m Maeve’s brother.” He said.

“If Maeve didn’t summon you, then who did?” Milo asked, interrupting him, he didn’t like the way they were looking at each other, especially the way Daire was openly ‘eye-banging’ her. Never in his life had Milo felt jealousy over a woman, but now he felt as if he could throttle the life out of him.A primal voice in his head all but screaming ‘mine’ at the top of its lungs. 

“She did,” He said, nodding his head toward Elle again. 

“What the fuck does that mean?!” Milo exploded, at the same time that Elle roared something equally confused. They turned to look at each other, and then back at Daire. 

“I don't even know you! How am I supposed to have...called you?” She asked, slightly calmer, she was confused and annoyed and it was swiftly turning to anger. Just what in the actual hell was going on here?

“Did no’ say you called me lass, though if the thought should ever cross your mind, feel free to call me...multiple times.” He said smiling at her in a way that Elle could concede would under normal circumstances make her blush, but at the moment it made her want to punch him. Ditto for the raging man beside her, after all how mad would Maeve really get? She now had 3 other brothers, what was one lousy lothario twin really, in the grand scheme of things?

“I’m not in the mood Scot,” She said sharply, standing up off the chair moving around Milo to glare at him as well. “What is going on here?” 

“Well the thing of it is, Lass, I have no idea myself.” He told her simply, “I’m summoned, I go, it’s no’ much clearer than that.”

“What does that even mean?” She grated, she did not like cryptic.

“It means you drew him here, and he has no idea why, or for what reason.” Milo said finally, blowing out an exasperated breath, furious at the situation. As if it weren’t already complicated enough, but with Daire here now? Ugh, he could just punch another hole in his wall, or at Daire’s oblivious head! What would happen if she ever had a memory? If she saw Aiden...he almost shivered at the thought, Daire looked so like the warrior, the man she’d once loved so intensely she had risked all for him. In her previous incarnations she had always been sensitive, been able to see flashes of her previous lives, it had often been her who had understood their soul bond before he did. Would she see Aiden and confuse Daire with him? Godverdomme! He had never even considered this outcome. 

“Me?! Just how the fuck…” She began turning now to rage at the blond standing beside her. Suspicion clouding her eyes, who are you? She thought darkly.

“My sister can see Auras, I can hear them,” Daire answered her, his tone still amused though his face was grave and serious now. “Yours called out to me,”

“You heard her in Scotland?” Milo asked, shocked.

“Maeve’s been calling me to her for weeks, I’ve been dutifully ignoring her, but you know I can only be so far from her when she summons,” He replied, “She would be summoning me in this frostbitten tundra,” He muttered under his breath. “Then last night I heard Elle’s panic, and fear so strong it felt like a choke hold, came running.” He said simply.

“ heard...” Elle felt sick, she could just imagine the moment her Aura would be shrieking, she backed up and leaned against the kitchen counter. This just kept getting better and better. She felt as if a bucket of ice water had just been dropped on her head, all of the fear and panic from the night before coming back to her in a tumbled mess. Not thinking about this! Not thinking about this ever!

“Aye lass, I did, and I’m sorry I could no’ get to you sooner.” He told her solemnly. The first hint of sincerity visible in his light eyes. 

“She’s safe now,” Milo said, though he wasn’t looking at Daire as he said it. He was watching Elle closely, she looked like she was going to throw up. “Easy Elle, it’s alright,” He told her, reaching out toward her wanting desperately to wipe that look from her stricken face.  she jerked back from his hand, looking up at him with a look of such mistrust, he felt as if she had slapped him. Ah fuck...she remembers Aiden. He dropped his hand from her, even as he fought down the urge to pull her into his arms and explain. Slow, don’t spook her, more than she already is. 

“So who are you supposed to have been to me?” She asked angrily, “ In this whole circus of past life bullshit? My brother? My kid?” my lover she thought disturbed, the idea of it felt...wrong. She could concede that Daire was exceptionally handsome, literally the face of the man of her dreams, but...almost chillingly she felt absolutely nothing at the sight of him, well almost nothing...burning irritation was hardly anything to get excited about. 

“Would no’ ken, do no’ believe in that bullshite,” Daire told her, “Think the lot of them are mad, else have some sort of group delusion.” He shrugged nonchalant, “But to each their own, Max treats my sister like a queen, and if the two of them choose to live in a fantasy world where they’ve loved each other before, who am I to stop them?” 

“Uh huh, but you believe in Auras?” She asked pointedly. For some unfathomable reason his condescending dismissal rankled her. 

“I could hear your panic, hear you screaming in your head ‘no, no, not that, anything but that.’ Though I was a province away from you.” He told her, a shade of ice in his tone. “Tell me I hallucinated that Elle, tell me you weren’t terrorized last night.” All the blood left Elle’s face, she felt as if her legs were about to give out from under her, as if she were back in that alley again, her breaths came out sharp and shallow, almost choking her. 

“That’s enough!” Milo roared at him, rage cresting his eyes. It seemed to startle Daire, who looked at the other man warily, “You can fuck right off, Daire. Don’t you dare taunt her.” Her terror struck face had stolen all the air from his lungs like a physical blow. To bring it up as a weapon to hurt her, the cruelty of it had  filled Milo with a dark rage. He wanted to chase away all that scared her, to hold her close, to be the shield that protected her from everything and anything that might do her harm...And he had already failed her, he would be damned if he would ever let it be used to victimize her further. 

“I would never taunt her over that,” Daire said cautiously, “I felt her fear...I’m sorry I couldn’t stop it.” 

“I don’t want to talk about this anymore,” Elle said, her voice shaking, she started toward the door, Daire stood there still making no move to let her pass. “Move,” She said firmly. He arched a brow at her, an unreadable look on his face.

“Move out of her way Daire,” Milo repeated, his tone so cold it sent a chill down Elle’s spine. Daire grinned, holding his palms up in surrender, side stepping and making a big show of presenting the now cleared doorway to her.

“As milady wishes,” He said tongue in cheek. 

“Eat a bag of dicks,” She snarled at him, she stormed away toward the stairs. 

“Such, language, lass,” Daire called back. “Mind, someone does no’ toss you over their knee and trash you!” Elle’s spine stiffened at the barb, but she kept going, not willing to give him the satisfaction of a response. 

“Put a hand on her, in any context and you will lose it,” Milo told him from between clenched teeth. Already he was fighting his own instinct to follow after her, but he kept hearing his sister-in-law’s warning from the night before in his head; she will no’ thank you for seeing her like this, the lass is much too proud to be wanting anyone to see her cry. And she was proud, and fierce and so godverdomme strong!

“Was no’ suggesting I do the spanking, no’ that I would mind,” Daire told him, grinning wildly at the ire of the older man. Daire had never seen Milo this...volatile. He could scarcely help himself from provoking him. 

“Touch her, and I promise you they won’t find all your parts.” Milo hissed at him, seething.  If he couldn’t sate his rage on Hadeon, then at least he could be furious at Daire. Daire who had come in like a hurricane and set him back even further with Elle. Why is every member of my family so hellbent on me dying alone?! He thought enraged. 

“And if she wants me to touch her?” Daire asked, arching a suggestive brow. Milo clenched his fists, barely keeping himself from lunging at the man.

“She won’t,” Milo said fiercely, “Not after I knock your teeth out,” he growled under his breath. Daire ran a hand through his hair, pulling it off his face rakishly.

“We’ll see,” He said arrogantly. “Isn’t she a wee bit young for you?” He added tauntingly.

“She’s 23 and I’m 27,” Milo began, annoyed.

“Are you really? Christ, I had always just assumed you were 50, the way you dress.” Daire shot back, inclining his head toward his clothes. 

“Forgive me, but is the man whose entire wardrobe consists of obscenely wide cut muscle shirts and shorts out of beer cases, actually taking pot shots at my fashion sense?!” Milo retorted sharply, “Do you even own a single button down shirt? You man-child!”

“The need has never arose,” He told him smirking, “If Elle doesn’t like my clothes, she can feel free to take them off me.” Milo would have lunged at him then, but before he could do anything, he heard his mother call for him from the front door.

“This isn’t over Daire,” Milo growled at him, pushing past him, and out the door.

“Oh aye, it is.” Daire said grinning. “You just don’t ken it yet.” 


Ute had to choke back a laugh at the sight of her agitated son stalking toward her. Good! He needed to get his feathers ruffled, he had been much too reticent. And from the look on his face, he was well and truly ruffled. As if in answer to what had needled her youngest son, she saw Daire MacReith stalking out of the kitchen behind him. He had a look on his handsome face that one could only be describe as a shit-eating-grin.

“Well hello Daire,” She said, completely ignoring her son. “What brings you to Milo’s mysterious cabin in the woods?” 

“Summoned,” He told her as she embraced him, kissing her on the cheek.

“Ah, felt Elle?” She asked knowingly.

“Not yet, would love to though, lush wee thing,” He retorted, Milo grunted angrily at the comment. Daire would be feeling his fist in a minute. 

“Oh, Milo doesn’t like that,” Ute said, amused. “She’s his soulmate.” Daire snorted derisively at that. 

“Oh aye, and he kens this how exactly? Did a magic squirrel pull a sword out of his arse?” He asked the sarcasm oozing off his words.

“Could stand to have something pulled out his arse,” Ute agreed.

“I am standing right here!” Milo hissed at the both of them.

“Don’t you have a library to rearrange or a piece of wood to whittle for the youngins, grand da?” Daire asked him. 

“I’m only 2 years older than you, ezel!” Milo shot back. 

“Really Milo? A donkey? That’s the best you’ve got?” Ute said, tsking. “Has he shown you to your room yet?” She asked Daire.

“Room! The fuck! He’s not staying here.” Milo hissed at his mother.

“Don’t be ridiculous, of course he is.” Ute said dismissively. “You can’t seriously mean to send away the only person who can sense Hadeon miles before he gets near your mate?”

“I...I...uhm.” He muttered incoherently.

“Did no’ think of that, did you?”  Daire retorted, smirking. Milo fought down the urge to strangle him.

“He can have the room across from Elle’s.” Ute offered.

“The closer the better...for the sensing.” Daire agreed, with a lecherous smile. Milo clenched and unclenched his fists, decidedly not imagining them wrapped around the arrogant asshole’s throat.

“He can sleep outside, under the porch, I’ll go get him a sleeping bag.” Milo retorted angrily.

“No’ verra nice, I would think you would be more grateful to the man offering to protect your, ‘mate’ ” Daire replied, making parentheses with his fingers at the word mate, just in case anyone had any doubts about how far he believed in that. 

“The day I need a drunken, lecherous, man-slut to protect my mate…” Milo began, warming to his subject.

“Maybe you wouldn’t be such a tight arse if you drank, or man-slutted once in a while!”Daire retorted back hotly.

 “Maybe you can go fuck yourself, everyone else has!” Milo yelled back at him.

“Can name at least one who hasn’t...yet.” Daire replied, before he could even fully finish that sentence Milo lunged at him, grabbing for him. The shorter man lurched swiftly to the side out of his reach, “Jesus! I was joking!”

“It's not funny!” Milo raged, “She’s my mate, I’ve waited for her my whole damned life, if you think I’m sitting around while a worthless layabout like you attempts to make a move on her, you’re dreaming!”

“If she’s your goddamned mate then it should hardly matter if I try to make a move on her should it? She should be completely immune to my charms, no?” Daire offered, keeping himself out of the enraged man’s grip. 

“It doesn’t work like that!” Milo shot back, “It's not as if she’s honed in on me as the only possible choice, she could easily be attracted to someone else.” 

“Oh, so you're afraid she might prefer me over you?” Daire asked wryly. “Afraid I might win her?”

“She’s not a thing for you to win, you smarmy asshole!” Milo growled, “I’m not competing with you for her like some prize! She’s my soulmate!” 

“I she’s...yours?” Daire asked, “Like a...possession? Someone who can’t make up her own mind? And if any other man were to be interested, your solution is to what exactly? Pound them into the ground, so the wee lass doesn’t have to use her wee brain? How verra...noble of you.” 

“He does have you there, son.” Ute added sweetly. In a bizarre way she too was enjoying his provocation. She had truly never seen her son this...emotive. Milo had always been a calm, collected, put together child. Rarely moved to anger, sadness, or even joy. She could recall few times that she had caught him laughing, even fewer that she’d seen him enraged. Not even when he had given his brother a dislocated shoulder had he been angry, approaching even the fight in a collected methodical way. If Ute were being honest, when he was a child she had often feared that he was a bit off, no child should ever be that calm. Not until she had realized that her 5 year old son could clearly and distinctly remember his past lives, did she truly understand what was happening to him. Even as a child he was never a child, and now as an adult she had often feared that he would never be a young man, forever being old before his time. Seeing him about to smash his one time friend in the face over a was almost a relief. He did actually have feelings. 

“I...I...fuck.” Milo said, a bit taken aback. “You’re right.” He murmured. 

“I am?” Daire asked, surprised.

“He is?” Ute asked, equally shocked. She had expected her comment to stoke the fire, not put it out.

“You are,” Milo replied, “She’s not mine, she isn’t anyone’s, she’s not a possession. She’s free to do what she wants,I can’t very well react violently to any available man who shows interest. That would be ludicrous.”

“You can’t?” Ute asked, a bit disappointed. 

“No I can’t. She has to have the right to choose, otherwise what makes me any different than that bastard Hadeon?” He asked, “No, I can’t interfere with this,” He said, gesturing disdainfully at Daire. “As repulsive of a choice as you are, you are still a choice.”

“Gee, thanks.” Daire replied, “You make me sound like a used manky bin,”

“Hardly matters what I think, or feel, she has the right to decide” Milo said dismissively, his tone calm and contemplative. “She has to choose me, not be saddled with me.”

“And you're so sure she will?” Daire asked, annoyed.

“No, and that's the point.” Milo replied evenly.  “She might not choose me at all, she might choose any number of different partners, she might even choose you, loathsome as that would be, but she has the right to choose.” 

“You have to know that if I go for her, I’m going to pull out all the stops, rub on the old scots charm, burds love the accent.” Daire offered in taunt. “And you willnae stop me?”

“If you are what she wants, I won’t interfere.” Milo replied back.

“You're just going to let someone else have your mate?” Ute asked, flabbergasted, “Not even going to put up a fight?”

“I didn’t say I wouldn’t fight,” Milo replied calmly, his face a mask of emotionlessness. “Just not with my fists.”


Hours seemed to pass as Elle paced around the room. She was beyond agitated, she felt completely out of her element here. Summonings, and soulmates...redheaded dream men coming to life before her! If one could call Daire a dream...more like an abject nightmare. Ugh fuck my life! How was this even happening? Didn’t Ute say that her dream man was Milo? Then why did Daire have his face?And Daire was an absolute dick? Seriously?!  A handsome, roguish dick, but a dick nonetheless. And I didn’t even get my fucking kiss! Whoa...where had that thought come from?

Granted she definitely had wanted to kiss Milo, but...did she still? Yes! Oh god yes! She stifled that thought immediately, she did NOT want to kiss him with a reckless abandon, that even now filled her with a sense of deep frustration. She didn’t know what she wanted, this was all happening way too quickly. It was after all only yesterday when she had been attacked…NO she did not want to think about that either! The list of things that she actually wanted to think about were dwindling rapidly. Eventually I’ll have to think about all of this, and then I’ll have to deal with it...But eventually didn't have to be today, or even tomorrow.

If Elle were at home she would have run a nice warm bath, poured herself a glass of iced wine, and stewed for a while. But of course she wasn’t home, and she didn’t have the luxury of her small stash of expensive Iced wine, likely another casualty of the destruction to her apartment...yet another thing I don’t want to think about.  She needed to get out, needed to not be here. 

She was only a half hour drive at the most from the nearest town, she could go exploring. She could lose herself in a nice long walk around, visit a few stores, maybe start to replace some of her lost items. Surely there was an art supply store in town, or she could go get a bottle of wine, and a nice bath bomb, really anything to make her feel a bit more grounded. Maybe, take a look at a cheap laptop, something to tide her over. At least pretend like she had some sort of plan. The more she thought about it, the more the idea appealed to her, made her feel a bit more in control of her situation. Decided, she grabbed her purse and her keys and headed back downstairs.

She made it all the way to the front door before she was stopped. In the form of a large and seriously irritating redhead, who seemed to have materialized out of nowhere. 

“And just where do you think you're going, lass?” He asked, an infuriating grin on his insolent albeit handsome face. 

“Out, don’t worry dad, I’ll be back before curfew.” She retorted sharply. “Won’t even get into cars with any strangers.”

“Aye, and will you be using your cutting wit to protect you?” He asked. “Or were you hoping your sass would be a better deterrent?” 

“I’m going into town, supposedly this woodsy mansion is some big secret, why would anyone be looking for me here?” She half growled at him, resenting his lofty tone.

“Oh aye, a huge secret. It's not as if Van Ee’s name isn’t literally all over this property, wouldn’t no’ take a genius to figure out where to look.” He told her, smugly.

“Van Ee? Who is that supposed to be?” She asked, suspecting she knew the answer. 

“Christ, you mean to tell me these sodding arseholes didn’t even bother to tell you your ‘mates’ surname?” He replied, barely stifling a laugh, “Is it seriously this easy to lure women back to one's shag cabin in the woods? Just say you're a reincarnated soulmate, and it's knickers dropping away?” 

“Fuck you,” She hissed at him. “If you want to drop panties for Van Ee, you go right ahead, I’m going into town.” 

“It's a bit like talking to a wall, are you daft lass?” Daire asked. “You. Are. Verra.Kidnapable. Ergo. You. Can no’. Go. Anywhere. Alone.” He enunciated each word slowly. Going so far as to bend down so he was at eye level with her. Elle had never in her life wanted to throttle someone more than she did him at that moment. 

“I am not Kidnapable.” Elle threw at him, her temper barely kept in check, “Get out of my way, I don’t need a babysitter.”

“You are so kidnapable,” He told her exasperated. “And what’s worse is you appear to be a wee bit slow, you are verra much trying my patience.” 

I’m trying your fucking patience?!” She roared at him, “You absolute douche bag! All I want is a couple hours to myself outside of this mad house, surrounded by people I don’t know, telling me things I don’t fully understand! What in the hell is wrong with that?!” Elle asked, her voice breaking at the end, much to her embarrassment. It was a perpetual source of frustration to Elle, that when she became truly furious she would burst into tears. Now she struggled to hold herself together, refusing to succumb.

“Oh fuck, don’t cry, Jesus,” He groaned, the smirk gone from his face. 

“I am not crying!” She raged at him, even as a sob shook her voice. 

“Look if you start crying, I’ve no idea what to do, I’m no good with tears, fucking shite with making people feel better, that’s really Maeve’s specialty.” He told her, looking a touch desperate. “Seriously, don’t cry, Milo will kick my arse,” 

“I am not crying!” She told him fiercely even as a tear trailed down her face. “Just get out of my way! I’m going out!”

“Fuck me! I can’t let you go by yourself! Look, listen I’ll take you!” He told her, sounding a bit hysterical himself. “I can’t stand seeing anyone cry, please stop.”

“Oh my god, I’m not going anywhere with you, fuck just leave me alone! I need some space.” She began, her voice wavering, tears falling in earnest down her face. 

“Jesus, Mary and Joseph….look lass I’ll walk 10 feet behind you, and I’ll be so quiet you won’t even know I’m there, but I can’t let you go by yourself!” He told her, pleadingly. “Listen, I know I’ve come across as a right git, but I promise I won’t let anything happen to you, and I won’t bother you. I heard your terror last night, I can’t let you go by yourself, I can’t relive that again, you have no idea how helpless I felt.” 

“You felt helpless?” She said slowly, a sob tore through her, “YOU felt helpless?! God damn you! You weren’t the one thrown against a wall, you didn’t have that...that monster against your body, you didn’t have...have...he wanted to...he was going to…” She gasped out, her legs went out from under her. Elle began rasping out breaths hard, unable to inhale, she felt like she was choking. “Oh...oh my god...oh I can’t breathe.” She sputtered out, she found herself on all fours, unable to comprehend how.  Her chest felt too tight, her head like it was going to explode, she felt seized, completely unable to move her limbs. Her vision began to tunnel, blackness surrounding her. She was going to pass out!  She felt rather than saw, big warm hands touch her face, her hair, gently so very gently. He rested his hands on her shoulders, and while his face was mere inches from hers she couldn’t see him. 

“I’ve got you Elle,” His deep voice felt soothing like a balm against her panicked mind. “It’s alright, you’re okay, you’re safe. Stay with me,” His accented voice felt at once familiar and strange. “That’s it, I’m an arse, I’m a git, but I’m right here, lass, come back. I’ve got you. Just breathe in, and breathe out, that’s it Elle, just follow me.” He told her calmly as he began showing her, breathing in deeply and exhaling loudly. “That’s it, just like that.” She tried to copy him, matching his pace, her chest burned, but eventually the pressure lessened enough that she could speak again. 

“Please...please….” She gasped out, tears blurring her vision. “I just want to be alone.” 

“Alright, I’ll leave you alone, but you can’t just lay down on the floor, will you stand up for me please?” He asked her gently. She blinked up at him, looking into his strange eyes.

“One blue, and one green, just like Maeve.” She whispered, staring at them. 

“Aye, just like Maeve,” He agreed, “Let’s get you on your feet, can you stand? Do you want me to pick you up?” 

“I can stand,” She said finally, she started to rise, feeling dizzy, he steadied her with his hands at her shoulders.

“Easy does it lass, I’ve got you.” He told her, helping her up. She swayed slightly, but he kept his grip on her. “You are so wee,” He whispered, looking down at her. “You forget, because you're so fiery, but you are tiny, woman.” He told her, looking aghast. “He could have killed you, and there wouldn’t have been a damn thing I could have done but heard you scream in my head.” 

“Stop...god damn it, just stop talking.” Elle hissed, feeling like she was going to throw up. “I have to get away from you, from all of this.” She all but shrieked. 

“Look I’m sorry, I...I didn’t mean to be...I’m just not used to this.” He stammered out to her.

“Used to what?” She asked backing away from him, now that she felt she could stand without collapsing, though she was still breathing hard.

“I’ve never been summoned by anyone outside of my family,” He told her, “And in my entire life I have never felt goddamned useless as I did last night.” 

“What does that mean?” She asked, feeling lightheaded now, but the burning tightness in her chest was all but gone. 

“Elle, I donna know who you are, I’s no’ as if I believe...but the thing of it is, I felt...I felt like you were my blood, my bone, and you were so scared. I do no’ like feeling like this, this is no’ normal to me. But you were calling out to me so damned loudly. I guess...if I were to must have been bluidy important to me.” He told her, his eyes blazing in sincerity. 

“Oh for fuck sakes...are you saying...we were…” She began, choking.

“I’m no’ saying anything, I just...look I donna ken. I never believed, and I do no’  now, but you are important somehow, and I may be an absolute bawbag, but I do know I can no’ let you get hurt.” Daire told her.

“I just want to go into town and get a few things to make me feel more comfortable, how could I get hurt doing that?” She reasoned.

“I can no’ take the chance, do no’ ask me too, look lass I promise right this second I’ll stop being such an insufferable prick. I was no’ joking when I said I’d walk 10 feet behind you.”  He told her earnestly.

“You really won’t let me go by myself will you?” She said slowly.

“No, I will no’, if it’s that you don’t want my company, I’ll go find Milo, he’s probably having a swim at the mo’, or you could wait for Max and Maeve, Ute is taking a nap but I’m sure she’d gladly go to town with you. Just...please don’t go by yourself” He told her softly.  “But if you go with me, I’ll take you on my bike.” He offered, giving her a half hearted grin. 

“It’s cold outside,” She informed him.

“Right, well I guess we can take your death trap instead.” He told her. “Or we could borrow one of Prince charmings rides,I heard he’s got a jag. Bet he’ll give you the keys, willingly too.” 

“I’m not stealing Milo’s car,” She told him irately, “I’m taking my car, you don’t have to come!”

“Alright, alright you drive a hard bargain, fine we take your ride.” He ceded. 

“I haven’t agreed to going with you,” She challenged.

“But you have no’ disagreed either. I take my victories where I can get them, lass, go on then, I’m no’ so bad once you get to know me.” He told her teasingly, “I’ve been told I can be right charming.”

“Like a rattlesnake I imagine.” She offered.

“Some people like snakes.” He retorted. 

“Creeps and freaks, I’m neither.” She told him.

“Aye, but I, unlike a snake, come with an American express black card.” He told her slyly.

“I don’t want your money.” She began, outraged. “I can take care of myself thanks.” He blinked at her response, clearly surprised. 

“Right, well donna say I did no’ offer.” He recovered, “Oh go on now lass, do you want me to beg?”

“Not particularly,” She said, pulling a face, “Say I do agree to go with you, I have some conditions.” 

“Oh this I’ve got to hear,” He said, sounding genuinely intrigued. Me too...She thought, typical really, flying by the seat of my pants...

“Most of them center on you being quiet, and walking 10 feet behind me,” She told him. And the rest….Well she would think of something. 

“Naturally.” He said sullenly. “What else then?”

“I want a better explanation of this Aura hearing power you have.” She said finally. Oh good one! She really did all her best thinking under pressure. 

“What? Really?” He said surprised. “It’s a bit boring actually.”

“Oh yeah, your superhuman ability to hear me in your head miles away is snooze worthy for sure.” She said, rolling her eyes. “And while you're at it, I want to understand Maeve’s ability as well.”

“Alright, I’ll do my best to explain.” He agreed, still clearly baffled by her choice. “Anything else?” Probably...let’s find out together shall we? She thought impishly. 

“Yes, I want to know everything you know about this reincarnation, soulmate business.” She said, thinking on her feet. 

“I already told you, I donna believe…” He began.

“I didn’t ask if you believed, don’t care if you do or not actually. I just want to know what you know about it. Your twin believes it, and I’m sure she’s told you a lot about it, so assuming you have the skillset of a common house parrot, we should be quite alright.” She told him, cutting him off. 

“I mean, I donna suppose I ken more than you do, but I’ll share what I’ve heard.” He said, trying to stifle a smirk. 

“Good, and I want to know everything you know about Milo.” She said, “About his past lives, and whatever else.”  Oh yes, all the things about my ‘soulmate’, please and thank you! Sometimes Elle was glad for her mouth working faster than her brain, every now and again it paid off. 

“The thing of it is lass, I donna ken much about his past lives, never cared enough to listen to that bullshite, but I do know him a bit in the here and now,” He added hastily upon seeing her disappointed face. “He’s a bit of a bore though, lass, I mean really, two steps away from being someone’s spinster uncle, you ken?”

“Can’t say that I do, no.” She replied honestly.

“Right well you’ll see what I mean when I start telling you about his exploits, or painfully dull lack thereof.” He ceded. “Is that all?”

“For now,” She said noncommittally. 

“So we are agreed then?” He asked her, “Your...vehicle, a few explanations, and a mind numbingly boring discussion about Milo Van Ee, and we can be on our merry way?” 

“And you have to be quiet and walk 10 feet behind me.” She added. Lets not forget that. 

“Sounds like a date,” He retorted with a grin. 

“If that sounds like a date, then you really need to get out more.” She said over her shoulder, as she headed to the door. 

“You’re meaning to go right now?” He said, stunned, “I mean, after all that…”

“Rub some dirt in it Daire, it was a panic attack not a nervous breakdown,” She said annoyed. She resented anyone seeing her in a vulnerable state, much less babying her. 

“You are...a different sort of woman Elle,” He said finally, “Saints preserve me, I think I like it.” he whispered, as he followed her out the door. 


Much to Elle’s surprise, Daire was actually pretty decent company. He had a wry sense of humor, and contrary to the image he was clearly trying to project he actually was a gentleman. Going so far as to absently open doors for her, and walk on the side of the sidewalk closest to the road, old world manners that indicated good breeding. For the most part he had been quiet, though Elle felt that this had more to do with his fear that she might cry again, than any sort of concession on his part. 

“So lass, are you going to ask me any of those questions you bent me over the table to win?” He asked her finally, a twinkle in his mismatched eyes.

“Time to sing for me, parrot?” She asked, with a smirk.

“Shouldn’t I be the one stalling, not you, lass?” He teased. “Or have you changed your mind on forcing me to recite the boring adventures of the billionaire? Because I am most amicable to that.”

“He can’t be that boring,” She said with a laugh.

“Oh are you quite sure?” He asked sardonically. “I’m fairly certain I’ve never actually seen him with a lass, or a drink, or a smile for that matter. Donna think he has ever had a wee mo’ of fun in his entire, tight arse life.” 

“Ummhmm,” She retorted, rolling her eyes, “God forbid a man should not be interested in drinking themselves into oblivion and nailing anything in a skirt, how dare he! The nerve.” For some unfathomable reason it irked her to hear him speak about Milo in that less than flattering way.  

“Is no’ so much the lack of the drink or what I can only presume is his ambition to become the first male nun that makes him a tight arse, lass. It doesn’t help, certainly. But the truth is, he is a bit off. If you catch my meaning.” He told her somberly. Now that just roiled her up in a way she didn’t want to admit. He is not off, you're off!!” She raged internally. 

“I don’t, you should probably just always assume I don’t ever ‘catch your meaning’, I’m fairly certain we aren’t even in the same library, much less the same page.” She informed him harshly.

“Right, well you’re getting a wee bit defensive…” He began.

“I’m not defensive! I have no reason to be defensive!” She shot back at him, “Why should I care if you think he’s a tight ass, or off, or whatever else!?” She demanded. But she did care, and that only served to set her off even further. 

“Nae, you’re right, you’re the picture of bland indifference.” He hastily agreed, not bothering to bite back the sarcasm in his tone.

“Oh come off it! I don’t care about this,” She hissed, not quite sure who she was trying to convince more, him or herself. “Whatever, tell me about this Aura power of yours.”  There, see I don’t care! I care so little I’m changing the subject!. She thought, mentally patting herself on the back. 

“Oh aye, anyone can see how little you care, it’s often in my most nonchalant moments that I shriek at people on the streets, ‘tis one of my better qualities.”  He told her, barely stifling a grin. “I donna ken what you see in that bawl bag.” He muttered under his breath. 

“I don’t see anything in him! And he’s not a ball bag!” She told him sternly.  You’re a ball bag! She thought mutinously. 

“He is such a bawl bag, but let’s no’ have a row over this,” He told her, holding his hands up in surrender, “Aura power it is, do you ken what an aura is lass?”  He asked smoothly, effectively changing the subject. 

“Sort of, it's that surrounds a person?” She offered, more than happy to change the subject.

“Aye, you could call it energy,” He agreed, “The key to it is that it is unique to every living being, no two exactly alike, you ken?” She nodded her understanding. “Maeve says that all living things have an Aura, even plants, but I can no’ sense that, only people. In general Maeve is more sensitive to it than I am. But I digress, the main thing to ken is that all living things have this sort of essence that radiates from them and around them.”

“Alright, but what is it? Like your soul?” She asked, genuinely curious, her irritation forgotten for the moment.


“I haven’t got the faintest lass, Maeve and I have had many a conversation around that. She thinks it's the soul or else the pure essence of a being, I wouldn’t presume to understand. Maeve says it’s different for everybody, it gives off colors to her and heat sometimes. She says that when she met Max she felt his aura well before she saw it or him. Personally when I met Max, all I could see was an arrogant arse that needed a haircut..but I feel that is more to do with him shagging my sister then anything else.” 

“So your sister can see and feel them, and you can...hear it?” She asked side stepping his comment, barely stifling a grin. She was NOT starting to like him, she decided firmly.

“Not everyones, not like Maeve. Just a few people, mostly family, and” He told her, “You can imagine my shock, hearing the voice of a wee drowned rat like yourself, but it is my cross to bear.” He sighed dramatically.

“Am I...the only one outside of your family?” She asked hesitantly.

“That I can hear? You are the first, doubt you’ll be the last though, knowing my luck. Do no’ fret lass, it’s likely that your emotions were so extreme in the moment and you were so close to my sister that it was just amplified into sound for me. I can sense intentions, and feelings, usually from miles away.” He explained.

“” She inquired.

“You ever get anxious? Or feel a shiver down your spine when something is a wee bit off?” He asked her.

“Yes.” She replied.

“It’s like that, but amplified. A few years ago a mate of mine brought round a bird, and for the life of me I have never felt more nauseous. I would have to run to the bin everytime she was near. It turned into a bit of a joke with the lads. ‘Daire’s up the duff.’, ‘Oy Sinead’s about, Daire’s ran off to boak, like a wee bitch.’ and other such gems. But the joke was on them, she robbed all my mates blind one night, spent the money on smack.” He told her with a smug smile.

“So to be clear, you vomited like a little girl every time your friend’s girlfriend was around, because as it turns out she was an addict, and this incredibly embarrassing story is your prime example of your abilities?” She asked, archly.

“Well granted it's not as impressive as your super ability to be a sarcastic arsehole.” He retorted.

“It truly is a super power, it's magical and you should be grateful you're allowed to bask in its awe inspiring presence, you’re welcome!” Elle replied, smirking.

“Oh aye, every minute with you is truly a blessing, can’t recall when I’ve felt more blessed, perhaps that time I had the shits, or no it had to be the time I was kicked in the shin by that ornery sheep!” Daire retorted, a grin on his face.

“You fought a sheep and lost, I can not even, and you're supposed to be keeping me safe? What are you going to do, loudly bah or vomit on my attacker?” She asked him.

“Never underestimate the power of a well timed vomit lass, it’s verra distressing.” He informed her in sham seriousness, She burst out laughing at that. “Christ, she's capable of laughter! Heavens above I was convinced you had a demon inside you!”

“A sheep demon, ready to kick you in the other shin!” She retorted with a grin.

“Lass, you joke, but that was no’ a small matter, the thing nearly broke my leg! And I’ll have you know I still can no’ have lamb, nor wear wool to this day! Makes for cold and hungry days back home, let me tell you! Scotland is basically just all lamb and wool.”  He told her straight face.

“Oh indeed, must have missed that scene in Braveheart where they fought over the lamb and wool that makes up your country's currency.” She replied with ease.

“Aye,” He agreed readily. “At the risk of being kicked, you are braw banter lass.” He retorted with a smile.

“And what does that mean?” She asked, mildly.

“Clever, you are clever.” He told her sincerely. “Quick witted, funny, and beautiful, it’s a braw mix. Utterly wasted on that bawbag.” 

“I’m hardly beautiful,” She murmured, taken aback.

“No? Then what do you call it?” He asked her, amused.

“A face doomed with character.” She said idly. He stopped dead in his tracks, and turned to her, surprised by her comment.

“Wha..?” He said, genuinely confused. “Are can no’ be serious?”

“Listen, I have no delusion about what I look like, you don’t have to tell me I’m beautiful…” She began defensively.

“Lass, I don’t often blow smoke up anyone’s arse, that was no’ some offhand bullshite compliment, it was barely a compliment at all, you are beautiful.” He told her simply.

“My crooked nose and non eurocentric features strongly disagree with you.” She told him, rolling her eyes. “Listen, I’m not that upset about it, I’m the girl with the great personality, it's fine. I don’t need to be lied to, to spare my precious ego.”

“Who hurt you?” He asked softly, staring at her in mock horror.

“Oh come on,” She said annoyed, “I’m not some delicate princess, I don’t need to be coddled about my shortcomings.”

“Jesus...shortcomings, yer bum's oot the windae!” He murmured back, a look of disgust on his handsome face.

“What?” She asked, genuinely confused.

“You are full of shite love, speaking nonsense.” He told her. “Listen lass you believe what you will, I’ll no’ dissuade you from your lunacy, did you want to hear about auras or your male nun or no?” 

“Did you always know you had this Aura thing?” She asked finally, side stepping his disconcerting comments. Uncomfortable with the idea of being considered beautiful. Elle knew who and what she was, she had as she had said no illusions about her assets, and found Daire’s reaction to her confusing and frankly aggravating.

“No, not always. When I was wee I thought that everyone could hear their family in their heads. Imagine my surprise when Maeve told me she could nae hear me, like I could hear her. Or when she told me she could see colors around me, the same as hers.” He told her. “I was convinced for a while we were both evil, catholic church and all that.” He said with a laugh that didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“That must have been so scary for you, having this thing you could not control or even fully understand.” She replied perceptively. He looked at her slowly, his light eyes taking in her genuine concern.

“It still is.” He replied eventually. She nodded, saying nothing to his confession. They walked on in amicable silence for a time. “Are you planning to actually visit a store or are we just working toward our 10,000 steps for the day, lass?” She turned to look at him, arching an eyebrow.

“No one invited you, whiner, hence no one asked for your itinerary for the day.” She retorted, with a wry smile.

“Aye, you keep reminding me of my unwanted presence, and yet I dare say you are enjoying my company lass.” He replied with ease, “You donna have to admit it either, but I tell you what, I’m enjoying your company lass, and I’ll say that again.” 

“Masochist,” She teased. “Tell me about him.” She all but whispered.

“Who's the Masochist now?” He groaned. “Should we no’ get a coffee, or perhaps a shot of adrenaline, lest one or both of us end up in a coma?” 

“Come on, tell me,” She cajoled. “This is embarrassing enough without having to force you, this was the deal.”

“Alright, alright, twist my arm lass,” He rejoined. “He’s...nice.”

“Nice? He’s nice?! That’s what you have to say about him? He’s NICE!!” She fumed.

“He has money…”He continued. 

“Oh you suck so hard!” She hissed at him.  He sighed loudly.

“Well I haven’t the foggiest idea what to say about the man! It’s not as if I’ve sat around considering him.” He retorted sharply. “‘Oh he is sooo dreamy, and has such luscious hair,’ He screeched in a horrendous falsetto. “What do you want from me, lass?” 

“What does he do for work? What does he do for fun? What’s the rest of his family like? Does he have any pets? Does he have a secret wife no one is telling me about? Does he...does he use conditioner?!” She rattled off, skipping over the question she really wanted the answer to, Does he really actually believe in soulmates?...Does he really think it's me? 

“He’s the acting COO for the family business, donna ask me what that means, I dinna ken, nor care. Depends on what you think fun is, I think he listened to a song once, no secret wife, I can promise you that. I have no idea about pets, would have bored the poor thing to death no doubt. Conditioner, is likely, he has lovely hair. As for his family...well lass you could no’ ask for a kinder,more fun, battier arse group than his.” He rattled back at her, “But that’s no’ what you really want to know is it lass?” He asked her insightfully. “Why donna you ask me what you really want to know?” Elle glared at him, refusing to rise to his bait. 

“Let’s go in here,” She said instead,absently picking a store. 

“As you wish,” He said with a soft knowing smile, pulling open the door for her. She walked into the store, and as she passed him he leaned down and whispered just loud enough for her to hear. “He does, he really, really does.” 


Her scent lingered in this place, her apartment. The threads of her life hung here for him to touch and weave together. But it didn’t matter, because wherever she had gone, wherever he had taken her was not a place she had been to before this. So try as he might he couldn’t find the thread of her, and it enraged him so.  He had already smashed so many things the first night he had found this place, but it didn't stop him from finding more things of hers to crush. Her paintings he took particular pleasure in destroying. She always fancies herself an artist, when what she really was nothing beyond whatever use he had for her. The idea of her having any type of joy outside of him infuriated him, if he could have no pleasures, no happiness, nothing but the ashes she left in his mouth…Then what right do you have to exist outside of me?!

He smashed her laptop once he discovered it was filled with her pointless and meandering words. Her journals he read, to try and catch the thread of her again, but all it served to do was remind him what an insipid and vapid little whore she was. In this lifetime she liked both women and men, and had pursued relationships with both. He found the idea of her sexuality, of her having control and power to make any such decisions, disgusting. She was inherently used-up,worn out, dirty and damaged in this lifetime, good to be used like the worthless ruined stupid whore that you are, that is all you deserve and less. She also wasted so much time on so many useless things, and seemed to have no practicality. Books, everywhere books, you would think after so many lifetimes in which her desire to fill her stupid head full of knowledge that was not hers to have she would have learned. How many times had she used those same books to avoid him, to hide from him, to create a world apart from him? When all he had ever wanted was to have her, to make her fit into his world? 

He had ripped every book she had apart, taking pleasure in destroying her most worn ones, for those must have been her favorites surely.  Escape from me!? You will never have anything before me again! When he had found her yearbooks, he had poured over them, trying to capture more pieces of her life, more understanding of who she had been, who she was. But it was no use, not only could he not catch the taste of her, it enraged him to see the evidence of her life without him, that she had friends and loved ones that cared so much about her. So he ripped apart every word, every sentence, every single piece of compliment…You will have NO ONE before me, I am the one you will love the best!

Her work had yielded even less results, he could sense the essence of her in her friend…David…the name tag said, and he had seen the pictures in her apartment of him. It had taken every ounce of willpower within him not to attack the younger man, wanting to tear him apart with his bare hands. She loves you…her scent lingers on YOU!! But if he did so, he might lose the thread of her, here forever. So instead he had tried to link the threads from him to her, following the young man, listening to his various conversations, hacking his phone…and…nothing! The wily little bitch hadn’t even looped her friend in on what was happening and where she was. This fool thought she was on vacation…He laid down in her bed, surrounding himself in her destroyed sheets, in her scent…roses and Vanilla, a cloying scent, not at all like the sandalwood he had preferred on her. Soon…soon…