
What is love?
    Molly asks her mother, to which she replies:

"Symbols of strength, posterity and reason. For we need strength to emulate passion through all we do. Causing a rippling effect for youth to pass on. We give and get to provide hope for a better tomorrow!

So never give up?

Never give up my darling, for your deepest symphonies will strive for the best version of yourself and others. See yourself as I see you, a beautiful symbol of strength"

The warmth in the Rossi home was full of spirit. A perfect world meant for just those four. Guided by thee chorus, which is August and Maddie, their song would be forever more.

Comforting sun overpowers Alberni each summer and this day, Mothers Day would be no different.

Adam ever adamant about plucking his own strings, would rather skip out all together instead of banding with the family for a day full of collaboration. Celebrating others wasn't a teenage cool thing to do.

Annoyed Molly calls out to her slow poke brother who is off stoic in the plains leading up to the vineyard.

"We should dispense of him to save on food! (2)
    (Molly jokes)
Your brother is love, my darling we must carry the weight he burdens for....

Late the family was this day as they head out onto the winding roads leading up and around the mountains.

The Alastor Mountain, a pivotal base that carried the Port Town. The Metronome steadies the pace of all its surroundings. Boulders rock as the wind keeps melody, ever so synchronized.
One could call it a silent curse keeping rhythm.

"Your crowing gives me chills!
Why are you shrieking like this?" (2)
      Says Adam to his enchanting sister's lark!
"I've predicted good weather for today, because it's our lady's day today!" (2)
      Molly's Shakespearean ode to Mothers Day through her favourite poet’s view.

The music echoes in throws as an instrument tips off its base. As though the cabin they wore began to ding. Clang Pang Ting Clink then THUD. Their wooden frames snap crack and pop.
The shards gave comfort as the band danced out onto their tour.

Molly drifts uncomfortable.