It had been a long grinding season for in the minors playing for the Mud Hens, Howling Wolfs, and now finally the triple a Cactus Flowers in Tuscon Arizona. Coach Kay of the Cactus Flowers as been helping with my hitting discipline. I am now getting deeper into the count making pitchers throw me at least 5 or 6 pitches when I am batting at the plate. It was friday morning and a lazy day practice for the team and me. Hey Jimmy J calls out Head Coach Lou come over here..waving at me with his hand. I trotted over slowly was I in trouble or was this a pep talk? Hey Coach ..good morning ..what is up? I said. Pack your bag and your locker is your lucky day...the Dodgers are calling you up for Saturdays game against the Mets replied Coach Lou. What? I replied...Don't over the think is your plane ticket and the limo will be here in an hour replied Coach Lou. Get a move on kid continued Coach Lou. Okay I replied sheepishly...Hey called Coach Kay take your bat, lucky 9..Yes I responded as I tipped my hat to him. In no time, the limo was at the Tuscon Flower Stadium. I quickly jumped into the limo with my travel bag and my bat. I had my earbuds playing and then I decided I needed to call mom and dad to give them the good news. Hey dad...its your favorite I began talking over my phone. Listen I am my way to La...the Dodgers are calling me up to play in Saturday's game against the Mets...Wow! replied Dad son that's grand..I can not wait to tell your mother wheb she gets back from shopping. Hey ..cable tv says the game will be available for viewing on Saturday...Amazing shouted Dad. So I guess you and mom will get to see me play I replied. Yelp for sure son replied Dad. Hey dad I am at the airport to catch my flight...I will call later to talk to both of you ..goodbye I said. I had to pinch myself as I sat in my seat on the plane to La. I had my earbuds favorite calming music trying to get my nerves under control. I softly spoke a prayer to the Lord ..thanking him for this opportunity. The plane landed and I was in terminal looking for the limo driver Ed to take me to the staium for afternoon practice for Saturday's game with the Mets. All of a sudden a voice shouted Hey Jimmy J over here! replied Ed holding a sign for me. How do you know it was me? I replied. Kid you are all over tv sports news here in La the wonder kid to replaced the injuried Ron C. replied Ed. Are you nervous remarked Ed. Yeahhh I replied. That's good kid...let the nerves push replied Ed. You need to to find the equipment Manager Joe P have security help you continued Ed . Okay I replied again I thought ....IT WAS JUST A DREAM. Reality hit as we pulled up to Dodger stadium just in time for afternoon practice. I thanked Ed and slipped him a tip and started walking up to the stadium home plate gate. Wow! I had to stop for just a monent to take it all in to prospective...this all seemed to moving really fast. Just a security guard greeted me and said...I can I help you? Hi! I am Jimmy J from the Tuscun Cactus Flowers... GReat replied Moe the security guard..I need to find Joe P the equipment Manager I replied. Sure thing replied security guard Moe as he started talking on his radio. In no time, Joe P was walking up to me saying...Good to meet you young lad replied Joe P the equipment manager..follow me ..and let's get you a uniform, cap and some new cleats and maybe a bat or two. Oh I replied I bought me own bat Lucky 9.. Wow replied Joe P an old Louisville slugger...good piece of lumber son take good care of that bat. I will ...I replied. So get dressed son. replied Joe P looking at his watch and report to third base Coach Davey L..practice starts in thirty minutes continued Joe P. Okay I replied I need to get ready quick! Rushing out of the tunnel on to the stadium field for practice...I stopped for just a moment and went to one knee to give the Lord thanks and tie my right shoe. Just then I heard a voice yell at me Hey Jimmy J get over here. To my surprise it was Head Coach Tommy L. Oh no I thought what is this about...I just got here as I trotted over to him. Good to meet you Jimmy J replied Coach Tommy L..I have been watching you and the Cactus Flower team...Our main guy Ron C is out with a torn ACL . I just need you and that cannon arm of yours to make accurate throws to first and hold down the hot corner for the team. I don't want you to stress about hitting...just play solid defense for me continued Coach Tommy L. Now go hit a few balls in the batting cage and try to relaxed...Okay I replied. As I got my self settled into the batting cage to my surprise Clayton C the Dodger ace pitcher was throwing batting practice. I stepped in the batters box and took my stance...Clayton C throws one right down the middle of the plate and I smack it in the sweet spot for a homerun over the right field wall. Before I know it Clayton C walks up to the plate....Hey young gun replies Clayton C welcome to the Dodgers...tipping his hat to me. Thanks I replied can you throw me a couple of game ball pitches? Sure replied Clayton about a curve ball or two? Let it rip I replied. To my amazement I hit the nexted ten pitches out of the park and one of them a curve. Now bad kid called out third base Coach Davey L. Grab a glove and fields some ground ball continued Coach Davey L. It went pretty normal for me....grabbing ground balls slicing at me and pumping them to first base. very routine for me...but I caught the eye of all my new team mates. Steve G the first baseman walked over to me and said..Kid you have cannon for an arm...the best I have seen in a me a quick pat on the back side...kept it coming continued Steve G as practice broke up. Everyone on the team quickly came over to me and introduced themselve with high five hand slaps. Hey son yelled Coach Tommy L your limo is here to take you to the Hyatt Hotel to get some sleep and rest up for tomorrow's game. To my surprise it was Ed who just happened to have La sports talk radio on in the limo. As I jumped in the limo I heard...Hi Dodger fans this Vin SCuly giving you the latest news...the young kid from triple A Cactus Flowers was a practice today.....Wow I thought he is talking about me... Pretty good kid replied Ed if Vin is talking about you that's high praise from the radio baseball heaven. I climbed out of the limo and was on cloud nine....could this be or It was only a DREAM... Before I         

It had been a long grinding season for in the minors playing for the Mud Hens, Howling Wolfs, and now finally the triple a Cactus Flowers in Tuscon Arizona. Coach Kay of the Cactus Flowers as been helping with my hitting discipline. I am now getting deeper into the count making pitchers throw me at least 5 or 6 pitches when I am batting at the plate. It was friday morning and a lazy day practice for the team and me. Hey Jimmy J calls out Head Coach Lou come over here..waving at me with his hand. I trotted over slowly was I in trouble or was this a pep talk? Hey Coach ..good morning ..what is up? I said. Pack your bag and your locker is your lucky day...the Dodgers are calling you up for Saturdays game against the Mets replied Coach Lou. What? I replied...Don't over the think is your plane ticket and the limo will be here in an hour replied Coach Lou. Get a move on kid continued Coach Lou. Okay I replied sheepishly...Hey called Coach Kay take your bat, lucky 9..Yes I responded as I tipped my hat to him. In no time, the limo was at the Tuscon Flower Stadium. I quickly jumped into the limo with my travel bag and my bat. I had my earbuds playing and then I decided I needed to call mom and dad to give them the good news. Hey dad...its your favorite I began talking over my phone. Listen I am my way to La...the Dodgers are calling me up to play in Saturday's game against the Mets...Wow! replied Dad son that's grand..I can not wait to tell your mother wheb she gets back from shopping. Hey ..cable tv says the game will be available for viewing on Saturday...Amazing shouted Dad. So I guess you and mom will get to see me play I replied. Yelp for sure son replied Dad. Hey dad I am at the airport to catch my flight...I will call later to talk to both of you ..goodbye I said. I had to pinch myself as I sat in my seat on the plane to La. I had my earbuds favorite calming music trying to get my nerves under control. I softly spoke a prayer to the Lord ..thanking him for this opportunity. The plane landed and I was in terminal looking for the limo driver Ed to take me to the staium for afternoon practice for Saturday's game with the Mets. All of a sudden a voice shouted Hey Jimmy J over here! replied Ed holding a sign for me. How do you know it was me? I replied. Kid you are all over tv sports news here in La the wonder kid to replaced the injuried Ron C. replied Ed. Are you nervous remarked Ed. Yeahhh I replied. That's good kid...let the nerves push replied Ed. You need to to find the equipment Manager Joe P have security help you continued Ed . Okay I replied again I thought ....IT WAS JUST A DREAM. Reality hit as we pulled up to Dodger stadium just in time for afternoon practice. I thanked Ed and slipped him a tip and started walking up to the stadium home plate gate. Wow! I had to stop for just a monent to take it all in to prospective...this all seemed to moving really fast. Just a security guard greeted me and said...I can I help you? Hi! I am Jimmy J from the Tuscun Cactus Flowers... GReat replied Moe the security guard..I need to find Joe P the equipment Manager I replied. Sure thing replied security guard Moe as he started talking on his radio. In no time, Joe P was walking up to me saying...Good to meet you young lad replied Joe P the equipment manager..follow me ..and let's get you a uniform, cap and some new cleats and maybe a bat or two. Oh I replied I bought me own bat Lucky 9.. Wow replied Joe P an old Louisville slugger...good piece of lumber son take good care of that bat. I will ...I replied. So get dressed son. replied Joe P looking at his watch and report to third base Coach Davey L..practice starts in thirty minutes continued Joe P. Okay I replied I need to get ready quick! Rushing out of the tunnel on to the stadium field for practice...I stopped for just a moment and went to one knee to give the Lord thanks and tie my right shoe. Just then I heard a voice yell at me Hey Jimmy J get over here. To my surprise it was Head Coach Tommy L. Oh no I thought what is this about...I just got here as I trotted over to him. Good to meet you Jimmy J replied Coach Tommy L..I have been watching you and the Cactus Flower team...Our main guy Ron C is out with a torn ACL . I just need you and that cannon arm of yours to make accurate throws to first and hold down the hot corner for the team. I don't want you to stress about hitting...just play solid defense for me continued Coach Tommy L. Now go hit a few balls in the batting cage and try to relaxed...Okay I replied. As I got my self settled into the batting cage to my surprise Clayton C the Dodger ace pitcher was throwing batting practice. I stepped in the batters box and took my stance...Clayton C throws one right down the middle of the plate and I smack it in the sweet spot for a homerun over the right field wall. Before I know it Clayton C walks up to the plate....Hey young gun replies Clayton C welcome to the Dodgers...tipping his hat to me. Thanks I replied can you throw me a couple of game ball pitches? Sure replied Clayton about a curve ball or two? Let it rip I replied. To my amazement I hit the nexted ten pitches out of the park and one of them a curve. Now bad kid called out third base Coach Davey L. Grab a glove and fields some ground ball continued Coach Davey L. It went pretty normal for me....grabbing ground balls slicing at me and pumping them to first base. very routine for me...but I caught the eye of all my new team mates. Steve G the first baseman walked over to me and said..Kid you have cannon for an arm...the best I have seen in a me a quick pat on the back side...kept it coming continued Steve G as practice broke up. Everyone on the team quickly came over to me and introduced themselve with high five hand slaps. Hey son yelled Coach Tommy L your limo is here to take you to the Hyatt Hotel to get some sleep and rest up for tomorrow's game. To my surprise it was Ed who just happened to have La sports talk radio on in the limo. As I jumped in the limo I heard...Hi Dodger fans this Vin SCuly giving you the latest news...the young kid from triple A Cactus Flowers was a practice today.....Wow I thought he is talking about me... Pretty good kid replied Ed if Vin is talking about you that's high praise from the radio baseball heaven. I climbed out of the limo and was on cloud nine....could this be or It was only a DREAM... Before I  knew it it was game time and the game announcer was calling my name being introdyced as the staring third basemen. The game went by really quick for me. My first at bat I struck out swing. My second at bat   I hit long fly ball to the warning track the  left outfield Don J chased down for an out.   It was now the 9th inning with me to come hitting hitting last in the hole. Vin Sculy now on the call..folks its been a long game and her we are in the 9th inning scoreless and the yound Jimmy J coming up to bat..our last chance to win the game in regulation play. Stepping into the batters box Jimmy J is set and here comes the pitch from the flame throwing Ken H closer for the Mets...its a fastbalL strike one calls plate ump RonT. Man that is some heat 98 on the gun folks..I think replies Vin Sculy... Ken H is throwing the kid nothing but fastballs hit it if you can continues Vin Sculy on the play call. Ken H is set and fires .. a fastball inside corner strike two. Well folks this is it...two strikes two balls and two outs cries Vin Sculy. I quickly call for time to the plate umpire Ron T...I step out and tap my cleats with lucky 9, my bat...okay It's now or the plate umpire waves his hand for me to move into the bOX Vin SCuly on the call...folks we will SEE what the young lad from Tuscon can do as he sets himself in the batters box. Here is the pitch and...crack goes the bat..I hit it good as I toss my bat and start running for first it 's a deep fly ball to center field cries Vin Sculy..back ..back back and gone ..folks that is a walk off homerun for Jimmy J...the young kid delivers. The Dodgers win..the Dodgers win shouts Vin Sculy...I slow to a trot as I round the base for home... the yell of the crowd... thinking IT WAS JUST A DREAM.