
As though heard in a distance an angelic voice Carrie's way the tune...

"Lo here the gentle lark, weary of rest from his moist cabinet mounts up on high, and awakes the morning from whose silver breast.
The sun ariseth in his majesty.

Who doth the world so gloriously behold.
That cedar- tops and hills seem blur Ish’d gold." (1)

The melody awoke with her with no apparent vocal.

Molly opens her eyes, awaken from a deep slumber. The Alastor beamed the golden glare, sweltering down upon her.

Adam the Ass is hee-hawing in the distance.
Molly approaches, and he smiles.

"Why don't you come along with us, we're heading too the Loomis Valley to become musicians.
You've got a good voice Red, and if we make music together, why we're sure it would be a good thing!" (2)

Molly seemingly caught off guard by her brothers loving gesture, looks at the friends that have joined him in making this offer.

Kenny the K-9 holds a set of drums, while Feline Felice practices her back up vocals.

"She has a greatness skilled at night serenades Molly, your friend will make an excellent partner. Don't you think?"

Molly looks around to feel the crisp air peaking through the Rae's.
Her rest was more content than she's ever recalled.

Yea Red.
Who was singing just now?
Dionysus, of course. Praising this festivity we embark!
You, all of you don't seem right?
That's foolish! Come with us and find a better life somewhere other than this wide way."

Adam leads the way down the Inlet stretch. Kenny follows, as does Felice.
And with a strut and waddle, Molly decides to take them up on their proposal.

With music in her ears, and song lost in the air Molly barely notices the heavenly glow fade slowly as they go.

The travelling friends catch somnolence as they cannot make the trek in a single day.
Out of breath, their fresh embodiments need to take lay.

The K-9 scents an olive tree with strong bush and plentiful fruit. He and the Ass lay down at its core, while the feline crawls up a branch and Molly seemingly finds herself atop questioning the odd scenario.

Adam would play the lute!
Molly professes as she drifts asleep.