

The children would be treated to a day of fun, when the families of the church partook in a day of launch ball.

Jim & Ruth Pike owned the playful business on the beach.
A place to hang out and have bbq hotdogs and hamburgers, ice cold treats and all the delights every child could dream up!

This is a montage of love the couple had for their lost child.
Their daughter got lost in the Valley and was never found.

Adam & Kenny would prove that teenagers were better at bowling than Molly and her friend Felice,  who were only eight.

"But we're still great at only eight!"

Molly called her brother a lute! A grey bland instrument. And mock Kenny for beating an imaginary drum!!
        "The donkey and the dog, both lazy and have little bark!"
Felice would follow up, to Mollys mocking.

"Gutter ball Felice! You swim with the fishes!"
A reference to the Pike family- pikes in the gutter waters where those do not fish.

That night Maddie would read one of her favourite tales from a time where Molly overly enjoyed.

As Maddie read a final line:
" I'd rather sit behind the stove and purr than chase after mice. Anyways she managed to escape, but didn't know what to do or where to go?
Her vast ability's at night serenades would benefit to join them and become a musician!"(2)

Molly was fast asleep.
Maddie turned off the light, kissed her forehead and wished her a sound journey into rest.

Olive trees, winged blue teal's frolicking a top the trees. My oh my what a view that would be Molly dreamt. To be atop the olive tree looking out into the valley.
Maybe she could find the missing Pike, potentially a fish out of water laid upon the land desperately waiting to be found?

Her mind drifts from dancing fish to her brother, and song she erupts within her dream:

" The Beauteous influence that makes him bright, there lives a son that suckd an earthy mother, may lend thee light as though dost lend to other"(1)

The Shakespearean song calls out her lute brother in harmony, even in sleep.

Molly mumbles and turns over.

Fauna in the valley, taking shape without form.

She drifts.
Uncomfortable but foreshadowed a road paving its way through the Valley.
Uncomfortable Molly awakes!

It's Sunday Mothers Day.

Two point Five:

Her eye lids twitch, her body somewhat trembles. Oh, how she dreams...

Molly drifts into a deep vision of the reflective pool, the Loomis appears. As though appearing within the clouds above, Molly witnesses’ figments dance in the air surrounding her. Her feet do not touch the ground, rather they hover above land but equally to the Olive Trees of the Valley. 

Clear as day amidst the golden glow of the sun beaming off the Alastor. There they dance, these blurry figures together but appearing lonely. Molly reaches out her hand. It caresses through them. So vivid and real, Molly cannot comprehend.

Her eyes flinch as to demand an opening view, trapped shut engulfed in the vision.


The winged blue teal begins to appear in the distance.

Rain. Purple in color drops singularly down upon her hovering. The trees soak it in, as the figments begin to frolic over the beginning and the end of the Loomis. 

Molly see's day catching night, and a blast of radiating glow twinkles in fashion leaning down and onto the precarious Pike. A dog begins to bark at the fish jumping! Her vision shifts onto more animals.

The flooding of emotions over power her sight, as she can now hear and even reach down to touch the jumpers. A feline wanders toward the pool, her lips quiver in delight of the Pike. 

Molly could feel her wings expand as the air collides with the beam of light. It is then, she hears her brother mosey through the tree lines as a lark. Adam! 

The waters shift, creating more confusion mangled with a meaningful message connecting Molly to her sleep. The animals gather towards the Loomis. Each attempting to view their own reflection. The Pike split creating the mirror in which they could gaze. 

A spot of red glimmers between the donkey, feline and K-9. 

Something is missing, but she doesn't know what! The figments grow darker, heavier with their presence even more looming. 

Molly senses her hand lifting through the water towards the fauna. The red takes shape. Her eye lids catch the purple droplets, and she awakes!