Milo clasped Elle’s hand tight, pulling her close as he tried his level best not to show how he felt about this latest of the horrifyingly inadequate apartments. This one wasn’t bad in terms of size, if you got over the fact that they’d genuinely had to walk past a drug deal to get here. His eye was twitching as he fought down the urge to grab his woman, throw her over his shoulder and run out of the building. The Realtor too was struggling to find anything positive to say about the place, and Milo had to applaud her efforts, truly it was astounding that she hadn’t simply turned to him eyebrows raised and asked him point blank if he secretly hated his girlfriend and wanted her to die…

“So the rent...” Eda the realtor began, Milo shook his head no before she even continued. 

“No,” He said firmly, Elle turned to look at him exasperated.

“Come on! We’ve been to ten places…” She began glaring at him.

“No, absolutely not.” He reiterated. 

“It’s huge…” She tried.

“Great more room for me to find your body, after you’ve been stabbed.” He hissed. 

“You're being dramatic,” She sighed, “No one is going to stab me!”

“No one is going to stab you, because you are not living here,” He told her firmly. “What else do you have?”

“It’s in the heart of downtown, the view…” Elle growled.

“The view of what, Elle? The local drug addicts?! NO!” He retorted angrily, “Woman, you are not living here, I am not debating this with you.”

“It’s not that bad,” She sighed. “You see one tiny drug deal…”

“I saw two presumably homeless men fighting in the stairwell on our way up, which we had to take because the elevator doesn’t work,” He told her furiously, “And there were no lights in that stairwell…”

“You are being a snob,” She told him pointedly.

“Fine, I am a snob.” He agreed, “I am a giant snob when it comes to you, and what you deserve. This place is not good enough for you,” He framed her face in his hands, his brows creasing. “How am I going to be able to leave you for any length of time in this place? Be reasonable Elle, are you trying to worry me into an early grave?” She sighed dramatically.

“Fine,” She mumbled, secretly flattered and touched by his concern. “What else have you got?” She asked Eda. Eda smiled indulgently at them.

“Well, there is one place left, it’s…a little over what you were looking for in price point, but…” She began.

“Let’s go,” Milo said hurriedly.

“How much over?” Elle asked, digging her heels in.

“Uhh….” Eda mumbled looking at Milo pointedly.

“It doesn’t matter, I’ll cover the difference,” He shrugged, “Let’s go,”

“Milo,” Elle hissed, placing both hands on her hips. “We discussed this,”

“That was before I realized our options were you being stabbed, or you being mugged and then stabbed,” He told her fiercely. “All agreements are out the window now,”

“You know I managed just fine without your money,” Elle told him sternly, “Never got stabbed once.” 

“I thought you didn’t want to manage anymore,” he told her sweetly, tilting her face up to his. “I thought we were in this together now,” He said, sweeping a kiss against her lips. “I thought we were going to live together, was your plan for you to pay for everything by yourself?”

“Well…” She began, a little scrambled by his drugging kisses.

“Shouldn’t we be sharing the bills?” He asked her softly against her lips.

“I…guess,” She mumbled. He did have a point.

“And we can’t split the bills 50-50, it's not fair,” He told her reasonably. She blinked, arching an eyebrow.

“Why is that not fair?” She asked.

“I make significantly more than you do,” He said with no hint of arrogance, “We should split our bills so it’s proportionate to our incomes, I make more, I pay more.”

“Milo…” She began, seeing his game.

“Like 90-10.” He told her, smiling. 

“Come on,” She hissed.

“Fine, 80-20” he conceded. She didn’t know whether to laugh or groan at his playful expression. “Just give in, schatje, let me take care of you. Or at least…let me find us a place that doesn’t give me nightmares,” 

“Let’s go see this place then,” She grumbled under her breath, blowing out an exasperated breath.  “Snob,” She mumbled, he grinned at her, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

“For you, absolutely I’m a snob,” he agreed.


The minute they arrived at the luxury apartment building Elle knew she’d been had. She turned in her seat and glared at Milo, as he calmly kept his eyes on the road ahead, though the corner of his lips were tweaked up in a knowing smirk.

“You dick,” She hissed, trying to keep the amusement out of her voice. “You did this on purpose.”

“I have no idea what you’re on about,” he told her saccharinely. “Never seen this place in my life,” She snorted, rolling her eyes.

“Right,” She sighed, “I can’t afford this place,” 

“You can,” He told her firmly, parking the car and turning to face her. “At least look at the place before you decide you don’t want it,” She sighed, taking in his earnest expression. 

“Fine,” She mumbled, capturing his face in her hands, caressing his cheek. “You ass,” He smiled as he tilted her chin up and planted a quick kiss on her lips. 

“Indulge me lekker ding,” he whispered, “I thought you said you’d do anything to make me happy? Finding us a nice place to live would make me very happy.” 

“Emotional blackmail,” She sighed, rolling her eyes.

“Absolutely,” He agreed readily, “For your own good of course,” 

“Alright let’s go look.” She conceded, he grinned wide at her, sweeping kisses over her cheek, nose, and jaw, stopping there to nip her. She squeaked in surprise and then started laughing. 

“Ugh…cute aggression,” He groused, scrunching his face.

“Doubt you're going to find a dumpster around here…” She began looking around the parking lot.

“Right off the balcony for you,” He told her, running his thumb against her jawline. She burst out laughing again. 

“Don’t say that in front of Eda, she’s already so sick of our shit,” Elle told him laughingly.

“I can never show my face to her again after this,” he added. “She hates us,”

“So much,” Elle agreed. “We are gross,”

“Right? If I saw another couple acting like us I’d vomit,” He told her laughing.

“Over their dead bodies after I’d murdered them,” She agreed.

“Why always murder?” he asked her, “Never arson…” She rolled her eyes drolly at him.

“Arsonists definitely become prison bitches, no one wants to fuck with murderers, do you think I want to become someones toilet wine maker?” She demanded.

“Prettiest toilet wine maker in the whole place, bare none, and I would come visit you all the time,” He promised. “Sneak in shiv making items,” 

“I don’t need you to help me make a shiv!” She told him fiercely, “I would have a literal harem of bitches, they would call me Elle-dog left eye,” 

“Because you stabbed out your right eye trying to make that shiv?” He offered drolly. She burst out laughing at that, and he joined her, framing her face in his hands the laughter dying on his face, “Fuck me, I love you so godverdomme much,”  She gave him a wobbly shy smile.

“You have to stop saying things like that to me…” She mumbled.


Elle had to admit that this apartment was stunning. It had a wide open floor plan, with massive windows, and a huge balcony, the kitchen was open concept and sprawling. The master bedroom with ensuite had a walk-in closet, and the other two rooms were large and sunny as well. It was perfect, but it was simply too much. She turned to look at Milo, who was leaning against a wall watching her, a soft affectionate smile on his face. Oh my god…this man!

“This is…” She muttered looking at him with irritation, “perfect,” His face lit up, he could not possibly have looked more pleased with himself. But…” He clenched his jaw and shot his eyes to the ceiling.

“But…” He groaned.

“But it's…too much.” She finished.

“It is not too much, it’s just right.” He told her, “I need an office,”

“And that would be 2 rooms, why do we need the third?” She enquired, placing her hands on her hips.

“Guest room, unless you want your body guard to sleep in bed with you when I’m not around,” he told her, “Which to be clear is not actually an option,”

“Right, right I forgot about that,” She sighed, planting her face in her hands. “And that’s…absolutely necessary?”

“Only if you don’t want to bury me in my 40’s from the stress,” He told her sweetly. She groan-laughed.

“Okay,” She mumbled around her hands. He strode toward her pulling her hands free from her face, he cupped her chin and tilted her up so he could see her eyes.

“Okay…?” He asked, “As in, you want to live here?” 

“Yes,” She sighed through clenched teeth. His face flashed into a massive smile, wrapping both hands at her waist he picked her straight up, and pressed his lips to hers in a hard fierce, breathless kiss. She placed both her hands on his shoulders, and relaxed against him, sighing when he broke the contact. 

“I’m sure Eda knows a good decorator, you can pick out whatever you like for the furniture and decor, but I’m picking the bed.” He told her, placing her feet to the ground. 

“Why the bed?” She asked furrowing her brow, he tilted his head and arched an eyebrow, “Oh…” She said as it occurred to her, “Well then you better pick out the couch too…” She let her sentence trail, and he pressed a fist to his mouth to hide his lecherous smile. “Possibly the kitchen counter tops as well…” She added under her breath, and he almost choked, as she walked away, giving him a full view of her sashaying hips.

Before he could make a grab for her, Eda walked back into the room, looking at them both.

“Paperwork?” She asked, handing him documents. Elle turned and speared him with an intense look.

“How do we already have paperwork?” She demanded. 

“I may have already made an offer, and paid the rent…for the next year.” He mumbled looking everywhere but at her face.

“Milo!” She hissed. “What…”

“It’s in your name,” He told her quickly, “Everything is in your name, I’m not listed on the lease at all. It’s your place, paid for upfront, so…you have your independence from me, you're not dependent on me at all. You can kick me out at your leisure.” 

“Fuck,” She muttered under her breath glaring at him, not sure how she felt. “And what am I going to be paying for?”

“Internet…maybe groceries,” He offered sweetly. She blew out a frustrated shaky breath.

“You underhanded, tricky, jerkface, kankerhoer, silver tongued,” She hissed, he smiled deviously at her as he moved toward her, nodding his head. “Wonderful, incredible man…” She finished, as he wrapped his arms around her, tilting her face up for him to kiss. 

“Sign the papers,” He whispered against her lips, “Let’s move in together already,” He sighed. She laughed.

“We need to get furniture first,” She reminded him, looking sad for a moment as she remembered all her destroyed decor from her old place. He framed her face in his hands gently, caressing her cheek as if he knew what she was thinking.

“Whatever you want, this is your place,” He told her softly, “Anything you want, it’s yours.” He brushed kisses against her forehead, nose, cheek and jaw. “Think of me as your annoying tenant boyfriend, who can not get enough of you.”

“Speaking of annoying tenants, what happens to your family once we move in here?” She asked.

“Hopefully those assholes will take the hint and leave…” He told her fiercely, “But frankly, who gives a fuck.” She laughed hard at that. Staring up at his face, she nipped her lip looking at him, her heart so full she thought she might explode. How could I possibly love you this fucking much?!


Lucia watches Astrid pour over her maps, muttering aggravated under her breath, her keen eyes trying to find the means to complete this complicated mission. Her frustration is a palpable thing, days on end she’s been working on this problem, purchasing endless maps, speaking to a sea of mercenaries, even reading complicated passages in explorers books trying to crack this impossible puzzle. She has barely eaten, or slept, her body a mass of tension wound so tight that even seeing her hunched over her work causes Lucia pain by proxy. She wishes to ease her somehow, wishes to make things better for her. But in truth Lucia has no idea how to do that, or even if she is permitted to do such. Since becoming indentured to Astrid, she has grown steadily more confused about what her role here actually is. 

In the time she’s been with her, the Viking has asked her for nothing, and seems deeply uncomfortable with her serving her in any capacity. If she so much as pours her a mug of ale, or brings her a plate of food, Astrid would become disconcerted. It's as if she simply does not want Lucia to serve her at all. Yet she seeks Lucia out in every setting, even if it’s just to sit down beside her in silence, or to watch her tend to small injuries of the men, or to make her medicines, always it seems Astrid is close by. Undoubtedly seeking to ascertain her worth.  Lucia knows there is a price for everything, nothing in life is free, so everytime she eats, drinks, and sleeps she is burdening the shield-breaker. Yet she does not know how to rectify the situation, does not know what Astrid wants with her. 

Initially she thought that perhaps Astrid desired her, it would not be the first time women took a liking to her in that manner. It certainly would not have been the first time Lucia laid with a woman for her livelihood. The master often made her entertain him thusly. Certainly she finds herself sleeping in Astrid’s bed with her every night, but the woman never touches her like that. Though…Lucia wishes she would…she would never admit that of course, but…she desires Astrid herself, so much. More than she’s ever desired anything else in her life. Her hands start to shake as she thinks about it, about how beautiful, and warm Astrid is, how kind she is to her, how she treats her like…like…I’m a person, and not just an object to be used. All Lucia wants to do is repay her kindness somehow, to give her solace, or to help her in some way. 

“Witchling, if you are tired you may go to sleep, there is no need to wait on me.” Astrid says softly, drawing her from her thoughts. Lucia glances up at her exhausted, but still radiant face and sighs. 

How is it possible for anyone to be so beautiful? 

“Do you truly think me so beautiful?” Astrid asks amusedly, and Lucia’s face pales as she realizes she’s spoken out loud. 

“Forgive my impertinence…” She mutters, and Astrid laughs humorlessly.

“Is beauty all you see when you look at me, sweet?” Astrid asks, resting her chin against her fist, leaning toward her, watching her with her witchy eyes. “Do you not think me strong, or gallant, or brilliant? Just…beautiful?” 

“You are all of those things, and more…” She rejoins, looking away. “You are…”

“I am?” She prompts, and Lucia’s face flames, as she awkwardly shrugs. “I’ve never…desired a woman before, but you…you I desire. Why is that, little witchling? What have you done to me?”

“I…am yours to do with as you please…” Lucia mutters, looking away from her now, quivering with her own sudden spark of want. The shield-breaker wants her?! “If you so desire me, then…”

“Then what?” Astrid hisses, her teeth gritted in irritation. “Come have you? Is that what you were going to say? That you will tolerate my desires, because you feel indebted to me?” 

“You are my master…” Lucia sputters, stunned by the anger and vehemency of Astrid’s tone.

“I don’t want to be your master, Lucia!” She growls, “Not in this! I don’t want you to tolerate my desires, I want…I want you to…I need you to…” She slaps her hand down on her desk hard, frustrated and if Lucia’s not mistaken…hurt.

“Tell me what you want, and I’ll give it to you.” Lucia whispers, unsure how to sooth her. “Tell me how I can fulfill whatever need you may have, and I will gladly do it. You need but ask for what you desire.”

“I desire you, I desire your comfort, I desire your affection, and I am so greedy that I desire it all willingly.” She whispers, looking at her hands rather than Lucia’s stunned face.

“I give it all willingly…” Lucia begins, and Astrid grunts a dismissal.

“Not saying no, is not willingness, witchling.” She sighs. “I want you to want me enthusiastically, I want you to…love me. I’ve never been loved before, and I find I want it…from you.” 

“You want my love?” Lucia breathes, jaw dropping, eyes widening. “Does that…do you…”

“Surely you don’t need me to say the words, Lucia!” Astrid demands, “Surely you have eyes to see what everyone else under my command sees so clearly they jest over it! I am…bewitched by you!” 

“But…you…feel…” Lucia sputters unable even to say the words, so unbelievable the idea of it even is. 

“Why is this so much harder with you?!” Astrid hisses aggravated, flashing her eyes up to glare at her. “Is it because you are a woman? I’ve never had to use so many words to have a lover before, and I’ve never wanted one for a lover more than you! By all the gods I’ve come to our bed naked, what more invitation do you need?!” 

“Oh…” Lucia mutters, pressing a hand to her face to stop herself laughing. “I did not know you were inviting me to…lay with you.” 

“Well…I am.” Astrid says finally, her own face flaming. “But…only if you actually want to…if you do not feel those feelings for me, then…” Lucia does not know what possesses her in the moment, perhaps it is the forwardness in Astrid, tempered with her vulnerability. Maybe it’s the fact that she wants more than her body, maybe it’s because she herself has never desired anyone the way she desires Astrid Shield breaker. She captures her face in her shaking hands, thinking how woeful and ugly her hands look against the precious beauty of her beloved, and drops her lips to Astrid’s. The first time she’s ever kissed anyone of her own volition, the very first time she’s kissed someone purely because she’s wanted to. It is soft and sweet, heady in the empowerment Lucia feels, and though Astrid kisses her back, she allows Lucia to lead. Her hand cupping the back of Lucia’s head to hold her to her, as they kiss for long lovely moments. When they come apart, Astrid tugs her forward to press her forehead to her own. Her hand sliding to the nape of her neck, gently caressing her there. 

“I do desire you, Astrid…I…wish to be your lover…” Lucia whispers, “I am in love with you. I wish to…never be parted from you. If…when you grow tired of me…will you allow me to serve you still? I will never impose myself, or begrudge you any happiness, even when you find a new lover…I simply wish to remain by your side.”   Her voice waivers as she speaks, well past the point of humiliation. She cares not how pathetic she sounds, she would lay at Astrid’s feet for but a moment of her affections. 

“I will never grow tired of you, witchling!” Astrid breathes, her tone soft and gentle to belie the ache she feels at Lucia’s words.“For I am in love with you too. We will never be parted from each other, not even death will keep me from you, you are mine, my love, now and forever.” Lucia sucks in a breath, so happy she feels she could die from it…but…

“Then…you must brand me, mark me for yours, so that…he can not take me away.” She mutters, flinching as she says it. “I am unbranded as of now, if you…mark me…”

“I would never brand your flesh! You are not my property! You are my most precious treasure!” Astrid says indignantly. 

“If I carry your mark they could never take me away from you,” Lucia mutters quietly. “He…could not take me from you.” 

“He can not take you from me anyways, I’ll cut his hands off before I ever allow him to touch you again!” She hisses. But her face softens as she sees the worry and concern on Lucia’s face. “This will give you peace? Carrying my mark?

“Yes.” Lucia rejoins.

“Then…it will be so, I will have one of my men tattoo us.” She says at length.

“Us?” Lucia asks, confused.

“I will bear your mark, and you will bear mine.” She explains.

“But…you…can not bear the mark of a slave!” Lucia insists, and Astrid gives her a soft chiding look, wishing in that moment that she could convey the depth of hurt that Lucia sees herself like that. 

“If you are mine, then I am yours, we belong to each other, my love. If you are to bear my sigil, then I will bear yours, and I will hear nothing else on the matter. I am given to you…for this lifetime and all others.” She says in a voice that is at once hers and all the other voices she possessed before, and after, forever, endlessly.

And it was so, for this lifetime and all others.