Memorial day came quickly for me as I graduated high school that weekend before the holiday. I had good grades but not ones needed to get me into a big name college. I told my parnets Bill and Mary that I wanted to play ball. Both of them said sure son Give it a shot and see what happens at the state championships. As I walked into my room, the X moving box was still unopened all these years later. I remebered how in the city my imaginary siblings tiny the elephant ,squeaks the rubber mouse and Robbie the robot were my best companions in the big city. They played with me when I was all alone in the small apartment. Now, I did not need them for playing baseball on the country side town team caused me to make a lot of new friends..Phil and Steve..Coach Cho. Was it time to throw them away or was it time to open the box and put out for show on my book shelf. Honey called mom time for dinner..Okay mom I will be right down as I place the box unopened in the cubbie. The nexted day we left for the championship series in the big city, Heck, the whole town was following the school bus to the tournament stadium. Well says Steve this is it guys looking at Phil and me. I said to both of them IT WAS ONLY A DREAM..but we are here playing the state championship series. That day we beat Big Town High late in the ninth inning on a hot smash I hit that bounced off the left field wall . It missed being a homerun by 3 feet. Phil was on second and easily scored the winning run. The win put us into the championship game against Big River High. They beat us in the regular season by three runs and made us as a team like very bad. Okay remarked Coach Cho" this is what we have all been playing for all season..a rematch to show Big River High who the real champs are..Go get them shouted Coach Cho. Again we battled them hard and the score was tied 1 to 1 going into ninth. Both Steve and Phil strikeout. It is my turn to bat next. I am the last hope of winning the game in regulation play before we go to overtime and extra innings. I grab a bat from the dugout rack...Coach Cho walks over to me and says Jimmy this is your time.. give it three good swings young lad. Okay Coach I reply as walk to the plate. Then I hear my mom,Mary yell wait on the curveball just like we praticed son.. I tip my batting helmet to her to acknowledge I heard her. The first pitch was a 96 mile an hour fastball that foul off into the stands. I put my hand up to ask the ump for time and step out of the batters box. I step back into the box and Nick the pitcher from Big river throws a changeup that I hit down the left fiels line deep but foul into the stands again. Nick sets and fires a fast ball low inside corner of the plate that I just get a piece of and fouled back into the stands behind me. Nick steps off the rubber and goes to get the resin bag. The short stop Jack comes to the mound and the two of them have a little talk putting their gloves over their mouths to hid any chance of picking up on their conversation. Jack say to Nick throw him a curve ...About that time Coach Tom of Big River calls time and walks out to the mound. Okay replies Coach Tom to Nick...Jimmy is getting around on your fastball and your changeup did not fool him...Throw him a curve Nick and strike Jimmy out so we can move to extra innings continued CoachTom as the plate ump walked up to the mound to break up the meeting. Okay replied Nick curveball it is...The ump motions for me to step into the batters box. NicSets t and fires the ball..quickly I react it's a curveball...wait on it....Bam I smack it hit down the left field line and I start to run to firstbase as the outfielder jumps to try and catch it...but it clears the left field back wall....the crowd goes wild yelling...I slow down to a trot rounding the bases ...IT WAS JUST A DREAM...Home run and we win 2 to 1. The whole team is jumping up and down and screaming at the top of their lungs as I trot to touch home plate. I hear my mom and dad yelling winner..winner state champs. Phil and Steve grab the water cooler and dump it on me...which was very full of ice and very cold water as I scream from the shock of the cold water and ice and the excitement of hitting a walk off home run in the ninth to win the game and our first championship at countryside High. Coach Cho walks up to me and throws me towel and says Jimmy J young lad there is a scout from the La Dodgers her to talk to you. Hello Jimmy and congrads on winning the state championship replied Buck G the scout for the bigs. Would you be interested in play ball for the Dodgers asked Buck G?? Wow to me Jimmy J IT WAS ONLY A DREAM. I QUICKLY ANSWERED yes I would love a chance to show off what I can do with the La Dodgers I replied. This is real son replied Buck G pulling out an offer sheet contract from his notebook. I had to laugh written on Buck G's notebook back cover is IT WAS ONLY A DREAM till today..go make dreams come TRUE!!!
State Championship and an Offer
State Championship and an Offer
About Author
James brunnert
First time writing looking for a worthy challenge. Grandpa of four grandchildren. Hoping to sharp my skills and craft a good story for all to enjoy and make some coins. Please follow me on podcast on Podbean umpas story& Writing corner! As on
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