
What is love?

Friendship, Family & Fauna, Molly reminds herself as she peers onto her sleeping mates.

The sun seems to only beam in the distance.

Red awakens her friends with her poetic verse of Lark. Each awakening as though injected into new life.
Thirsting, for the dryness of the Valley has dug deep into the friends much like the dusk that hasn't seemed to lift.

"I see the sun has risen down the inlet, shall we make our way there? (Molly clucks)
We shall gather enough fruit for our venture from this tree and hopefully quench our parched lips. (Kenny barks)"

The wind catches a wave and soon the melody changes scenes.
Brightness as though colored by children; a beige castle appears with blue waters surrounded. Not natural light, but a shine of imagery just appears.

Adam and Kenny race to the guarding waters desperate for a taste.
Quickly they realize that the abundant flow has quick snapping Pike, all hopping up and about.

"The fish are fishing, but for us!
(Felice declares)
We are out of water. Are we out of time too?
(Kenny says unusually)
They're guarding something friends, a verse we dare not sing."

Molly remembers how Jim & Ruth's daughter got lost in the Valley.
Symbolic of strength & reason are they, in this moment.
What other souls are lost to this moat, she questions herself.

The friends choose not to drink from the fountain, instead they are faced with a choice:
Travel back through the umbra or find the light!

"We must see our paths clearly!
(Adam declares)
Let us form posterity!"

The K-9 climbs on the Ass back, while the Feline claws her way atop them both. Again Red wings herself to stand above them all looking out to predict the whether Ing choice.

A winged blue teal float over the moat and grazes Red’s vision.

Her quest determined!