Down a dirt road and three corn fields later you pull into beautiful piece of land we call home. For a long time,home was a three story red brick sixty unit apartment build in the big city. It was just a dream to move to the country and away from the hussle of the big city. My family longed for the day that the family front and back doors would not need three locks and deadbolt.It was just a dream to have place in the country with a screen door front and back that would allow the cool clean countryside air to fill the house. It was just a dream to wake up to a roster crowing and not some eighteen wheeler semitruck blowing its horn at some crazy city driver that just cut off the big trucks travel. It was just a dream to have a real front porch with rocking chairs and a two person swing. It was just a dream to sit out on the front porch in rocking chair just slowly rocking and watching the stars at night and an ocassional shooting star and comet write it;s name across the evening sky. It was just a dream to believe that three childhood toys could come to lifeand be my three best friends. Hi I am Jimmy. My family just moved to the country from the big city. To my dad is was not a dream but a long term goal with a plan to leave the big city and move to a real working farm in the country. My dad,Bill had this plan for as long as I can remember. I am now seven years old and all seven of my years on this earth have been lived in the big city. My mom,Mary, called dad's goal to leave the big city life a good idea, but it was just a dream. In the city both my parnets worked and I went to school. My safe place in the city was our small two bedroom appartment on the third floor of the Crestview Complex Building. My day started with dad getting me up in the morning and fixing everyone breakfast including my mom. Mom was always either in the shower or getting ready. It was normal for her to never be at the breakfast time on weekday school mornings. Dad and me would both shout to my Mom..breakfast is ready it's your favorite blueberry pancakes and bacon and orange juice. But it was just a dream for all three of us to sit down and have breakfast together as a family. I would get dressed and go to the small appartment kitchen and help my dad cook breakfast. Dad would be the chef and command the stove and I would order the china cabinet doors to open and give up it's treasure of plates and glasses to my Jimmy the pirate captain of the seven seas. I would then pretend the the silverware were the oars to my breakfast table ship. I would eat and pretend to be a pirate and my dad would sit and read the paper and every now and then take a couple bites of breakfast eggs or pancakes. My dad was not a big talker in the mornings. Usually the best words I could get was "is that right "or Yeah..Okay. Now mother on the other hand would be shouting Jimmy did you make your bed. Did you put your dirty clothes in the cloths hamper. I better not find dirty Clothes under your bed. Oh and Jimmy did you get a new fresh pair of socks. Like I said it was just a dream for us to sit down and share a breakfast meal together as a family. So that is when I started bring my new family members to the breakfast table to share a meal and talk with me. Those new family members would be tiny, the stuffed elephant, squeaks the rubber toy mouse and Robbie the robot action figure.All three slept on my bookshelf above the clothes dresser. All three would wake up when my dad came to my bedroom door and shout "Hey Buddy time to wake up and get ready for school. I would Normally just roll over in bed and tell my self it was just a dream it's really saturday. Then the rude awaking,mom shouting "Jimmy Jones you get up this instance" Come on big guy replied tiny the elephant let's get a move on and get out of bed. Yeah remarked squeaks "Go time" But, Robbie the robot would alway say I thinks it's saturday Jimmy let's sleep in. These three were my long lost siblings. The were to dynamic trio! I love them with all my heart and I know they were real and alive ,but that is just a dream.So today as mom shouts get up this instance all three are their to support me and help me get myself in gear. T-shirt,jeans and of coarse a new fresh pair of socks and last but not least a new pair of boxers shorts. As ususal tiny is sticking his big trunk nose up into the air to sniff the air for delicious breakfast goodies. And as ususal his big report to all of us so its sausage not bacon and blueberry muffins not pancakes. Tiny , the mouse would just say give me the OJ and I am good. I always had to remind everyone take a bite of everything your father the chef puts on your plate and it was just a dream if you think donuts are the only breakfast food that's good to eat. So there you have it my normal start of a day routine with mom getting ready and dad reading the paper and me with my three siblings eating and talking at the breakfast table. As you can see my imagination is quite wild for it was just a dream to beleive my three buddies are real talking people.
My Family Breakfast Days
My Family Breakfast Days
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About Author
James brunnert
First time writing looking for a worthy challenge. Grandpa of four grandchildren. Hoping to sharp my skills and craft a good story for all to enjoy and make some coins. Please follow me on podcast on Podbean umpas story& Writing corner! As on
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